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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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The structure and the way she sings in this song reminds me a little bit of Regina Spector~


who, incidentally, also has a song called bartender  :creep:

it's just the way i feel

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I agree! Album is def shaping up to be amazing but that song just felt a little flat! It’s certainly beautiful and I’ll reserve judgement once released but was def my least favorite.

its like missing a little bit of a kick. its too straightforward

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Tidal offers lossless tho right?

Tidal offers FLAC a form of lossless files. but in past experience, buying LFL on her site, it led to a link which directly downloaded a zip file with mp3s

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i’m lazy


*Lana fans when Lana sings about literally anything*: IT'S ABOUT BARRIE !!1!

Coachella is my favorite song about Barrie

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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let myself cave and gave this a listen... some thoughts down below


nfr intro reminded me so much of disney’s the little mermaid score.. it’s sad that the song doesn’t really go anywhere for me but it’s one of her better title tracks for sure


i have to say mac and vb (god tier) do sound prettier next to these songs


i actually found myself enjoying fuh it i luh yuh, transitions were a tad harsh though


doin’ time? lock her up.


disheartened to report that love song ended up being one of the biggest disappointments, and you all know exactly how much i was looking forward to it. don’t get me wrong it’s lovely but i kept hoping it would evolve into something bigger and it just never exploded the way i thought it would


cinnamon gehl was a nice surprise.. totally expected it to be the overrated fan-favorite a la cherry but that last minute left my mouth agape. what a nice throwback to btd this was


i don’t mind that how to disappear pulled a gone girl, judging from the new production i probably would’ve skipped it had it been leaked alongside the rest of the alboom


she really made me eat my words with california; the fact that it turned out to be objectively one of the best songs on this despite having such a spineless snippet amazes me


next best american record.. a lyric-butchering today


the greatest sounds way better the second time around, i finally see why everyone was raving about it the other day


bartender is such a special breath of fresh air... i wouldn’t mind if this right here is the direction she chooses to go in for the next record


hiab.. i heard “sing it for my babies on da tour-lyfe” and couldn’t help but crack up. i did catch myself mindlessly bobbing my head/singing along so there’s that


hope is a keyboard smash.. great gowns, beautiful gowns!


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Who said she didn't steal it? They have U.O. over in the UK also. Or maybe just maybe someone just gave it to her to leak deliberately! Here's the deal that person says they aren't even a fan but yet they went to all the trouble to re-record everything and advertise it? That doesn't add up, just saying it's total BS and seems like a staged leak for promotional / publicity reasons!


Idk where they got the cassette from in all honesty but UO here isn't selling anything of her stuff at the moment and definitely not NFR. That's why a bunch of fellow non-U.S. clowns broke the bank on shipping alone for the UO exclusive.

locals only

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Are we allowed to talk about our opinions on the songs here or will I get yelled at by some pretentious a**hole who is waiting for the release

both bc we love versatile queens

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Are we allowed to talk about our opinions on the songs here or will I get yelled at by some pretentious a**hole who is waiting for the release


Ignore the a**hats... I imagine they're the same ones who sneer upon those who aren't buying the vinyl or cassette.

And since the clown talk has died down I'm reviving it


Me checking my phone every ten minutes waiting for the HQ leak



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