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  1. Lanas honey pot liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Does your family know about Lana?   
    I actually turned my mom into a stan My mom and I always share whatever music we're into with each other, so she's heard a good mix of all of Lana's music from me, and ended up liking it-- now, she watches the entire "Ride" video every morning ("Luke, I feel like she's talking about me!!!") and sings Lizzy-era stuff all the time (PMIAM gets stuck in her head a lot, and I'll hear her singing it while she cleans-- I never expect to hear "you can be my daddy" come from my mother's lips, but what can u do). Besides "Ride", her other favorite track is "Kill Kill". And, I've told her enough useless Lana trivia that she knows it by heart now-- the other day, I was playing "Yayo", and she says, "Hey, wasn't that in the Keds ad Lana did?" and I cried a little bit inside because I stan that obsessively and she knows it
    My dad knows she exists, but that's about it-- and my brother doesn't really care for her music, aside from Y&B and the SS remix  
    As for what music I grew up listening to, my mom listened to a bit of everything-- but it may have been some of the 50s/60s pop she listened to (The Shirelles, Elvis, The Beach Boys, etc.) that really turned me on to Lana's vintage/retro vibes.
  2. bluejeanbaby liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Does your family know about Lana?   
    I actually turned my mom into a stan My mom and I always share whatever music we're into with each other, so she's heard a good mix of all of Lana's music from me, and ended up liking it-- now, she watches the entire "Ride" video every morning ("Luke, I feel like she's talking about me!!!") and sings Lizzy-era stuff all the time (PMIAM gets stuck in her head a lot, and I'll hear her singing it while she cleans-- I never expect to hear "you can be my daddy" come from my mother's lips, but what can u do). Besides "Ride", her other favorite track is "Kill Kill". And, I've told her enough useless Lana trivia that she knows it by heart now-- the other day, I was playing "Yayo", and she says, "Hey, wasn't that in the Keds ad Lana did?" and I cried a little bit inside because I stan that obsessively and she knows it
    My dad knows she exists, but that's about it-- and my brother doesn't really care for her music, aside from Y&B and the SS remix  
    As for what music I grew up listening to, my mom listened to a bit of everything-- but it may have been some of the 50s/60s pop she listened to (The Shirelles, Elvis, The Beach Boys, etc.) that really turned me on to Lana's vintage/retro vibes.
  3. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Does your family know about Lana?   
    Interesting topic. I am older than most of you. (60, ouch) My family knows that I have seen Lana but they have no idea how big a fan I am. My family and friends have no idea about my YouTube channel of the Lana and Bob videos. My friends daughter who is 19 knows. She told me that some of her friends have seen them. I actually have a mild fear that someone I know will see one and then spread the word or post on Facebook. It's just that I don't have the energy to walk someone through the whole Lana saga. I am sure they would all love her voice but probably wouldn't get my enthusiasm. I've made over 30 videos and no one has bumped into them yet so I think I'm safe for a while.
  4. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by white gold in Does your family know about Lana?   
    Okay so I just wanted to share a random thought I had today and pose a question to y'all. 
    I was reading this interview for the first time today and she directly compared UV's sound to The Eagles. My mom used to always play The Eagles in the car while growing up. Now when I visit home she always plays that satellite radio station "70's on 7" since that was the era she grew up in, and occasionally they play stuff like Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, etc. and it got me thinking. I already kind of thought this but never really shared it with anyone, but UV probably had me hooked because I was raised around that type of music and it's kind of familiar to me (though I definitely wasn't exposed to psychedelic type rock as a kid lol )
    I have 3 older sisters who drove me around a lot when I was younger, and they played a lot of Tori Amos, Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Joni Mitchell, etc. They're particularly obsessed with Bob Dylan. I remember they would always tan in the backyard while listening to the Beatles too lol. Lana actually reminds me of my older sisters tbh, which is probably why I’m so obsessed with her (a lot of my siblings and I moved away from each other around the time BTD and UV came out, and I kind miss them a lot sometimes). Also the youngest one got into a lot of rap music when she was in high school (she smoked a lot of pot lmao) but my older sisters were not those kind of girlies.    Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that Lana’s music seems kind of like a natural midpoint of all these different artists. I mean, she’s an individual and isn’t exactly like any one of these artists, but it’s really cool how she pulls a lot from these genres I was exposed to as a kid. I’m really thankful to have her as an artist in this day and age, because there’s absolutely no one like her in this kind of space. The nostalgic feeling she evokes for me is really unique, which is why I always get super duper excited for her releases.    I haven’t introduced her to any of my siblings or my mom. I remember playing “Blue Jeans” in the car while my mom was teaching me how to drive but she was too busy teaching me how to drive to comment on the music I was playing lmao. I'm honestly not sure how they would react, and I barely have an idea of what they listen to nowadays. There’s no natural way to bring her up at our family holidays tbh, but I would say she was my favorite artist if they ever asked me.    Anyways, sharing the musical interests of my family was basically a roundabout way of asking y’all: Does your family like Lana? Do they have an opinions on her? Do they know who she is? Do you think any of the music your parents/siblings like passed onto you? Any of it related to Lana?  
    Honestly I've thought about bringing her up (when the opportunity presents itself--I don't want to be an annoying campaigning stan), but I know I would be so triggered if they trashed her or had some pre-conceived negative opinion on her.
    my dad hardcore stans Jimmy Buffett and didn't interact with me that much as a kid so there's that too 
  5. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Nick's uninspired Edits   
    Hey guys,
    Right from the beginning: I am not a really creative person and not skilled with Photoshop or similar programs at all. So this is jsut gonna be my edits I'm doing for myself to pass some time or to actually use for unreleased songs or whatever. 
    Do not expect anything special here
    LDR5 concept art

    Fine China cover art

    Yes To Heaven cover art

    old and simple Salvatore Cover Edit (with the wrong font )
  6. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by theviolence in Lana filmed another video with Rich Lee   
    The old dark paradise, cola, pwyc, ultraviolence, burnt norton
  7. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana filming something on February 23   
    I feel like that's just a palm frond that they're jokingly riding like a broom? Though it is sus with the recent witch activity. Hope she doesn't reshoot the album cover while filming the album trailer like with Honeymoon
  8. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Lana filming something on February 23   
    Lana did a film on February 23 with a Super 8 camera  

  9. True Romance liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Kali Uchis   
    I still really need someone to direct me to a good Kali masterpost or send me Drunken Babble + her unreleased, please! I'm desperate to listen to more than just Por Vida
  10. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by SpaceX in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Inb4 "Sry witches. I know you were waiting. Another time."
  11. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    BuzzFeed is really up on Lana lately lol

  12. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    stop leaking current materials and leak lib your gorl , aka mertens/david khane versions , and the rich whores recordings
  13. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Get that promo I guess lmao

  14. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    OMG apparently there's going to be a CD single! THIS HASN'T HAPPENED SINCE DARK PARADISE!

  15. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Twitter Updates   

  16. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Twitter Updates   
    Ohhhh myyyyy goddddddddd I just woke up to this and I am crying and screaming I can't believe it my two favourites I am so happy

  17. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Twitter Updates   
    Lana x Cat

  18. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana and the Illuminati   
    It's really a shame LDR.FM doesn't exist anymore so I could substantiate my making the first reference to Baphomet on a Lana forum.
    Edit: Actually my early Baphomet references were on this forum in these status updates:

    She's really into the masters of every puppet...
  19. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana and the Illuminati   
    I've been meaning to post this for a while, but it seems Lana has been inspired by Baphomet (symbol for an alternative idol/deity) by quite some time. I first blatantly noticed this in 2014 when I was watching the Carcassonne concert and noticed her doing the two-finger gesture multiple times during the show. After searching about Lana & Baphomet, it was brought to my attention that she has made this gesture in many music videos, performances, etc. After posting her "solve et coagula" bio, which is written upon Baphomet's arm, I knew that this was more than just a theory. I'm not sure if this has been spoken about before, but it's just something interesting I thought I would share.


  20. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Lana and the Illuminati   
    I haven't read this whole thread but the notion that Lana or some other high profile artists are involved in some Satanic cult whose agenda is to lead us all down the path to meet Satan is absurd.
    If Lana is leading me through the gates of hell I will follow and just make sure to drink lots of water, it's supposed to be hot down there!
  21. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think it's starting to get to the point where no one can say what they really think about anything on here in fear they will get ridiculed for it. Once someone says something bad to someone, others hop on the bandwagon for the sake of it and ends up on an almost cyber bullying level.
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