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  1. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    honestly the last 6 minutes are so unnecessary also i felt awkward watching chuck "acting" poor sis didn't know what to do down there 
    then there's that girl that looks like she's about to drown 
  2. Starsx liked a post in a topic by #glimmeringdarling in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I just can't watch this video the same way knowing that it was used unleaked UV footage that finally saw the light of day. I'm happy we finally got to see the video but it would've topped the short life of the UV era perfectly. A controversial video tributing an old serial killer in a controversial era based off a mans violence.  Unfortunately i've accepted the fact that that was the video we got for a song that has nothing to do with the footage. The underwater girls had potential too but instead they turned out to be a 6 minute long end credit. 
    Lucky for Lana that 2012 throwback look made up for it (kinda)   
  3. Starsx liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Well, here we go again Lanaboards
    This was... unexpected. I wasn't really expecting the last five minutes to be only filled with the water girls. That felt, well, like it missed something, even cheap at some point. The video seems to have a story but it's kinda messy, you really have to think it out, it's feels that the video wants you to fill the gaps and the end the story, it's not really there like on Blue Jeans, Born To Die, SS or High By The Beach, it's more like, MTWBT and West Coast, idk. I really loved the begining, Father being crazy and following Lana around in the middle of nowhere, getting high because there's not much really anything else to do, that's how it feels to me, they're just getting high because well, it's fun? it's on the second verse shit starts to not make sense to me.
    Like ok, she's sad because John is so rough with her so she tries to change the mood putting some music, ok, we're ok here thanks, But then when she goes "looking back my past it all seems stranger than a Stranger" we see a blurred shot of Rob and who I assume to be Nabil? wtf moment right there guys
    But I can let it slide cuz maybe in her past (as in the character of the video ) Nabil was her boyfriend and Rob her dad and she left them to get high, sad, chased and insulted by Father? because that's what Lana sees as the american dream gone wrong? See how far I am reaching? Mess.
    But we see another hole, right before the chorus she puts her hand in a pool inside the house (that's a wtf moment right there) and as she touches it the water gleams, like in the water scenes we see once the song is finished
    wich makes me think this is Lana's death. If we think off as the water scenes with Clair De Lune as the afterlife I connect Lana touching the water as she killing herself, not being able to stand being with Father John Misty anymore (either because he treats her mean or because she can't stand being around his beard anymore, we'll never know) she decides to drown herself. Another weird thing is that this is the only time we see water or a connection with the water scenes while Freak plays. Being the only connection with we had with the end besides the girls from music to watch boys to.
    But you'll be saying "oh boy, you are so dumb, Lana is shown to be alive when the bridge kicks in, drinking the kool aid" but I have an answer to that.
    what if that represents Lana after dying, the way Jonh is standing behind her, waiting her to drink the kool aid, even the girls are waiting her to drink the kool aid, and as she grabs it, the girls seem to turn around (look at their feets) 
    and then BOOM Lana is dead, and her definition of paradise is dancing with her one true love, even if that means he hurt you too, because it doesn't matter, he loves you and you love him back and that's all you need (well, that and polygamy) in that shot is the first time Lana wearing white in the whole video so far, besides her being the only one changing her look, going from summer girl to suffering widow in all black to white pure girl finally leaving all her sins behind. 
    I interpretate the swim scenes like this: As Clair De Lune starts Lana jumps in to the pool and her facial expression seems to be the one of a surprised person or something between that. To me she's seeing Misty and the girls and waiting for her, waiting her to join them, this doesn't mean Father is dead, I see it as a manisfestation, you know how people say heaven is where everything you love is, and well, in Lana's heaven father is there. The water girls are there too but they've been an allucination since the beginning so they've never been alive, they're a product of the LSD trip 
    I want to share something else tho
    Theory or fact: The endless summer tour buildings were inspired by the Wiltern. 
    the wiltern:
  4. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Never wanna see music video footage like this again ...

    Srsly, she had the dancing cult girls and decided to go for still images of FJM motionless sitting around with three girls?!? During the f*cking dynamic chorus of the song which has a beat MADE for dancing cult girls?!?
  5. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Nick Del Rey in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Im more excited about Lana's new hair than I am about Freak, I was disappointed the fact that its all old footage in slow motion, It would've been a flawless Ultraviolence video it makes me sad lol but im glad we at least got the footage
  6. Starsx liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I never want to see the words "featuring the girls from Music to Watch Boys To" ever again
  7. riina liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  8. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  10. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  11. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  12. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I really liked the video. It's the best thing she's done all era, even though it's literally old UV era footage and doesn't fit the vibe of Freak or Honeymoon as a whole album. So technically the Honeymoon era is legit half dead
    I love how the Ultraviolence era is still alive and breathing!
  13. BlueJeans liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  14. Starsx liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    She prob started seeing all those 2012 photos and thought: DAMN i was so hot, let me get my old hair back 
  15. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Not me guessing the release date of freak and the video ending with clair de lune. I must be some kind of prophet
  16. Starsx liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    like honestly... i imagine this being her legitimate thought process when viewing back the edit: 
    "hmm... its slow. white. languid! ethereal. angelic. the piano! water. holy? sure." 
    30 seconds later, after pulling her hand out of the birds nest in father john's corduroys: "...they'll think of death! and resurrection! and baptism! and purity! and like... contradictions! hahaha whatever they'll love it. i mean, its me. plus, all that french new wave shit is typically boring and pointless to the vast majority anyway, so its not like they'll even know the difference" 
    like, there's nothing beyond a few vague and half assed associations here and it shows. but she looks really good. bitch! 
  17. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  18. guardian liked a post in a topic by Starsx in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Lana is serving me fresh on the scene Born To Die 2012 looks.If she starts wearing her Ferrari jacket again, I'll die. She's such a beauty queen
  19. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Bambi Lies in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    When Lana is becoming like so many other Youtube stars - great content in the beginning but a little shitty with fame.
  20. Starsx liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I loooooooooooooooooove the video. Lana looks STUNNING in the it. She needs to bring this beauty queen back. The visuals make sense to me. She's giving this man acid and taking him on a "trip" and there he meets all these beautiful women. No, it's not literally about taking someone to California, but she's still taking him somewhere. Basically to another dimension or a fantasy.

    I liked that the footage looked like it wasn't shot on a cheap iPhone app.
    My interpretation is that they both die. Lana's death is this part

    And his death is the last five minutes in the water. He's overdosing and it's his perspective.
    With that said, I thought the water parts were too long. I was really disappointed to see that she used some of the same exact footage as she did in the MTWBT video. I thought there was a possibility she would use some of this water material she had, but I expected her to at least use different parts. It also went on for way too long. I get that he's dying, but she could have cut it down to like one minute and then ended it with the shot of his face and it would've been fine. Maybe I wouldn't have this complaint I hadn't already seen some of this stuff in her previous video, but since she didn't even bother to remove the outtakes from MTWBT, all I could think about during those five minutes was how she needs to step up her motivation game.
  21. Starsx liked a post in a topic by slang in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    Freak, wherein we learn:
    Interscope probably only budgeted for 2 videos, and the third is yet another personal vblog of LDR-style ambiguity that will never be broadcast outside of Youtube (because of obvious drug references). FJM probably participated as a friend, and it seems he is a little drug sympathetic too (or at least admits to dropping acid recreationally at Taylor Swift concerts).
    As for LDR's relation to FJM in the video, there are lots of things uncertain for me. I don't know if she's real to FJM or whether FJM imagines her; it's interesting that he can only dance with her after he takes the acid (and it's interesting that only LDR can give him the acid, and she takes none?). If she is real, then one can speculate on whether she is trying to kill FJM (giving him acid in an initially high place--as with her left-hand tattoo, which gets airplay), or whether she is abstaining from the acid and other drugs (flash to koolaid dripping down her chin, and maybe it's just koolaid) in order to be a "designated" acid tour guide.
    As for the beautiful dancing underwater girls, my only criticism here, is that, as perfect as Debussy's Clair de Lune is for background music, it's such an easy solution for background music, that I wouldn't have minded her trying to compose something herself for that (or maybe hiding another video within Freak, e.g., Life is Beautiful might have been an ironic twist). It would have made the video more personal and informative, imo. But I still like the Freak video as non-redundant with her other work (even given the visual overlap with MTWBT). Now I wonder if she'll ever release the video for Honeymoon she's mentioned.
    Finally, I dislike the heaven interpretation for the "floating girls" segment, because people like Mark Dice have already condemned the Freak video on youtube, saying in effect it promotes satanism (aka suicide) and cultism as false paths to heaven. I do think people are "garden pathed" into thinking about Jonestown and Manson, but I don't see any strong suggestion on the part of either FJM or LDR about suicide, satanism, or cults being desireable. I haven't taken (or recommend) drugs, but I'm knowledgeable enough to understand people don't take drugs to go to heaven but to attempt heaven-like experiences on earth. So maybe the POV of the video is that, in this particular case, Father John Misty got lucky with respect to his trip and had a nice time, which is the most straightforward interpretation of the floating girls I can think of (and if you watch till the end, you see FJM get inserted into their slo-mo frolics).
  22. Starsx liked a post in a topic by thatsomason in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I love this video a lot, it's beautifully done. I think the girls underwater represent heaven for FJM, they're like sirens/mermaids leading him to the great beyond (clair de lune went well for this)
  23. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    I can't get over how good she looked last night. She looked happy and HER AUBURN HAIR WAS BACK and her outfit wasn't amazing but it wasn't trifling either. I literally never thought we would ever get to see the return of the auburn hair again, but here we are. I love when she does things like dye her hair back and sing unreleased songs on tour. Unpredictable queen.
  24. Starsx liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    But all in all, better video than HBTB & MTWBT combined
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