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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Hum the hot (but super annoying) guy next to me saw I was on LB and told me unprovoked that Honeymoon was his favourite album of hers and babbled for 5mins on her so that's that on that


My only criteria for guys is good taste in music so that one is a catch  :hooker:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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My only criteria for guys is good taste in music so that one is a catch  :hooker:

Honestly I'm 99% sure he's a gay bottom, he's not flamboyant at all and it's surprisingly not either the fact that he loves Lana but my gaydar never failed me and it's alarmingly high, but he's 100% the kind of guy that's so annoying and that talks so much during sex you have to choke him just so he gets muffled omfg not even liking Lana is enough with him lol


Ooh, he might be annoying but he has served TASTE

Don't get your hopes up hun he literally said HM bc of HBTB he stans HBTB over anything :toofunny: 


It's crazy though, Lana is EVERYWHERE. Like twitter fam knows way too well cuz I can't stop babbling about it but I have to design a biography of a girl my class I got attributed and she's SUPER beautiful and I decided to do it on her music tastes and she told me, once again UNPROVOKED (when she KNOWS I love Lana cuz when I presented my first project I used a porn edit of Lana on my cover and had to explain it in front of the whole class) that Lana is one of her ten fav artists and BTD is one of her ten fav albums ever. Thank God she didn't said UV bc she's so beautiful I would have crushed so badly. I'm carefully avoiding mentioning Lana lol. I have to choose a pic of Lana to use and it took me over 1h30 to find one and I still feel bad :defeated: And last week when I presented my journal with Lana and Gaga there was another guy (who actually IS a flamboyant gay and that I highly suspect is v popular on GagaDaily, Santiago if you read this allo) who went to see me after my presentation and told me dead in the eyes that my project was "nAusEatiNg" which is apparently the highest form of compliment over here, damn if I had knew in middle school how popular I would become :toofunny: I love how it usually takes ppl 0.3s to understand I'm a Lana stan and I love how everywhere she is, a lot of people especially around my age love her but don't publicly express it it's the same back in Paris


Ranting sorry we need a general Lana conversation thread but I'm interested in that, it's like everyone irl is ashamed of saying they love Lana when they rly do  :dafuq: 2012 ha impact. But thankfully I'm the Lana stan equivalent of the "yas Gaga slay me mama" level of annoyingly unapologetic stanning flamboyance so


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honestly one of the most "fun" things to do the last few eras is sacrafice your sleep schedule to see if lana decides to do some crack and post a random ass snippet of a song from 10-2am only for her to delete it 16hrs later


are you gonna be the first on here to document the lyrics?


is it gonna be a new song? an old one?


is it gonna be in her ford fiesta? or the back of an uber?


is the song gonna just be fucking scrapped? or will we hear the entire thing in 2 separate snippets cause it's actually that boring on release?


who ever knows


not her

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Back on topic tho, I loved the David LaChapelle photoshoot

Idk somehow, this. I can personally say that Venice Bitch sorta cured me from wanting Life is Beautiful. Like how --

exactly bitch, she knows she needs to overcome ultraviolence that's why she using her live instrumentation and her sadcore all over again, queen of character development!

               i will love you until the end of time.

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I get it that Lana decided to release the album next year bc of the poetry book but does someone else also think that... the book will not come? lmao don't get me wrong but after she said she was gonna self release it I have a strange feeling in my gut that this book won't come, at least not anytime soon    :smokes:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I get it that Lana decided to release the album next year bc of the poetry book but does someone else also think that... the book will not come? lmao don't get me wrong but after she said she was gonna self release it I have a strange feeling in my gut that this book won't come, at least not anytime soon    :smokes:

Violet better be tying her shoes, she's got some grass that needs to be bent backwards over on  :runs: Also, fun fact, did you know that the smell of grass is actually a distress signal when it's cut? Some kind of fresh smelling pain


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Remember when everybody was afraid with what Jack would do with Lana? I'm laughing hard remembering this, everything that Jack touches turns into gold, and I always knew they'd make her best work

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Remember when everybody was afraid with what Jack would do with Lana? I'm laughing hard remembering this, everything that Jack touches turns into gold, and I always knew they'd make her best work


I don't wanna be that person but I've always trusted that the two of them would make magic together. The criticism towards Jack was weird for me bc he produced some really good albums and I couldn't understand why the majority of Lana stans thought he would ruin everything. Needless to say I was very glad and pleased to see him prove everybody wrong  :diva:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I think it's understandable to worry about something that people aren't used to. I mean from Antonoff's catalog, pop artists like T Swift and Melodrama, and how people on here don't necessarily like them, someone and mainstream as Antonoff definitely changes the classic Lana imagery and sound. 

It's good that she's still got her core sound with her, with him working with her not the other way around, so yeah there's that. 

Her pop demos like Hit and Run, Go Go Dancer, She's Not Me, among the others were amazingggg, but it'd almost seem outdated to have music like it recycled if that made any sense. 


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I think it's understandable to worry about something that people aren't used to. I mean from Antonoff's catalog, pop artists like T Swift and Melodrama, and how people on here don't necessarily like them, someone and mainstream as Antonoff definitely changes the classic Lana imagery and sound.


It's good that she's still got her core sound with her, with him working with her not the other way around, so yeah there's that.


Her pop demos like Hit and Run, Go Go Dancer, She's Not Me, among the others were amazingggg, but it'd almost seem outdated to have music like it recycled if that made any sense.

Jack always adapted himself to the style of the artist. So I really don't understand why people were worried. Yes it was different and new, but Melodrama is purely in Lorde's style, reputation is purely in Taylor's style, so why NFR wouldn't have Lana's signature style?

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I get it that Lana decided to release the album next year bc of the poetry book but does someone else also think that... the book will not come? lmao don't get me wrong but after she said she was gonna self release it I have a strange feeling in my gut that this book won't come, at least not anytime soon    :smokes:

i'm more worried about the way it will be published, i hope we will get an option to buy it together with album. but if it's gonna be like, 200 copies, only available in LA...

I never meant to be bad or unwell I was just living on the edge right between heaven and hell & I'm tired of it 

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Jack always adapted himself to the style of the artist. So I really don't understand why people were worried. Yes it was different and new, but Melodrama is purely in Lorde's style, reputation is purely in Taylor's style, so why NFR wouldn't have Lana's signature style?

Simply bc they were in the vein of pop music. It seems like an allergy to some folks here, and honestly it's fine their opinion cool. Their demographics are basically somewhat different, Taylor Swift, an embodiment of pop, and Lorde, some kind of youngish pop version of Fiona Apple towards a younger generation. I know that Lana fans seem to sort of stray from that, and although Lana herself makes a kind of pop music, it's still easily considered as alternative or indie, from her peers, where it's less about dancing and more towards swaying if that makes sense. 


From what we've heard from the two tracks, MAC's been totally Lana, but you can almost hear some minor hipster plays in VB, which I personally don't mind, but others can clearly tell how even though Lana's mark is still the song's core, the touches were different. And of course that's bc they joined. 


It's nice to hear Lana make music with more of a mainstream feel to it def, but we can't just expect others to just accept something different, when they don't really know what to expect on her part exactly, bc of what's current now as comparison, and if that meant, sort of letting go of the perceptions that were met or might've been met with their expectations from what they've heard before.


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her best album is coming, i don't care what anyone says, ultraviolence is now ACTUALLY shaking.


Cinammon confirmed this for me! It's like a hybrid of MTWBT and Cherry. I'm in love!

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