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Crimson and Clover

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  1. GodBlessMe liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    rare aesthetic but this was the cover art I had on the pirated version of BtD I had on my iPod classic :,) (don’t worry I have like 3 versions of it on vinyl now diudeidj)  
    also this iconic edit that I thought was gonna be in UV 
  2. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    not that old but
  3. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    honestly i'd rather lana travel than hold book signings and such   it seems like so many celebrities are travelling w/o repercussions but that's the privilege that comes with the status i suppose   
  4. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    not that old but
  5. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    good afternoon to dark but just a game and to dark but just a game only 
    anyone wanna see lana do some spoken word/ethereal wave songs? we saw her dip her toes into spoken word with Tropico and Violet, but I'd love actual song songs. looks like we're not gonna get it for COCC obviously, but i'm hoping she steps more out of her comfort zone for the next album  wouldn't mind it just being an interlude tbh but i love getting lost in songs like this  
  6. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    not that old but
  7. electra liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    not that old but
  8. Butterfly Knife liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    stans were extra toxic back in 2012 
  9. GodBlessMe liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
    this thread is giving me quarter life crisis tea but i'm living for it 

  10. GodBlessMe liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Do You Deserve a Veterans Discount?   
  11. americangothic liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Lana's diction and incomprehensible lyrics   
    I mainly hear these lyrics, Crowley way of being makes more sense for me on Get Free because she cast that spell on D Trump. I hear Life's Dream more on VB but it would make more sense for it to be livestream tbh. 
    For Swan Song, I hear "Dive in, dive deep in dark blue suede." I think it's more of her visual imagery (like "I dream in jeans and leather"), suede is basically a velvety leather material so it provides dark blue (deep, sad emotion) velvety imagery I guess? 
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