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About X8vinylScratchX

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday December 28

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  1. It didn’t even know today was two year anniversary HBD to the best ballads in Lana’s discography! (And maybe top 3 album overall)
  2. D.R.I. LIVE: Worlds worst photographer here to show my front row photos of DRI. I have no idea how to post videos here so just pretend they’re moving and there’s sound i guess. They did a Thrashard/Dealing With it set, so they played all the iconic songs from those albums. Including I’d Rather Be Sleeping, Couch Slouch, I Don’t Need Society, Reaganomics, You Say I’m Scum, Thrashard, and more. I was front and center so i saw it all, massive moshpit behind me and at least 100 people crowdsurfed. Got kicked in the head and had people dropped on me like a dozen times but it’s all good.. I’ve also seen a very special Dungeon Synth performance from two projects Fief and Quest Master. Don’t know how to describe this, just very fantasy synth like music
  3. Happy COCC day. Those who’ve ever flown on Finnair know that this album is one of the free albums preloaded on the seat screen you can listen to. I listened to this album for 10 hours on a flight from the US to Finland. My fav songs are White Dress, Chemtrails, Tulsa, and Wild at Heart
  4. I hope it sounds very Baroque pop. But i also hope it just is at this point.
  5. 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 11 The Siren - 31 lustforlife - 33 lanaswildflowers - 16 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 Acid - 30 Prettiest Boy In Country Music - 18 Eugene - 13 Cake Bush - 13 Tartoes - 9 Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven - 10 Ivory Almond - 11
  6. Lanas response was rude i guess but it’s not serious enough or so out of pocket that i care in any way shape or form whatsoever. Like yeah she was being nice and going the extra mile by allowing to take a selfie when she didn’t want it shared but she did share it anyway but she misunderstood lana but blah blah blah who cares. The Twink discourse like 2 pages back was way more interesting that whatever this is!
  7. That’s right! This would kill at 4 AM with a Monster Energy and Eagle 20s
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