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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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we will hit 100,000 pages and NFR is still going to be inside jack's google drive.

"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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Omg did you hear about miss thing’s new leak, “Go Outside”? I probably won’t listen to it. It’s gonna be on NFR for sure though, it’s coming in a little bit

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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how has Interscope not yelled at her yet to get her lazy ass up and release her album? its been done for 7 months now yet there's no sign that were getting it anytime soon besides Lana randomly saying two months at a show two weeks ago then not following up and officially announcing anything after

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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how has Interscope not yelled at her yet to get her lazy ass up and release her album? its been done for 7 months now yet there's no sign that were getting it anytime soon besides Lana randomly saying two months at a show two weeks ago then not following up and officially announcing anything after

Well did you see Ben’s 3 second live stream? They’re all equally lazy sis

Truly ethereal, and it’s a huge pain in the ass

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I haven't heard anyone mention this, but imagine if the Vinyl was the american flag design... that'd be really cool and the only idea im down with



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okay this thread seems to have calmed down a little now and i don’t wanna set off another bomb but,


the way some people have been acting is seriously ridiculous and i’m embarrassed. i know y’all hate it when people say this but she does not owe us anything. not a cover, a tracklist, pre order, release date, whatever the fuck else. she is an artist and she may do with her work as she sees fit. i’m tired of people trashing her when she doesn’t give you what you want. if you’re mad, that’s your thing then. deal with it yourself. your anger or frustration is not her responsibility to ease, it’s yours. you don’t own her, you don’t get to control her, she’s not a doll. she is under no obligation to conform to your specific wants. i’m so goddamn tired of y’all criticizing her appearance every time we get new pics of her, like what do you think you’re accomplishing?? no matter what she does, she can’t please everyone. we all want different things from her so don’t expect her do exactly what you want. she’s her own person. she doesn’t owe you anything. she’s not a vending machine where if she doesn’t give you an album every so often you can call the company to complain that she needs fixing bc YOU want something from her. if she wasn’t signed and was an independent artist would you still feel like you were owed NFR? or is it just bc she’s under contract where you know she has to make x amount of albums per x specifications blah blah blah and this is part of it? contracts can be broken/left. y’all remember that saying, if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all?? even if it’s on here where she can’t see it, chances are someone else is saying something similar on twitter or ig where she CAN see it. and even if you wanna say “i can do what i want, she can’t see it on here anyways so why do you care blah blah blah let me do what i want”, like, if you think it’s okay to trash talk her just because she can’t see it, how does that reflect what kind of person you are?? are you okay with that?? like seriously i think we ALL need to take a break and go mediate and make healthy decisions. i feel like it’s so easy to get caught up in this that we lose perspective. you don’t know her personally, why would she have to do exactly what you specifically want? she’s only one woman. she has millions of rabid fans worldwide, everywhere she goes. they’ve broken into her house, stalked her, and don’t forget that man who was going to kidnap her. if she’s a little resentful of us at this point, i think that’s very understandable. she can’t please everyone. we have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes or in her personal life that could be causing the delay. i’m not excusing her giving false information/leading us on etc, but we’re equally as responsible for checking ourselves as you want her to be for her behavior. i don’t care if y’all wanna attack me, feel free to change my mind on any of this i’m open to other perspectives but like, when she releases nfr im gonna enjoy it. i choose to be happy and i don’t wanna spend my time being mad, that decreases your life span y’all. plus, in general, it’s not very fun. go meditate, get some perspective, avoid processed foods, drink water, etc. you’ll feel better

n e ways stream mac and try to be thankful for something. i’m just tired of the constant negativity on here, i want this to be a fun, enjoyable space. sure contradicting opinions are allowed but it just feels so overwhelmingly negative that it’s not very fun to be on here bc everyone is fighting each other or trashing lana. why don’t we all go compliment people or something idk y’all i’m just tired. can we go back to having fun now


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