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About Lanasvape

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    He/him, They/them
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  1. y’all there’s nothing there…
  2. wait which store or website are we supposed to be looking on😭
  3. Has anyone gotten the link email yet??
  4. I pretty sure it is the print. It’s a weird cloud graphic?? You can see it better in the cardigan type thing on the shoulder
  5. And bows have always been apart of her style. For yearsss. and bows were heavily used in the ocean Blvd aesthetic before it blew up on Tik tok. She’s wearing bows in her hair in practically every photo and every live performance. But since that part of her aesthetic has blown up recently and been directly tied to her she’s probably just trying to cater to that
  6. I don’t think it’s supposed to. Like it’s bad but It’s like a parody of the “I ♥️ NY” style shirts
  7. You’re fucking kidding me…..
  8. Coke necklace coke necklace coke necklace Coke necklace coke necklace coke necklace Coke necklace coke necklace coke necklace
  9. Honey they aren’t even removing the tags… my $40 Ocean Blvd tee literally had a gildan tag.
  10. Idk if this is the thread I should be posting this in but does anybody know how to tell the difference from the original translucent white Blue Banisters pressing compared to the opaque repress if they’re still sealed? Like I know with some of the albums there’s a difference in the text on the back of the album I didn’t know if there was something like that for this pressing.
  11. Does anyone have the kraken files for all the leaks so far 😭 I’ve been scrolling for like an hour and I’ve only found the Y&B one.
  12. I’m going to my barns and noble today there’s Chemtrails In the sky so hopefully that’s a good sign I’ll get lucky.
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