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Everything posted by annedauphine

  1. Today is the embodiment of I’m so used to giving and now I get to receive
  2. Tysm for the thought I absolutely love the enthusiasm and I wish I could but my wallet just kicked my ass rip
  3. Hell gates will open at 9am on Friday. Expecting a Doom like experience
  4. OMG yes I'm dming you rn (sorry mods I instigated this)
  5. Omg I'm so sorry I'm confused / lost in translation What exactly do you mean please? I'm really scared of missing tickets but I don't really mind where I am in the room, I just want to hear / see her lol. So any ticket would do really. Also I informed my mom and she said "I hope this time her hairdresser will be on time"
  6. Honestly same, I am definitely getting seats. I am 28yo I'm getting old, I don't have the energy anymore to fight young lipsters for barricade
  7. I mentioned to my sister that I don't have a single buck for this show and she proposed by herself to lend me 150 euros knowing I will get paid next week. I am an absolute emotional mess rn I love her
  8. NO PLS DON'T REMIND ME LOL. Girls just wanna have funds for Lana shows I really hope you make it!!
  9. OMG if we both go () we have to say hi, last time I saw Lana was w you no lol We can't yet as far as I know, it's not even announced on the Olympia website yet But from what I gathered it opens at 9am on Friday
  10. ESPECIALLY SINCE I ONLY HAVE SEEN HER IN FESTIVAL CAN YOU BELIEVE??? I met her ass twice, Rough Trade London 2015 and randomly in London again in 2016, and I saw her live twice, and it was both in festival and one of them (the first, Les Vieilles Charrues iirc) was the biggest fucking regret of my life and I need to cleanse myself from it lol. Lolla Paris was nice but I realealalelalelelly for my own sanity need to see her in a standalone show OKAY NOW I AM GETTING HYPED LOL
  11. Ok ladies I decided I will do literally everything in my power and God's power to go anyway lol. I do *not* have the money for the tickets but who cares I'll leave a week later to the Hague. I just miss Lana too much last time I saw her was in 2017
  12. She announced a show just a few days before and the day I'm supposed to leave for my uni year I'm just sad cause it's going to be hell to get tickets
  13. If I'm going it's only to bitch slap her omg
  14. My cousin sent me this saying it's me Apparently it's from Pride but idk where lol
  15. THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY my head teacher at the Master program I'm doing starting September is teh one that made the font from the UV booklet I would literaLY DIE I REMEMBER NOW HE WAS THE ONE WHO INTERVIEWED ME AS WELL if I had known I would have LOST MY SHIT IMAGINE!!!!! Imagine making the font that make the lyrics of the best record ever made
  16. @Alison by Slowdive This is your place to shine
  17. annedauphine

    July Jones

    She was opening for Lauren Sanderson in Europe and so I saw her twice and her energy is IMMACULATE. Gonna blow up if she releases more mf songs like whyyyyy is not Cry when I cum on Spotify
  18. annedauphine

    Tove Lo

    So excited to see her w my sister on Monday
  19. To this point I've listened to a portrait of my love on her knees over 300 times and I can confidently say that I love it What a mf song. Fucking breaks me every single time I love the storytelling to death it's so silly in its simpleness but it just... I cried so many times over it... It really fondles my heartstrings. I don't even know why I listen to this song in particular this much cause I probably think dust bowl is superior but yeah... It has everything I love in a song
  20. Beautiful woman, for some reason this got me randomly emotional lol
  21. Yeah it's 99.9999% sure it is. However I would be incredibly interested in knowing if the Grand Cru designers got inspired by this Kylie logo The resemblance is just uncanny, a type designer friend on Twitter said it was custom bc the "K was too wide to be a normal font" and I thought it was fascinating.
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