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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I don't think u are, so that's fine, but the point was. Just let others be. I mean it's great at how you're so well versed when it comes expressing ur opinions and informing us what it is u like and dislike, but the things is, we're all people first, and as you've muttered from before, we all have our own perspectives. I know it'd just rub others the wrong way at how condescending it sounds sometimes. Give others the chance to learn, it's great that you might be ahead of the curve w things, but people deserve the benefit of the doubt and the patience for them to possibly do better.


and honest, no shade, I still think you're pretty great just aghh I dislike it when others aren't given a chance to say what they'd like to bc someone silver tongued comes along. We're cool, ur cool we're cool lol hahahahahahahahaha

Girl I'm so far from perfect, so I don't mean to come off as condescending, but I guess I do at times, and for that I'm actually sorry. The only thing I don't genuinely is enjoy is; someone will say something positive, and get praised. I'll say something negative, then that positive person will come for me or for others saying something negative, and then when we clap back and say something about the people being positive, they act as though we're looking to fight, when we're simply standing up for our opinions as they did. Also if someone who's on the opposing side aka the negative side comments on this, people say "oh girl don't play the victim." But if the positive opinionated person mentions it, they'll get stood up for. I don't know, I've just noticed most people in this fandom not being able to realize there's two side to a coin, you need both sides.


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Lana’s poem is like... above average at best for a kid in a college or high school English class. Her words sound vapid without melody and song structure to give them emotion. If writing this poetry helped her collect her thoughts and focus her lyricism, then I think it’s great that she’s doing this poetry as it is instrumental in the creation of NFR. As a stand alone piece of art, the poem is very forgetiable.

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Lana’s poem is like... above average at best for a kid in a college or high school English class. Her words sound vapid without melody and song structure to give them emotion. If writing this poetry helped her collect her thoughts and focus her lyricism, then I think it’s great that she’s doing this poetry as it is instrumental in the creation of NFR. As a stand alone piece of art, the poem is very forgetiable.


LOL yeah, it sounds pretentious and like it was written in 2 minutes

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Lana’s poem is like... above average at best for a kid in a college or high school English class. Her words sound vapid without melody and song structure to give them emotion. If writing this poetry helped her collect her thoughts and focus her lyricism, then I think it’s great that she’s doing this poetry as it is instrumental in the creation of NFR. As a stand alone piece of art, the poem is very forgetiable.


Now that you mentioned that... you know who's poetry it reminds me of? Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl (the books, not tv show) lmaaaaaaaaaao the way they put things together is very similar and the overall work its just not good. I always despised his poetry, I think Cecily did his poetry bad on purpose tbh it goes with the character.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Lets be real?


MAC: good lyrics, cute production

VB: awesome production, awful lyrics

Hope: non existent production, some cringey lyrics



VB is some of Lana’s strongest lyricism of any era period. Lyrics are simple but really capture a powerful sense of yearning in the same way Video Games did, VB is just completely intoxicating. MAC lyrics, production, and melody really don’t resonate with me. It is the only track from this era that I never listen to. I like Hope generally, but I agree that sometimes I am not sure if the lyrics are beautiful or cringey. I prefer HTD piano version she performed at the Apple event over hope.

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Ya'll crazy right?? Her music and lyricism has definitely dwindled since her UV days. LFL and NFR have basic medicore production. It just sounds like muffled noise with cheap beats over it. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of songs on LFL and I love MAC and VB, but her earlier stuff was stellar and iconic. Her latest stuff sounds painfully basic. It's not rich in sound, there's no storytelling as compelling as OTTR and Black Beauty - none. Even if your opinion is the complete opposite to mine, I can't take anyone seriously if you say her latest stuff is better. :oprah3:

“kiss me in the d.a.r.k. dark tonight

d.a.r.k. do it my way

kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park tonight

p.a.r.k. let them all say

hey lolita hey

hey lolita hey

i know what the boys want i’m not gonna play”

has entered the chat

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VB is some of Lana’s strongest lyricism of any era period. Lyrics are simple but really capture a powerful sense of yearning in the same way Video Games did, VB is just completely intoxicating. MAC lyrics, production, and melody really don’t resonate with me. It is the only track from this era that I never listen to. I like Hope generally, but I agree that sometimes I am not sure if the lyrics are beautiful or cringey. I prefer HTD piano version she performed at the Apple event over hope.

tumblr_inline_pgm0xyM5Hr1s7ksad_400.gifu sure? :toofloppy:

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VB is some of Lana’s strongest lyricism of any era period. Lyrics are simple but really capture a powerful sense of yearning in the same way Video Games did, VB is just completely intoxicating. MAC lyrics, production, and melody really don’t resonate with me. It is the only track from this era that I never listen to. I like Hope generally, but I agree that sometimes I am not sure if the lyrics are beautiful or cringey. I prefer HTD piano version she performed at the Apple event over hope.


I agree with you except on VB's lyrics, but thats fine we can have different opinions.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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VB is some of Lana’s strongest lyricism of any era period. Lyrics are simple but really capture a powerful sense of yearning in the same way Video Games did, VB is just completely intoxicating. MAC lyrics, production, and melody really don’t resonate with me. It is the only track from this era that I never listen to. I like Hope generally, but I agree that sometimes I am not sure if the lyrics are beautiful or cringey. I prefer HTD piano version she performed at the Apple event over hope.



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Honestly the poem is not bad, I expected much worse

It ain't bad, it's not EXTRAORDINARY and award deserving, but it's okay.


I swear though some people are preaching like she's the next Maya Angelou


You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I'll rise.


Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

Pumping in my living room.


Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.


Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops,

Weakened by my soulful cries?


Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard

’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines

Diggin’ in my own backyard.


You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.


Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise

That I dance like I've got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?


Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise

Up from a past that’s rooted in pain

I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.


Leaving behind nights of terror and fear

I rise

Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear

I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,

I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise

I rise

I rise.


Now THAT'S a fucking poem ladies :oprah:


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It ain't bad, it's not EXTRAORDINARY and award deserving, but it's okay.


I swear though some people are preaching like she's the next Maya Angelou


You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I'll rise.


Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

Pumping in my living room.


Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.


Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops,

Weakened by my soulful cries?


Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard

’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines

Diggin’ in my own backyard.


You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.


Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise

That I dance like I've got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?


Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise

Up from a past that’s rooted in pain

I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.


Leaving behind nights of terror and fear

I rise

Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear

I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,

I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise

I rise

I rise.


Now THAT'S a fucking poem ladies :oprah:


I mean, it's very good.

Lana's poem seemed to be more detailed and longer, and I don't think it's a bad poem. I myself read a lot of poetry and some writers just have a different styles I guess.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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people dismissing lana's poem as being basic, or just okay, like y'all have any substantial know how on what consist of a good/bad poem. Remember y'all, art is subjective, Lana's poem while not to the levels of greats such as Maya, Whitman or any of them, it is not basic. Let Lana grow as an artist, and let this be another medium for her to express her creativity. Y'all be negative for no good reason... i for one am excited to see where she takes this, 



VIOLET BENT BACKWARDS OVER THE GRASS is already an iconic title, lets just breath a little and chill 





(and lets not bring trash dan into this convo, ugh gossip girl was treated dirtyyyyy) 


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she is a low key vibe and u guys are expecting the new Walter Whitman.. Are u guys really seriously? I think u leave in another planet sometimes u kno.. What part of all those interviews that she is living alot of things today and she wants to write down about those things? Why u are expecting a poem of death, luxurious life? Do u guys even undestand the propose of all the era? omg

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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