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Crimson and Clover

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Everything posted by Crimson and Clover

  1. I would be equally happy with either an Alvvays or Lana win for best alternative music performance Belinda Says is such a great song
  2. need this rn (not happening with the weird country route she seems to be going in but a gay can dream)
  3. waiting for taco truck x VB x TT x Venice Bitch
  4. who tf is Christopher Rowe and what did he do to these songs
  5. Crimson and Clover


    The Attic is Sick of the Sun/Hysteria 2.0, love her sm for having at least one emotionally striking song in each album
  6. A bit awkward considering they sent this right after the other letter written signed by the 55 generally more well-liked celebrities calling for a ceasefire in Gaza..either way, writing a letter literally does nothing for anyoneeee but virtue signal https://www.artists4ceasefire.org/
  7. this will definitely go very well..either way, what do they expect Joe Biden to do This reminds me when all those celebrities sang Imagine during the pandemic
  8. Need this or with Jamie XX would be a breath of fresh air after the Zara Larson poppers sounding songs we’ve been getting
  9. It feels like she’s been popping out the same generic gay nightclub house music track for like two years now idk how she’s not tired of this sound. I get she knows her poppers loving audience but it’s getting so tired when this sound has been everywhere for like half a decade by now
  10. any Jamie xx song they worked together on
  11. Literally one of her best songs, an underdog for sure
  12. Stand By Man and Diet Mtn Dew are the bane of my existence that DMD live rendition is SO BAD I’m sorry to say it, the studio version clears. I feel like live versions should be better than studio versions but that’s not the case with DMD
  13. I still really appreciate how this is her only(?) song that fades out, I really want more sounds like that gives it a bit more of a 80s/90s feeling almost?
  14. as someone with the original pressing, these look much better omg now I wish I bought the repress the original ones are sooo thin and low quality feeling
  15. I tried doing this with VB at OSL like..stop staring at me y’all and start chanting!!
  16. this whole EP would instantly go viral on TikTok, I am EXTREMELY surprised it hasn’t yet tbh
  17. I still don’t understand her cutting VB off her setlist she made it like less than 3 minutes long a piece of me died when she didn’t perform at OSL like it’s a classic song at this point
  18. Grandfather will always be that girl, absolutely on another level her little GY!BE moment
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