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Negative Nancy

"vagina" is not gender-inclusive language, use ‘front hole’ instead.

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the SJW are at it again at chipping away biology and science ugh their minds


Alternatively: You've been trolled by people who want you to hate transgender people more than most people already probably do.


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All it means is that they included an option for some folks to use if they don't feel comfortable with vagina that medical professionals can work to include in their practice or at least recognize if a patient decides to use it .That's it. They're not stripping away anyone's right to say vagina or forcing anyone to say front hole. Anyway, you posted from a site that believes equal marriage rights and laws protecting lgbtq+ equality are destroying their lives as Christians, regularly equates gay men to pedophiles, supports conversion therapy, and actively supports denying lgbtq+ folks housing, jobs, and business. As baddisease said "you've been trolled by people who want you to hate transgender people more than most people already probably do"


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