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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Soooo what do you do when artists die? Do you just stop being a fan because they stop releasing music and don’t communicate? How does frequency in new releases and communication levels change enjoyment of audio? I was under the impression our minds connected to music regardless of release date or public relations because it’s literally just sounds. You guys are really overthinking the enjoyment of arts.

It’s an entirely different situation.


We might be overthinking things, but you’re the flip-side and you’re over simplifying them. Peoples minds don’t work so smoothly, and if yours does congrats on transcending the human condition. What’s your secret?

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well im the biggest red house painters fan, i listen to their albums daily and they haven't released an album since 2001



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...anyway ive listened to every lana album today and wow theyre still keeping me fed. NFR isnt gonna arrive before October but ive got more than enough music to tide me over until then. it hasnt even been 2 years since LFL so its not like were in an extremely long dry period. 


Little Monsters have been waiting for new music since 2013 (no, C2C and Joanne dont count, and even then, Joanne was released almost 3 years ago) and the only thing the bitch is doing is releasing mediocre makeup so...


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Stopping to love an artist or liking them less than before because they haven't released their album when you wanted it is kinda sad.


Lana wrote sad girl just for us :umadney:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Soooo what do you do when artists die? Do you just stop being a fan because they stop releasing music and don’t communicate? How does frequency in new releases and communication levels change enjoyment of audio? I was under the impression our minds connected to music regardless of release date or public relations because it’s literally just sounds. You guys are really overthinking the enjoyment of arts.


I'm not saying everyone is the same person and everyone acts the same. We live in the era of engagement and communication, it's normal for some to not get invested with artists who decide to distance themselves from their fans. For some, enjoying the art and the music and whataver is enough but some people crave a little more, a deeper connection. If you don't congrats, but there are people who like to create a deeper connection through the artists themselves and not only the music/art.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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When the fuck did we get LFL outtakes besides three different demos of Summer Bummer

This was a joke. I know we never got real outtakes except some demos.


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Also, comparing an artist who's very much alive and has decided to just stay silent with dead people who literally can't communicate with their fans because... well... they're dead :rip: is kind of a reach. Yeah I'm a fan of artists who died but I can't expect them to talk to the fans because they're fucking dead, Lana on the other hand is just being a brat.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Also, comparing an artist who's very much alive and has decided to just stay silent with dead people who literally can't communicate with their fans because... well... they're dead :rip: is kind of a reach. Yeah I'm a fan of artists who died but I can't expect them to talk to the fans because they're fucking dead, Lana on the other hand is just being a brat.

Imagine feeling that entitled to someone’s attention. She’s a musician, not your pet. Artists shouldn’t have to die to escape you.


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There should be a thread for the people who come on here just to be social justice warriors for Lana’s integrity bc guess what?...

this ain’t it. :kiss:

There should be a separate thread for people who wanna bitch about Lana being too alive to be allowed to ignore them. Just call up your therapist already if you’re that pressed.


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trying to police other people's feelings is kinda sad

How is it policing other people's feelings? Go home girl.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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imagine caring this much about how someone else feels about an artist

I just dont understand what is even being defended anymore... lana’s right to die without us caring? No no wait... Lana’s right to not die and not have us care about it... no no thats not right either... us not being owed music by an artist who’s job it is to release music and who willingly chose to be in the spotlight as a musician?? Hmm its not really addding up......

There should be a separate thread for people who wanna bitch about Lana being too alive to be allowed to ignore them. Just call up your therapist already if you’re that pressed.

Ahahahahahaha girl I never bitched about Lana being too alive like make it make sense hun. Go find the quote pls


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you're the type to shame people on instagram who write into a lana confessions account about a song they don't particularly like or something lana wore that they thought was unattractive by commenting something like "if you were a REAL Lana stan then you would support anything our queen Lana does" and "you aren't a real fan if you don't like every single song, including Untitled Acapella Laptop Demo #274848472 (Edit).mp3 (96 kbps)" and it really shows.

Yeah sure that's totally me aw ma gad you're so right I am SHOCKED (just in case, what you have written is completely different from my initial thought but I guess you had nothing else to say and only wanted to come at me)

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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How is it policing other people's feelings? Go home girl.


i genuinely can't tell if you're being purposely dense or actually want an explanation

it's just the way i feel

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i genuinely can't tell if you're being purposely dense or actually want an explanation[/quote


Will make it short, I'm being purposely dense. It's nowhere near to policing feelings.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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Imagine feeling that entitled to someone’s attention. She’s a musician, not your pet. Artists shouldn’t have to die to escape you.




I'm gonna pretend you missed the point instead of willingly choosing to be this insensitive and ignorant.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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