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  1. Escapism liked a post in a topic by theviolence in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I saw a Love poster in shoreditch, London today I wonder where else in london they've been put up
  2. AngelManeman liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm kind of excited for the Mad Hatter video but at the same time I feel like she might overdo the "I'M CRAZY" mindset, I understand it's apart of the character and it's supposed to be exaggerated but like yikes (looking at the perfume milk commercial and alphabet boy). It just seems super tryhard sometimes, i guess and I don't see the point of it being used as often as it is which is probably why I dislike it sometimes. 
    I do hope that she goes down the American Mcgee Alice route if she wants to make it creepy, I think it could really work.
  3. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Melanie Martinez   
    So we know the new album is going to be released in Fall (September-November) It is more hip-hop influenced, and she's playing around with vintage squeak toy noises The album is based in Cry Baby's Neighbourhood, but the title will NOT be the name of the Neighbourhood.... interesting... I wonder if it's gonna have a school theme.... That would totally get me like The Birthday Massacre's album Walking with Strangers (btw if you dont know this band and you like rock music as well you will love them, cause they have pretty electronic sounds like mel as well)
    I kinda really want a CAKE video, but she's already used cake in her pit party video. 
    Cake is my favourite Melanie song and i have no clue why????
  4. evalionisameme liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Melanie Martinez   
    I'm kind of excited for the Mad Hatter video but at the same time I feel like she might overdo the "I'M CRAZY" mindset, I understand it's apart of the character and it's supposed to be exaggerated but like yikes (looking at the perfume milk commercial and alphabet boy). It just seems super tryhard sometimes, i guess and I don't see the point of it being used as often as it is which is probably why I dislike it sometimes. 
    I do hope that she goes down the American Mcgee Alice route if she wants to make it creepy, I think it could really work.
  5. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    + totally plagiarizes a chorus from a Halsey song.. 
  6. Escapism liked a post in a topic by expandableclitoris in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    graham comments are a mixture of farfetched/shakespearean-esque texts and schizophrenic drafts
    i dont even know if i TRY to understand them or simply agree
  7. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    graham is Lana's secret account
  8. Escapism liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    OTTR is a masterpiece, lyrically and sonically
  9. Escapism liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ideally, there is an actual bop on this album. An OTTR or Lolita to carry us into summer. I would even take a MTWBT. But god please don't give me an album full of Love. Just re-record Serial Killer  
  10. Escapism liked a post in a topic by white gold in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly I personally get annoyed when people around me sing along really loud at shows I go too--but I understand that an artist probably wants a "good crowd". Regardless, Lana knows by now to know what she's getting herself into when she books certain gigs: she expects rowdy American audiences and less rowdy European audiences. Both are fine and she probably enjoys at performing at a variety of venues with different types of crowds. We all know how nervous she can get, but on the flipside, we've all seen her drop it low when the crowd loses it As much as we joke that she probably hates performing and hates promo in general, she's at artist and the end of the day and loves most (if not all) her performances regardless. and i want her to promo the shit out of this era please mom do it for the coins
  11. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Sky Ferreira   
    Well that sucks. But, thank you for the information- it's nice to know that they at least considered doing a pressing.
  12. Escapism liked a post in a topic by rumandrit in Twitter Updates   
    Honestly....  When I first read ab this this week I was like cool w/e
    But when lana got involved I'm like ok got it I'm a witch now. 
    Lana calls imma come thru (video in progress):


    eta from snapchat: 
    and I was also shooting w the cool vhs app:

  13. Escapism liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Will Lana do a deluxe version since this is an album for the fans and not just her own history?
  14. Escapism liked a post in a topic by eatmyass666 in Lana filming something on February 23   
    p sure what they were shooting yesterday was probably for the album sampler or just a photoshoot. I feel like they wouldnt be doing something this late in production.. but idk
  15. Escapism liked a post in a topic by terusama in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    lana at buzzfeed:

  16. Escapism liked a post in a topic by luminom in Lana filming something on February 23   
    I am my only god
  17. Escapism liked a post in a topic by LDR5 in Lana filmed another video with Rich Lee   
    oh true. i never knew ab burnt norton tho. ik lana wanted to do a dark paradise video that never went through. and cola too, it was initially gonna be the lead single for paradise
  18. Escapism liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Lana filming something on February 23   
    great post, but according to the Church of Satan's fundamental beliefs they don't worship Satan, nor do they make animal sacrifices. though people do whatever in the name of religion so who knows.
    either way, i don't get the big deal. lana didn't announce that she is now the devil's mistress and her music is dedicated to evil. 
    i'm so curious to know what this is for. what if it's not for the album at all but a project that chuck is working on?
  19. Escapism liked a post in a topic by frankie in Lana filming something on February 23   
    i dont care if lana is just doing a loose ~dark witchy gal~ theme for her album or shes actually a devout paganist or satanist, why would that mean you couldnt enjoy her music?
  20. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lana filming something on February 23   
    There's a lot of talk about Satanism right now.
    I've read the Satanic bible a hundred times over. Satanists CAN worship Satan - it's called SATANism for a reason. However, like all religions, there are different levels of commitment one can have to the religion. Some people choose to incorporate some Satanic beliefs into their lives, others go all the way (like becoming a member of the Church of Satan - yes, this really exists).
    Satanism can actually be very reasonable in terms of living without many constrictions (unlike the bible) and most followers are very kind and respectful to each other. It's a free religion and although I don't identify as a Satanist, I can agree with a lot of the things Satanists believe. But of course you get the very bad things like sacrificing Rams, babies and/or virgins (this DOES happen, there have been many reported cases of it) but overall I don't think it's all too common. But c'mon, I don't think Lana would ever sacrifice animals or a human, let's be fuckking real.
    I understand why some of you are put off by Satanism, it can be a bad religion at times, just like any other religion. It has it's good and bad beliefs and good and bad followers.
    Now, on to Lana and Satanism:
    To be brutally honest, I think Lana is just going for the aesthetic for the upcoming album/music video. Although I don't doubt she may have an interest in occultism, but that's perfectly fine in my opinion.
    For those who don't know, Lana identifies as a CATHOLIC. NOT Pagan, NOT Satanist, NOT Buddhism etc. So please take that into account. Although I suppose people can change but we don't personally know Lana, so we can't really say.
    Overall, please stop overreacting. Please stop being so butt hurt. Some people are into different things and that's okay, we can't all be the same. If Lana is a Satanist, personally I'd be okay with it as long as she doesn't go to the extreme lengths of the religion like sacrificing babies and animals.
  21. Escapism liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Lana filming something on February 23   
    people need to educate themselves on what "satanism" actually is. it has nothing to do with worshipping satan. (also, p.s., satan isn't real.)
    i don't think lana is even a satanist, though. i think she's deeply fascinated by the esoteric and mysticism and the so-called "dark" side of life. 
  22. Escapism liked a post in a topic by July 21 fam in Lana filming something on February 23   
    Well I hope she doesn't give a fuck because what we think doesn't really matter in the end. If she's into this, who cares, she makes amazing music and that's really the only thing we even need to worry about  
    I'm honestly really tired of the people who are freaking out about her tweet. I'm here for the music and Lana as a person is just a plus. And if she's a witch, cool. If not, cool.
  23. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Lana filming something on February 23   
    The witch theme gives me life
  24. Escapism liked a post in a topic by K-Mail in K-Mail - LDR traditional art.   
    Hey kids
    I've been drawing Lana for years now and I've shared some of my drawings as status updates here but I've decided to start a topic where I'll be posting them for you to see. Any comments would be appreciated.
    So here's the newest one, inspired by the LOVE music video and the song itself:

    There is a lot more on my IG page, also other people (Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, BANKS and others) so feel free to check them out
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