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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Omg just got PTSD from when we got post restricted a COUPLE OF DAYS BEFORE LFL was released omfg... That was horrible

Fookin hated that. Just wanted to spruce the thread up w beautiful lisa franks wordageeeee, but idk honestly now i feel like it wouldn't b as bad, seing as how we don't even have an official release date


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The disney movie dumbo is coming out on March 29th! Cant wait for her managers to change the album release date because theyre scared an elephant will take the spotlight away


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I don't even know what you all talk about anymore


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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All for speculation and all those possibilities sure, but can we go back to what we actually know


MAC and VB were released. Same footage, taken from HiaB.

How To Disappear was sung w VB at the apple event.

Cinnamon, Sylvia, In Your Car snippets

Hope is a Dangerously long title was released on the 11th (?)


Gucci campaign


HiaB other snippet w original video


In the wings, the March 29th supposed release date. Scheduled concert performances.

The album cover's something she wanted to do before, Ben didn't like the original one.

Chuck filmed a video series for the album, supposedly.


Sad girl, introspective shit, surf rock, RHCP vibes. Seems like a long while since we've gotten anything, but I think its just bc we havent heard anything formally since like sept? Supposed 11 tracks too. I feel so much mentally better


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Chuck filmed a video series for the album, supposedly.




I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason for the Yosemite trip and an explanation for the Instagram photos of that Jeff dude. 


Also wouldn't be shocked if MAC and VB have different videos in this series, and the reason why the ones we got are the way they are is because they were slapped together quickly just to have something up with the "fan singles". Neither YouTube upload says anything about them being official videos at all.  :smokes3:

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I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason for the Yosemite trip and an explanation for the Instagram photos of that Jeff dude.


Also wouldn't be shocked if MAC and VB have different videos in this series, and the reason why the ones we got are the way they are is because they were slapped together quickly just to have something up with the "fan singles". Neither YouTube upload says anything about them being official videos at all. :smokes3:

I personally liked the VB video, even if she did splice old footage, from Hm even, but I think it worked, it's solid imo. MACs video, I thought I loved, but knowing how simple it was, and the fact that it was still spliced made it sorta thin for me. I'd love Yosemite to have a slot on the record, and that'd make sense if it were true, but we just don't know and yeah really any news I feel would temp quench that thirst, but again we just dk atm. The Jeff guy was totes random too imo, but maybe he could be from the fires too, idk maybe I wasn't paying too much attention.


Edit: I'd actually be pretty (but still pleasantly) surprised if we got anything more visually , Hope's cover was just, yeah


On a personal note, I'm so glad that HiaB is still alive and possibly on the album


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Guys, where have you heard Yosemite? Is there a snippet or something?

Lana mentioned Yosemite several times in interviews prior to the release is LFL and said that it was her favorite song. A reporter might have heard it when she played the songs for him. We have only heard a few lines acapella at a live Spotify session.

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So I thought I'd share my shower thought with you all


It's a bit of a reach and it's not that exciting but since we don't have much else to talk about, hear me out


So we know that the songs on NFR seem to reference each other (MAC references VB, VB references NFR). Well In Your Car and HIAB both talk about the 'backseat'. So what if HIAB is referencing In Your Car, and In Your Car's actual title is 'Backseat'? 

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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