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2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election

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Of course he would need a cop. Whether it is Trump or Biden winning the race, it is obvious the next president will have to deal with increasing unrest nationally and globally... So as a signal to moderate republicans and middle class democrats, that property will be safeguarded and contestation crushed if necessary, you need somebody who has the track record and rethoric of Harris. The rise of "law and order" metaphysics in describing the reality of the nation, red scare talking points, is a defining trait of the present time, globally. That someone like Harris would access the 2nd most important seat in the executive branch of the still most powerful nation on earth, is not mere political calculation, but a definite sign of the course of events and of the strategy the state is adapting to these circumstances. Here in France, where generals and army men have steadily declined in prestige since the 70s, the chief of the Parisian police has now risen to national fame after the Yellow Vest movement ; because the events naturally allow for people with his prerogatives and knowledge to rise in the hierarchy, and because it is politically fit that he should be a spokesperson in a pre-revolutionary moment. It is how Harris' nomination should also be understood and examined.

Kamala Harris is not a cop. She is a prosecutor. They are not the same jobs. She went to law school. Last I checked you don’t need to go to law school to be a cop.

Right... Like it wasn't mainly the US that has destabilised and essentially destroyed the entire Middle East.

So that makes Russia okay?


As for destabilizing the Middle East, last I checked the UK and France did a lot to make problems over there when they were colonial powers. Russia has created problems in the Middle East too. They support Assad and they invaded Afghanistan in 1980. So now Russia isn’t innocent either.


And btw, China is taking over Africa and creating lots of problems there. China also gave the world this Pandemic too by the way.

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Russia is bad. They want to destabilize the world and are already doing it. Russia and China is the new axis of evil.

If you think, that the US isn't part of the "axis of evil" you're wrong. Just look at what they did to the Middle East. Invading unjustifiably Iraq in 2003 is one of the most evil things they've done. This is also a personal take, but nonetheless valid. What good has the US done to the world ever since 2003? Destroying Iraq, then leaving without establishing their promised "democracy" in the region, thus leaving a power vacuum, which leads us to ISIS. Literally fucking everyone over in their attempt to play world police.

So when 2009 the financial world crisis hit and left the US in shambles, China had room to grow exceptionally fast. You shot yourself in the knee there. It's your fault for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

If you think that Obama was any better to that region, wrong again. He was almost as bad as Bush and did nothing to better it. Killing Osama Bin Laden was a joke, when literally the US created that man in the first place. Later shooting themselves in the knee again. The US gouvernment is nothing but evil.

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If you think, that the US isn't part of the "axis of evil" you're wrong. Just look at what they did to the Middle East. Invading unjustifiably Iraq in 2003 is one of the most evil things they've done. This is also a personal take, but nonetheless valid. What good has the US done to the world ever since 2003? Destroying Iraq, then leaving without establishing their promised "democracy" in the region, thus leaving a power vacuum, which leads us to ISIS. Literally fucking everyone over in their attempt to play world police.

So when 2009 the financial world crisis hit and left the US in shambles, China had room to grow exceptionally fast. You shot yourself in the knee there. It's your fault for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

If you think that Obama was any better to that region, wrong again. He was almost as bad as Bush and did nothing to better it. Killing Osama Bin Laden was a joke, when literally the US created that man in the first place. Later shooting themselves in the knee again. The US gouvernment is nothing but evil.

We have done terrible things but we are hardly part of the axis of evil. As for Obama, he was a great President.


America can’t play soft. If we don’t act, someone else will. By that I mean Russia and China.


But for the record, I do love my country.


I just love this; a few weeks ago I had people on here calling me a racist. Now I am defending Kamala Harris (a black woman) from unfair criticism on here and now Obama too! Me defending honest cops is somehow racist but it’s not racist for people on here to bash Senator Harris and Former President Obama; both successful African Americans in politics!


God I love the irony!

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So is the solution not to vote at all? As an LGBTQIA citizen, Trump and Pence are hostile towards the community. LGBTQIA rights groups fully support biden and Harris actually does have a strong record on these issues currently. Also this Twitter profile is far-left wing. Twitter is not a good place for politics. I bet that Twitter page is supported by the Russians too. People need to STOP getting their news and information from social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are not places for FACTS. 


No, it’s the fact that you completely disregard everyone who doesn’t support Biden/Harris as “wanting Trump to win”? Like how dare you when it’s people, TRANS PEOPLE and black people, who have suffered directly under Kamala. While you sit at home spreading right-wing conspiracy theories about how a “far left-wing” twitter account must be supported by Russians? That’s just pathetic, get over yourself. You think because it’s on twitter it must be a lie but we’re to believe someone on LB. And btw, you being part of the LGBT community doesn’t mean shit when trans people have always been more disadvantaged than everyone else. Back to centristboards...

We have done terrible things but we are hardly part of the axis of evil. As for Obama, he was a great President.


America can’t play soft. If we don’t act, someone else will. By that I mean Russia and China.


But for the record, I do love my country.


I just love this; a few weeks ago I had people on here calling me a racist. Now I am defending Kamala Harris (a black woman) from unfair criticism on here and now Obama too! Me defending honest cops is somehow racist but it’s not racist for people on here to bash Senator Harris and Former President Obama; both successful African Americans in politics!


God I love the irony!

This is draining, criticising the actions of someone who is black doesn’t make you a racist. And for the record, Obama is a war criminal.

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No, it’s the fact that you completely disregard everyone who doesn’t support Biden/Harris as “wanting Trump to win”? Like how dare you when it’s people, TRANS PEOPLE and black people, who have suffered directly under Kamala. While you sit at home spreading right-wing conspiracy theories about how a “far left-wing” twitter account must be supported by Russians? That’s just pathetic, get over yourself. You think because it’s on twitter it must be a lie but we’re to believe someone on LB. And btw, you being part of the LGBT community doesn’t mean

shit when trans people have always been more disadvantaged than everyone else. Back to centristboards...

These are not right wing conspiracies. I got bad news for you; anything that isn’t socialist isn’t a right wing conspiracy. Kamala Harris has a 100% rating from the HRC (the leading LgBT rights group). So explain that?


Also, dismissing my position as part of the LGBTQIA community is kind of problematic.


So again, what is the solution? Are you going to not vote at all?

No, it’s the fact that you completely disregard everyone who doesn’t support Biden/Harris as “wanting Trump to win”? Like how dare you when it’s people, TRANS PEOPLE and black people, who have suffered directly under Kamala. While you sit at home spreading right-wing conspiracy theories about how a “far left-wing” twitter account must be supported by Russians? That’s just pathetic, get over yourself. You think because it’s on twitter it must be a lie but we’re to believe someone on LB. And btw, you being part of the LGBT community doesn’t mean shit when trans people have always been more disadvantaged than everyone else. Back to centristboards...


This is draining, criticising the actions of someone who is black doesn’t make you a racist. And for the record, Obama is a war criminal.

War criminal? Give me a break!!


God is everyone on here some kind of far left wing socialist? Is there no middle ground? I’m a democrat and I can’t believe half the stuff I am reading on here.

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tell that to the victims of the countless drone strikes...

So the solution is to not kill terrorists? Not stop them? Let them get away with it?


You hope that you can minimize and outright avoid civilian casualties but sadly there are civilian casualties sometimes. That is sadly the reality of war. And btw, I hate war.



I’m done with this thread.


So you don’t like Biden/Harris? Fine! Stay home! PLEASE DO NOT VOTE!! Allow Donald Trump to get four more years! Allow Trump to deport more people and trample over the civil rights of everyone! Allow Trump to replace RBG on the Supreme Court which will result in many women not being able to get safe access to abortions.


Let Trump continue to destroy the environment. Let him end the world!


So stay home youngsters! Let’s the old white dolls decide for you because people who will be head within the next ten years should totally decide your future.


Just stay home, don’t vote. Smoke pot.


Oh, just don’t start talking about politics if you don’t vote. If you don’t vote you have no business talking politics. I don’t want the opinion of someone who does not vote.

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So the solution is to not kill terrorists? Not stop them? Let them get away with it?


You hope that you can minimize and outright avoid civilian casualties but sadly there are civilian casualties sometimes. That is sadly the reality of war. And btw, I hate war.



I’m done with this thread.


So you don’t like Biden/Harris? Fine! Stay home! PLEASE DO NOT VOTE!! Allow Donald Trump to get four more years! Allow Trump to deport more people and trample over the civil rights of everyone! Allow Trump to replace RBG on the Supreme Court which will result in many women not being able to get safe access to abortions.


Let Trump continue to destroy the environment. Let him end the world!


So stay home youngsters! Let’s the old white dolls decide for you because people who will be head within the next ten years should totally decide your future.


Just stay home, don’t vote. Smoke pot.


Oh, just don’t start talking about politics if you don’t vote. If you don’t vote you have no business talking politics. I don’t want the opinion of someone who does not vote.

if you don't like war, i don't understand why your head is so far up Obama's ass lol he's literally the reason that innocent people in the middle east are dead right now. not exactly something that qualifies someone as "a great president"


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These are not right wing conspiracies. I got bad news for you; anything that isn’t socialist isn’t a right wing conspiracy. Kamala Harris has a 100% rating from the HRC (the leading LgBT rights group). So explain that?


Also, dismissing my position as part of the LGBTQIA community is kind of problematic.


So again, what is the solution? Are you going to not vote at all?


War criminal? Give me a break!!


God is everyone on here some kind of far left wing socialist? Is there no middle ground? I’m a democrat and I can’t believe half the stuff I am reading on here.

I couldn’t care less what organisation Kamala has been approved by, her transphobic past doesn’t lie.


And yes, war criminal, pick up a book for the love of God. Literally all of your presidents have been bottom of the barrel gutter shite. When you accept the faults of your country maybe more people would take you seriously. It’s funny how the US and other western imperialist countries are allowed to get away with killing civilians, as long as the military can look like heroes! Sorry if we find it hard to believe that you’re some pacifist after defending drone strikes that killed innocent people.

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So the solution is to not kill terrorists? Not stop them? Let them get away with it?


You hope that you can minimize and outright avoid civilian casualties but sadly there are civilian casualties sometimes. That is sadly the reality of war. And btw, I hate war.

Nice paragon for American ignorance. It's not a secret, that the US creates their own terrorists. If not, tell me, why didn't they go after the Saudis when 9/11 happened? Remind me, who funded al-Qaida again?? Did you see the surfaced drone videos? American soldiers killed civilians just for fun under Obama's administration still. Look at what he did to Yemen.


If you think, that all the problems now are Trump's fault, you're fucking delusional. He's the culmination of everything that has been going wrong with the US for a long time. This is what happens, when you don't hold yourself accountable.

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I don't know how people can care about politics at all, it's rigged and pointless to get involved in and none of the people involved are remotely likable. Nothing they say is true, they do nothing to help anyone and everyone all kind of knows and accepts its just a pointless game yet they continue to accept it and take part in the nonsense of voting like they are achieving something. To me you need to have lost the plot to bother voting.


Obama is probably the most liked and accepted president in decades but if he lived next door to you, you'd never like him. You wouldn't trust him to watch your own kids, theres something overtly fake about his persona and he's killed thousands of innocent people.


Him and Trump both come from totally different backgrounds and were probably totally different people growing up yet look at the jobs they done, they've done the exact same stuff. If a rich guy who doesn't even care about politics really and probably just wanted the job for ego and fun and a guy who came from a poor background and worked hard for some reason to get this job both had a go and it was the exact same as it's always been then theres something not right.

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That is NOT what I said. Now you are twisting someone else’s words.

I’ll just end it with this quote from Thomas Paine, who I’m sure many people here have never heard of.

Oh please, everyone knows I changed it. That was literally the whole point

And I will end with this beautiful piece of commentary


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So that makes Russia okay?


As for destabilizing the Middle East, last I checked the UK and France did a lot to make problems over there when they were colonial powers. Russia has created problems in the Middle East too. They support Assad and they invaded Afghanistan in 1980. So now Russia isn’t innocent either.

It's not exactly a competition, and obviously Russia and China aren't smelling of roses either, but yes, I think it's safe to say the US has more blood on its hands than Russia, or any other country on this planet for that matter. Maybe y'all should stop "bringing democracy" to Middle Eastern countries if you're never willing to deal with the consequences?


And like, I'm not telling you to feel personally guilty or responsible for what your politicians did over the years, but it's disheartening to see how y'all Americans are being spoon-fed imperialist and reactionary "America first!" propaganda (and have been since way before Trump BTW) and don't even realise it. That lack of awareness that maybe things aren't as black and white as your politicians tell you, that maybe y'all aren't the "good guys", is deeply concerning. It's like you're unwilling to take a step back and look at things from a neutral perspective, but at the same time simply can't NOT get involved in everyone else's business.


Like... the US has been meddling with Iran and systematically destabilised the country since 1953, and literally as recently as January 2020, the US murdered an Iranian military official out of the blue. Again: the US murdered an official representative of a sovereign state, unprovoked. Obviously it was framed as a "necessary airstrike", but imagine somebody killing the US Secretary of State just like that; and getting away with it. I'm pretty sure it would be seen as an act of terrorism, but what do I know?


And let's not forget what happened in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria etc., especially the war crimes in Iran and Afghanistan, but apparently it's easier to go after Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange, who brought those crimes to light, than to deal with the actual criminals.


China also gave the world this Pandemic too by the way.

Yeah, I'm not gonna comment on that last bit. If you don't realise how ridiculous you sound in your blind American fanaticism, there really is no point in arguing with you.


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So is the solution not to vote at all? As an LGBTQIA citizen, Trump and Pence are hostile towards the community. LGBTQIA rights groups fully support biden and Harris actually does have a strong record on these issues currently. Also this Twitter profile is far-left wing. Twitter is not a good place for politics. I bet that Twitter page is supported by the Russians too. People need to STOP getting their news and information from social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are not places for FACTS. 




Again, is the solution not to vote at all? Is the solution not to vote for Biden because of he and Harris did some things in the past you don't agree with? Are we really going to stay home and let Trump win?




Russia is bad. They want to destabilize the world and are already doing it. Russia and China is the new axis of evil. 




And is the solution not to vote? To stay home? To let Trump win again? 


Michelle Obama explained this very well as to why young people should vote. She asked "would you let your grandmother pick out an outfit for you for a dance?". Of course not. 


When young people stay home, Republicans win. 


In politics, there is no candidate you will find to be perfect, so you pick the better one of the two options. Biden/Harris is way better than Trump/Pence. 




Believe me you don't want Russia ruling the world. Russia persecutes LGBTQIA people, they abuse human rights worse than anyone expect for China. Vladimir Putin is evil. Russia is a threat to democracy and democratic values. We never should have allowed them to host the Olympics or World Cup.


I’m really only replying to your quote of me so disregarding the rest of your post, I do think voting is important but we should feel like choosing another party other than D v R is safe and a meaningful vote. Being forced to choose between these two dipshits is really concerning — one will be president and neither deserve to run one of the strongest forces in the world. Neither of them know how to run a country properly and theyre both incompetent children in boomer bodies. Doesn’t mean I won’t vote, I’ll vote 3rd party and it’s to keep my vote AWAY from BOTH. I really hate the argument that a 3rd party vote is a vote against one or the other. No, it’s a vote against both because theyre both absolute pieces are garbage and shouldn’t be who we’re forced to choose between.


Like I said, let’s evict D & R for about 20 years and see if they can be weeded out in that time. We don’t need parties in there being paid by companies to move the companies forward. We need someone who gives a fuck about the PEOPLE again, public health, inflation, things that truly matter to the everyday person working their ass off. There needs to be fixes to problems but nobody gives a fuck to fix them. Even Obama, Obamacare was nice and all if you qualified.. I made too much to qualify. At the same time, I didnt make enough to be able to afford healthcare so I had to pay an extra tax at the end of the year because I chose not to pay over half of my pay for a month for insurance.


This country simply needs someone from the outside who can solve issues like inflation, low pay, healthcare/the scam that is insurance (we wouldnt need insurance if healthcare wasnt overcharged, which should be a priority and in a first world country, an affordable necessity/amenity, but i digress). People work their asses off just to show nothing for it. The way things were with pay & money in the 50s/60s after the depression was fixed and people had nice things and could pay for them with cash, thats how we need to be again financially. The 50s/60s weren’t perfect (civil rights were only coming to a head, don’t get me started on that, because we STILL HAVE YET TO GIVE LGBT & POC FULL GODDAMN RIGHTS TO FUCKING LIVE WITHOUT HARRASSMENT)



sorry, politics gets me riled up lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Russia is bad. They want to destabilize the world and are already doing it. Russia and China is the new axis of evil. 


You have utterly failed to comprehend American history and the history of NATO. Russia and China are not the "new axis of evil"


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I’m really only replying to your quote of me so disregarding the rest of your post, I do think voting is important but we should feel like choosing another party other than D v R is safe and a meaningful vote. Being forced to choose between these two dipshits is really concerning — one will be president and neither deserve to run one of the strongest forces in the world. Neither of them know how to run a country properly and theyre both incompetent children in boomer bodies. Doesn’t mean I won’t vote, I’ll vote 3rd party and it’s to keep my vote AWAY from BOTH. I really hate the argument that a 3rd party vote is a vote against one or the other. No, it’s a vote against both because theyre both absolute pieces are garbage and shouldn’t be who we’re forced to choose between.


You are absolutely right in theory, but isn't the reality of the situation that a 3rd party vote in this election will strengthen Trump's odds of winning? 


I agree that Biden/Harris is not the right choice to lead the country and think the American government is extremely backwards and corrupt with a severely damaged system, but I also think that Trump takes it to a whole new level and everything must be done to get him out of the White House.


I personally think that step one is getting Trump out, which unfortunately in this case means Biden. And then step two is to reform the system and hopefully bring someone competent and progressive in next. 

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You are absolutely right in theory, but isn't the reality of the situation that a 3rd party vote in this election will strengthen Trump's odds of winning? 


I agree that Biden/Harris is not the right choice to lead the country and think the American government is extremely backwards and corrupt with a severely damaged system, but I also think that Trump takes it to a whole new level and everything must be done to get him out of the White House.


I personally think that step one is getting Trump out, which unfortunately in this case means Biden. And then step two is to reform the system and hopefully bring someone competent and progressive in next.


I see what you’re saying and you have a point. I don’t necessarily like it, but you’re right. Theres a process and the process goes, one step at a time. Sadly, we can’t fix everything right now and right away with a single push of a button but maybe we can by getting Trump out and then next election, get Biden out.


Hopefully by that point, we can have a bigger movement for a third party. Everyone always says it’s not possible and wouldn’t happen with the electoral college but if everyone said FUCK THIS then they’d have no choice. We’d see who the electoral college votes for, why, and if they go against the American people. If so, then we can revolt, remove them and move forward by whats right.


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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