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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    Never Have I Ever

    Ohhh... SitarHero - 7 Never have I ever masturbated with anyone in the same room
  2. Don't even understand the DG comparison. You & Me is one of my all-time favorites so I'm with you on that one. It feels like an honest to god demo, but like it shouldn't have gone any further than that with it's weird production. Just sublime. It's kind of like a secret we're being let in on, just how kinda rough and personal it seems. I'm pretty sure I've already put Pin Up Galore in this thread, but no one ever discusses that one so I think it really applies. Dust is also paid to: Find My Own Way (SO MUCH) and (apparently, shockingly) Every Man Has His Wish. But if you know me, you know the most underrated song
  3. Sitar

    Never Have I Ever

    I do not understand this point system adding at all.
  4. Ladies and gentleman, for the very first time
  5. Sitar

    CANNES 2013

    lmao at Barrie's man jewelry
  6. Oh I didn't see that it was 12" Didn't even know that existed.
  7. I paid 12 GBP for mine, I think.
  8. Sitar


    Hey we have a thread for this, so I merged them I choked at the nature scene
  9. Sitar


  10. And now I've been waiting a month for Blue Jeans. Is it my address? This is bullshit.
  11. As long as She Will release it tbqh
  12. Sitar

    Oh this is really good.
  13. Cute! Lover's Fate gives me life because it's pretty much the only song where her voice sounds Sirens-esque apart from the album itself. Even "Fordham Road" and "Money Hunny", supposedly from the same year, sound deeper.
  14. It just has no impact as a title
  15. BORING, CUTTING IN HALF Cola - 42 Bel Air - 23 And now: Cola - 21 Bel Air - 12
  16. Sirens - Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
  17. This might be your favorite thread: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/473-lanalysis-relating-songs-to-knownassumed-relationships/ All of the relationship questions you asked are addressed + it's getting a big update soon. (evil, if you post the groundhog emote I'll kick your neck.)
  18. When do we know real charts, like Billboard?
  19. Sitar


    I love "Experimenting With Rugs" a lot, someone help?
  20. Only 610 feet away, why wouldn't you go witness it in person/s and f a little?
  21. Her head scarf But that's so awesome/I'm gonna shoot myself with jealousy!
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