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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I had some time to let the cover sink in and I still love it but I really do think there's a huge disconnect between the picture itself and the typography aesthetic. They simply don't match. When we found out that the logo would be more comic book-ish I really thought she would serve some 50's art style, maybe some pop art or some comic inspired imagery. The picture itself is gorgeous, I love the little details like the painted sky, the fires, and even her hairdo, but I think it doesn't go with the typography. I'm curious to know why they chose such typography to go with this record, but I'll probably use the textless version on my library.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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This is gonna be the last time I trash the album cover on here (I have discord for that anyway oop), BUT


The fact that ya'll trashed Honeymoon cover and LFL cover but are getting wet over this cover is...bizarre to say the least. Very questionable taste. :derpna2:

To me personally, it's just far too 'busy'. There's too much going on in one image. Less is more, as they say. I don't find it camp, satirical or whatever ya'll keep calling it. It's just a mess. 

But I have an alternative cover I'll be using on my iTunes so whatever, it doesn't matter now. :makeup:


The reason I'm still here though is to finally hear Cinnamon Girl cause I know it's gonna slap! And I can't wait for IYC (or whatever the alt title is now). As for Bartender, I can't help but feel like it'll sound country-ish. It's just the vibe I get from the title alone but obviously we won't know until the 30th, but I'm glad Lana didn't scrap it because that would be a song we would all be wondering about for years. Kinda like Yosemite (RIP). Also I never really crave HIAB until very recently, I think the melody is just stuck in my head but I wonder how the sound will progress. 


I wholeheartedly agree. I get what she was going for, but I just don't like it. There is too much going on ... once again, trying too hard, I think. I love the idea of a boat, rather than a car, and I like the painted sky, but that's really it.


ETA: the text is my main complaint; with a different font/style I think it could be much, much better, but it's just crazy to me that those logos were ever OK'd by anyone with any fucking knowledge of design or typography ... what the fuck. I feel like I'm back in grade 4 again and using Word Art just for the fuck of it. 


Anyway, it's more about the music, so whatever.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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what if she had painted palm trees on her nails omg

Only if they’re black with pink tiger stripes :creep:

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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I LOVE THE COVER SO MUCH. Everyone's notes about the MAC lyric, combined with the themes present in the title track represented by Duke, Lana's baddie outfit, the California wildfires, and the painted sky truly shed light on the record's potential narrative, evocations, and irony.

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August 30th is such a good date. In aus winter is over and it's starting to get warmer, by September we can usually swim in the ocean but the days aren't overwhelmingly hot yet like summer. The days are so beautiful and sunny, oh my god this album will be perfect for my moody long ass drives in the sun


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August 30th is such a good date. In aus winter is over and it's starting to get warmer, by September we can usually swim in the ocean but the days aren't overwhelmingly hot yet like summer. The days are so beautiful and sunny, oh my god this album will be perfect for my moody long ass drives in the sun


Yes I'm excited! Mac and VB came out in Aus spring last year, so now the whole album is gonna be my spring vibes, just like Honeymoon was. I think it's a big blessing to us  :flutter:

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The city burning in the background is so fucking ICONIC like wow Lana can be lazy but her mind amazes me sometimes... she really snapped with this one  :gclap:  

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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