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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I'm going to be disappointed if everything is delayed because of the poetry book... If it's really that important and they're not doing some album bundle, what's the big deal with releasing it later? If she put some signed copies on her website, they would sell. I personally don't care about the book (I didn't care about Taylor Swifts "poems" either) and I think since having such a long time in between singles is making the rollout of this album such a mess, postponing it any longer is just making it worse.


I know this is turning into a rant but if she is really STILL writing for this album, we probably are gonna get another LFL because it's going to be old songs meant for her original vision of the record, and what she's writing now which is probably different because she changes it up so much.


Idk I wish they would just give us a date, even if it's freaking September.

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I've literally never heard of an artist and her management team having a ball around town while major publications are stating your album is coming out March 29th, and she's not even putting out a public statement regarding that it's no longer happening nor is Ben contacting these publications to edit their articles/spread the news that the date has been changed. It seems really really fucking messy, and kind of like they've got their noses in the air and couldn't give a fuck about us just because they know we'll buy the album. Like I'm actually starting to get ticked off. You can edit and posts photos with your friends where you turn off the comments because you don't care to hear what your very fans have to say/you get angry too easily at us for simple questions while you're currently showing off that you're having fun but can't put out a simple one sentence statement that you lied about the album because you jumped the gun early. Like so fucking unprofessional and honestly kind of arrogant assuming you can mislead the very people who paved the way for you to be able to live your fabulous LA life where you can make music you enjoy with producers you want. Just remember who got you where you are Miss Rey. Those fancy producers, the stuck up bloggers and Instagram personalities wouldn't even have spit in your direction when you were living in a trailer park getting odd ball jobs on Craigslist trying to make ends meet. It just makes me really mad that she seems so like "whatever, those gays will buy it either way, I don't have to give a fuck". She doesn't owe us anything but do not bite the hands that feed you and show respect to the very people who beg their parents for cash to buy your album, take on extra shifts to see you at your show, travel around the world and spend thousands on airfare just to see you, and more. We're not asking for the world, we're asking just for a simple statement on your upcoming album that YOU teased too early and released two singles because you said stupid shit and opened your mouth up about your Israel show, which you don't even know half of what's going on in the world because you're too busy buying matcha teas and handcrafted los angeles soaps to be politically moving forward with the rest of the world, even though you preached how woke and open minded you were just to sell your last record and capitalized off of acting like you were up to date and fighting for this world, posting Nina Simone videos saying you will write and reflect the ideas of the current state were in through your music. I'm just fucking tired man it's excuse after excuse after excuse and I'm just over it. Y'all can read me idgaf but I only spoke truth in this bible length paragraph. I love her to death, but sometimes I don't know if this woman can tell her toes from her fingers. I really hope she takes a break. For everyone including herself.


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I don't think she "lied", I think things changed. I do think it's super unprofessional for her team to not clear the air about the release date though because WTF.

How hard is it to keep things a secret

It's like me selling you fish I haven't even caught

It makes no sense and makes me look like a fool


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How hard is it to keep things a secret

It's like me selling you fish I haven't even caught

It makes no sense and makes me look like a fool


LOL cuz she's a gemini TBH. I think she honestly doesn't give a shit what her managers tell her and she just comes out and tells us whatever she wants and then forgets about it.

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LOL cuz she's a gemini TBH. I think she honestly doesn't give a shit what her managers tell her and she just comes out and tells us whatever she wants and then forgets about it.

You'd think by 34 self control would be a given :deadbanana: also I'm reading back my paragraph statement and feel bad about what I said also I'm going to be read to filth and I'm not ready :awkney: I'm glad I got it out of me though


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If Lana can be a Gemini about her album I'm saying my statement I made 5 minutes ago doesn't reflect how I feel and that I had a Taurus blow up moment :awkney2: stream NFR when it's out ladies


Ok tea that is such a typical Taurus trait (and so is being stubborn ;) )

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If Lana can be a Gemini about her album I'm saying my statement I made 5 minutes ago doesn't reflect how I feel and that I had a Taurus blow up moment :awkney2: stream NFR when it's out ladies

Don’t feel bad, I mean it’s lowkey kinda true! She is a damn mess & is literally like a child at times. Sometimes, I wish she would be on here just to see cause it could be like a wake up call! But Ben over here like “those so called fans” tbh Ben can choke


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I think I wanna change the tone or mood of the thread atm, not bc I'm trying to invalidate anyone elses' opinions, bc they're useful and peeps deserve to feel what they feel, but I think it's still as much important to end ur day w something hopeful and something to look forward to so. 

I think MAC's amazing, the production's so beautiful, heavenly and simple, yet still so majestic and has this subtle staying power of strength and reassurance.  The confidence it has in itself is so reassuring and makes me feel so safe, and less alone. 

Venice Bitch is that track when I want to unravel, or just a nice guide when I'm feeling alone, acknowledging that I'm not ok, and just being able to vent that out by myself. The nostalgia factor, and how calming it is. Makes you feel comfortably sad

HtD is so beautifully tragic. I mean, me personally, I have trouble w letting things go well after things have been over, like, what did I do wrong, what could I have done better? Was it all my fault I'm sorry. How can I do better, and that fucking line about "I'm always gonna, be right here" tears me to shreds it's almost embarrassing . Looking forward and a bit scared still even to reacknowledge that, but it makes me feel happy that I'm not the only one feeling like that too

HiaB, might be cheesy or corny to some, but I appreciate it so much, bc whenever things get too good for me, I start getting anxious of like, how are things gonna go down, when will it end, and it just defeats me thinking like that. I wanna know how that track'll be formatted, and what her overall thoughts are, continuing the track and so. 

Hope fucking annoys me bc I can be so pessimistic to avoid hurt, but it's beautiful and self-revitalizing to still even do so. How strong is it to just face your worst fears, and walk out alive, like it's scary to change and leave pieces of yourself behind, knowing you'll never be the same, and ending some comfortable chaos sure, but that confidence knowing you'll be ok. Sure it can feel almost hollow, but to have faith in yourself even when the world, or even parts of yourself, that tells you no. It's fucking powerful. 

I think what I'm most likely gonna be looking forward to for this album, past the singles and merch roll out, is how she'll be able to just say the things she's been saying, like this feminine based strength of mastering your emotions well, acknowledging them, and moving past that towards better things. I think it's as much important to take care of yourself from the inside as well as the outside, so I'm hoping she's still gonna release more sad girl introspective shit. I mean we've all got the capacity of doing so, but I love her perspective and how she says these things, and shares it w us, so aside from the literal headaches, the pitfalls, and voids from waiting for what's next and how things'll turn out, I hope she releases something that's genuine, intimate, and long range important w this record. I like how she's managed to do that so far, and keep things fun. 

and I hope that w each day that passes, she doesn't deviate from that wholesomeness that she usually delivers through.

Short answer: hope she doesn't half ass things, and that the wait's worth it.

Til then, stream VB lol 


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marching past the storefront down wilshire i spot it, 

the glass encasing hundreds of years of history and nonvisual memories

the shelves lined with ribbon, satin, words of another time and another era

the faint scent of a foreign lover's day out whispers through each label

faint green hues sparkle against the 5pm sunlight, the lilac waters swirl in the little girl's hands-

only now beginning to feel grown up in the arms of the upper echelon aroma

notes of bergamot, warm vanilla, mint leaves and fauna,

newly inscribed upon the bottles if one dares to reveal the mystique and allure.

the only scent to hit the rush of adrenaline within my soul & spirit, cinnamon

sensual, bitter, spiced ravages her way through the inner circuitry of one's mind, pulling back the velvet curtains


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I think I wanna change the tone or mood of the thread atm, not bc I'm trying to invalidate anyone elses' opinions, bc they're useful and peeps deserve to fel what they feel, but I think it's still as much important to end ur day w something hopeful and something to look forward to so.


I think MAC's amazing, the production's so beautiful, heavenly and simple, yet still so majestic and has this subtle staying power of strength and reassurance. The confidence it has in itself is so reassuring and makes me feel so safe, and less alone.


Venice Bitch is that track when I want to unravel, or just a nice guide when I'm feeling alone, acknowledging that I'm not ok, and just being able to vent that out by myself. The nostalgia factor, and how calming it is. Makes you feel comfortably sad


HtD is so beautifully tragic. I mean, me personally, I have trouble w letting things go well after things have been over, like, what did I do wrong, what could I have done better? Was it all my fault I'm sorry. How can I do better, and that fucking line about "I'm always gonna, be right here" tears me to shreds it's almost embarrassing . Looking forward and a bit scared still even to reacknowledge that, but it makes me feel happy that I'm not the only one feeling like that too


HiaB, might be cheesy or corny to some, but I appreciate it so much, bc whenever things get too good for me, I start getting anxious of like, how are things gonna go down, when will it end, and it just defeats me thinking like that. I wanna know how that track'll be formatted, and what her overall thoughts are, continuing the track and so.


Hope fucking annoys me bc I can be so pessimistic to avoid hurt, but it's beautiful and self-revitalizing to still even do so. How strong is it to just face your worst fears, and walk out alive, like it's scary to change and leave pieces of yourself behind, knowing you'll never be the same, and ending some comfortable chaos sure, but that confidence knowing you'll be ok. Sure it can feel almost hollow, but to have faith in yourself even when the world, or even parts of yourself, that tells you no. It's fucking powerful.


I think what I'm most likely gonna be looking forward to for this album, past the singles and merch roll out, is how she'll be able to just say the things she's been saying, like this feminine based strength of mastering your emotions well, acknowledging them, and moving past that towards better things. I think it's as much important to take care of yourself from the inside as well as the outside, so I'm hoping she's still gonna release more sad girl introspective shit. I mean we've all got the capacity of doing so, but I love her perspective and how she says these things, and shares it w us, so aside from the literal headaches, the pitfalls, and voids from waiting for what's next and how things'll turn out, I hope she releases something that's genuine, intimate, and long range important w this record. I like how she's managed to do that so far, and keep things fun.


and I hope that w each day that passes, she doesn't deviate from that wholesomeness that she usually delivers through.


Short answer: hope she doesn't half ass things, and that the wait's worth it.


Til then, stream VB lol

We love a positive flavor to end the day and rest upon our palate before slumber! Let's just pretend my little rant paragraph never happened :creep: I'm reading it back and I feel bad :awkney:


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We love a positive flavor to end the day and rest upon our palate before slumber! Let's just pretend my little rant paragraph never happened :creep: I'm reading it back and I feel bad :awkney:

I think it's wiser to see both or diff sides to each situation, bc it brings a better kind of clarity, so ur all good. Points were made, we just have to live w those truths. Just don't let urself be eaten up by them ohmygod wtf I sound like a fucking hermit, but ur good 


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I think it's wiser to see both or diff sides to each situation, bc it brings a better kind of clarity, so ur all good. Points were made, we just have to live w those truths. Just don't let urself be eaten up by them ohmygod wtf I sound like a fucking hermit

Ugh sis why are you such a reasonable relatable legend I'm literally so used to sour bitches like myself or insane positive kiss asses but like you're perfectly split down the middle and seem intellectual? Are you sure I'm on lanaboards.com? :thumb3: but yeah I agree! Keep speaking your truth it's refreshing


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Wait a second. What if Lana makes NFR into a double record? Didn’t someone say she was back in the studio again?


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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