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Lana @ Met Gala 2018

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It's a great costume for a theme-gala - displaying both religious imagery and the laughable oppulence of medieval catholisicm (although the latter is probably not intentional). If you think about it, that theme and respective outfits show what always has been (and probably always will be) wrong with catholisicm - and how some of the exact same problems have transcended into todays society. Katy Perry, SJ Parker and Madonna looked hillariously stupid in their embarassing attempts to impress. IMO Lana, Jared and Alessandro actually were amongst the best costumes. However, those were costumes, no reason to believe it indicates anything about upcoming songs or visuals.





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I loved this years MET Gala theme but can someone explain to me why it's not considered cultural appropriation if it's christian religion ??

If it had been something like "islam in fashion" or domething else i'm sure there would have been an uproar from SJWS etc and i honestly dont get how this is any different: celebrities dressing as religious figures and sexualising christian symbols ?


Don't come for me because i don't really care and i'm not religious myself, i just can't see why this wouldn't be considered cultural aapropriation since many attendees are for sure not catholic


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I loved this years MET Gala theme but can someone explain to me why it's not considered cultural appropriation if it's christian religion ??

If it had been something like "islam in fashion" or domething else i'm sure there would have been an uproar from SJWS etc and i honestly dont get how this is any different: celebrities dressing as religious figures and sexualising christian symbols ?


Don't come for me because i don't really care and i'm not religious myself, i just can't see why this wouldn't be considered cultural aapropriation since many attendees are for sure not catholic

i’m really tired so this is a pretty generalized statement but the difference is that no one faces oppression for practicing catholicism. like the main deal with cultural appropriation is usually that it has do with people being systematically oppressed for something be it religion or just their own culture and then later the same people who were the oppressors decide “this is fashion” and use the thing they previously used as a vehicle for bigotry as an accessory. this is an incomplete statement bc i didn’t mention other things but it’s 2:30 am and i’m going to sleep so someone else can finish this for me and probably be more concise and comprehensible lol. mainly the people in power have been catholic/christian/whatever and reverse racism doesn’t exist so it’s not the same thing . it is technically cultural appropriation but that phrase was invented by people of color to describe their specific experiences and so i wouldn’t really feel comfortable using that phrase to describe this. if you take it out of context and look at the definition of the words separately then yes it does apply to this situation, but you can’t really take it out of context because the context of historical racism and bigotry is crucial and part of the definition itself . sorry this was so messy like i said it’s the middle of the night and i can barely see out of my eyes lol idk how to say what i mean rn, i think i just restated the same thing over and over when i meant to make a couple different points lol someone else take this one pls


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i’m really tired so this is a pretty generalized statement but the difference is that no one faces oppression for practicing catholicism. like the main deal with cultural appropriation is usually that it has do with people being systematically oppressed for something be it religion or just their own culture and then later the same people who were the oppressors decide “this is fashion” and use the thing they previously used as a vehicle for bigotry as an accessory. this is an incomplete statement bc i didn’t mention other things but it’s 2:30 am and i’m going to sleep so someone else can finish this for me and probably be more concise and comprehensible lol. mainly the people in power have been catholic/christian/whatever and reverse racism doesn’t exist so it’s not the same thing . it is technically cultural appropriation but that phrase was invented by people of color to describe their specific experiences and so i wouldn’t really feel comfortable using that phrase to describe this. if you take it out of context and look at the definition of the words separately then yes it does apply to this situation, but you can’t really take it out of context because the context of historical racism and bigotry is crucial and part of the definition itself . sorry this was so messy like i said it’s the middle of the night and i can barely see out of my eyes lol idk how to say what i mean rn, i think i just restated the same thing over and over when i meant to make a couple different points lol someone else take this one pls

tell that to the irish or scots, there's been a lot of (violent) anti catholic movements throughout history lmao.


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tell that to the irish or scots, there's been a lot of (violent) anti catholic movements throughout history lmao.

i didn’t say that never happened lmao (or i guess i kind of did bc of my bad wording, but that’s not what i meant)

catholics have never been a minority in america the same way that non western religions have been, and i was looking at this thru the lense of american history because this is an american event


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i’m really tired so this is a pretty generalized statement but the difference is that no one faces oppression for practicing catholicism. like the main deal with cultural appropriation is usually that it has do with people being systematically oppressed for something be it religion or just their own culture and then later the same people who were the oppressors decide “this is fashion” and use the thing they previously used as a vehicle for bigotry as an accessory. this is an incomplete statement bc i didn’t mention other things but it’s 2:30 am and i’m going to sleep so someone else can finish this for me and probably be more concise and comprehensible lol. mainly the people in power have been catholic/christian/whatever and reverse racism doesn’t exist so it’s not the same thing . it is technically cultural appropriation but that phrase was invented by people of color to describe their specific experiences and so i wouldn’t really feel comfortable using that phrase to describe this. if you take it out of context and look at the definition of the words separately then yes it does apply to this situation, but you can’t really take it out of context because the context of historical racism and bigotry is crucial and part of the definition itself . sorry this was so messy like i said it’s the middle of the night and i can barely see out of my eyes lol idk how to say what i mean rn, i think i just restated the same thing over and over when i meant to make a couple different points lol someone else take this one pls

my point had nothing to do with racism or reverse racism


Christianity is a religious belief like any other and just like other religions it has done both good AND bad. Why should we defend islamic cultural appropriation for example and not our own ? I don't see any difference at all


If katy perry (a christian) dresses """asian"" it's not good but if let's say bella hadid (a muslim) dresses as the Virgin Mary it's acceptable ???



Once again i'm not personally offended i just dont see any difference since christianity actually has always had  a very deep and long influence in culture


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my point had nothing to do with racism or reverse racism


Christianity is a religious belief like any other and just like other religions it has done both good AND bad. Why should we defend islamic cultural appropriation for example and not our own ? I don't see any difference at all


If katy perry (a christian) dresses """asian"" it's not good but if let's say bella hadid (a muslim) dresses as the Virgin Mary it's acceptable ???



Once again i'm not personally offended i just dont see any difference since christianity actually has always had a very deep and long influence in culture

u asked about cultural appropriation tho, and if u take 3 seconds to google it the definition is “Cultural appropriation is a concept in sociology dealing with the adoption of the elements of a minority culture by members of the dominant culture. It is distinguished from equal cultural exchange due to the presence of a colonial element and imbalance of power.” i know i definitely struggled illustrating this in my previous answer to u and i’m sorry lol i was literally so out of it cuz i’m sleep deprived and i should have just posted the definition to begin with . like u said christianity has always had a very deep and long influence in culture bc it has always been a majority as opposed to a minority (in america, like i said above, bc this is an american event). christianity in america literally dates back to the first colonies, aka the people who used it as a form of oppression. they forced natives to convert and it has always been widely accepted because ppl didn’t really have much of a choice. slaves were forced to practice it. that’s why it has to do with racism, bc it’s inherently a part of the power structures here and it has been used to suppress other religions and cultures practiced by people of color


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Controversial opinion but regarding cultural appropriation, I'm not going to jump down someone's throat who is wearing clothing or styling their hair in a way that is not representative of their own culture----- so long as that person is not, for example, wearing clothing from a culture & also expressing prejudice against that culture- or any culture.


anyway we're kinda drifting off topicccc


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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Have you ever heard of crusades tho before claiming christianity never hurt anyone

I mean of course on the other hand christians were opressed in the roman empire so there's always the other side of the coin but saying catholic theme wasn't at least a little bit problematic is a big stretch

+ that irish catholic/protestant conflict


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u asked about cultural appropriation tho, and if u take 3 seconds to google it the definition is “Cultural appropriation is a concept in sociology dealing with the adoption of the elements of a minority culture by members of the dominant culture. It is distinguished from equal cultural exchange due to the presence of a colonial element and imbalance of power.” i know i definitely struggled illustrating this in my previous answer to u and i’m sorry lol i was literally so out of it cuz i’m sleep deprived and i should have just posted the definition to begin with . like u said christianity has always had a very deep and long influence in culture bc it has always been a majority as opposed to a minority (in america, like i said above, bc this is an american event). christianity in america literally dates back to the first colonies, aka the people who used it as a form of oppression. they forced natives to convert and it has always been widely accepted because ppl didn’t really have much of a choice. slaves were forced to practice it. that’s why it has to do with racism, bc it’s inherently a part of the power structures here and it has been used to suppress other religions and cultures practiced by people of color

i understand your point but let me show you an example


rihanna (who is black, a minority) wore a hijab in a mosque a few years for a photoshoot and was for this crucified and criticized arund the world.

talking again about bella hadid (a white muslim) in the same mind set why is it ok for her to desecrate christian imagery for fashion ? it's the same exact thing


i don't want to come off rude i just think this topic is very delicate but interesting :)


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Have you ever heard of crusades tho before claiming christianity never hurt anyone

I mean of course on the other hand christians were opressed in the roman empire so there's always the other side of the coin but saying catholic theme wasn't at least a little bit problematic is a big stretch

+ that irish catholic/protestant conflict

any religious existent belief has done good and bad. it's not just ab christianity


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Without​ religion, there would be no prejudice or war. Life would be great.

Instead of the fake belief that there is an afterlife, perhaps people would strive to do their best in this life as that is all one gets.

​Of course now that we know the ulterior motive of Musk and Bezos, people shortly will no longer be needed for anything at all.

​(and the self driving cars have now aimed at and taken out two living human beings)

​and people think they can co-exist with flowing lava they are taking selfies with


​And the Met Gala is a bunch of adults playing like little kiddies make believe dress up, except the costumes are millions of dollars

​and the Jewels are real, and no one but a gadzillionaire could afford them. 




Beautiful people with their beautiful problems


(don't mind me, look what Susan Sarandon, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein did and caused, all in the name of whatever religion the

both sides are the same assholes have which is a true cult. Thank God Dennis Kucinich lost yesterday, as did other Bernie candidates, as Bibi

is going to blow up the world because he has no one to stop him now, only the treaty was able to stop him).


Imagine. It was more than a song. (now I'm singing with Sean)


(note- the line about Bibi is not anti-Semitism , just anti-Bibi, who only got back in office by making a deal with the Neo-Nazis, actual Nazi's and other deplorables that caused the death of 6 plus million Jews and millions of others who were different.

Surely there is someone who in the next election in Israel will defeat him. How many terms does he get?

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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omg rude

people who were there said that he tried to get the perfect angle so he took like 20 photos, lana got tired and said fuck it, nothing wrong with it 


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