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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,057 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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  On 12/20/2019 at 12:30 AM, lustforlife said:

iTunes USA


#29 NFR! (+42)

#34 Romance (-6)


:teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :lmao: :lmao:

NFR! 22nd currently! And 11th (+258 places) in UK. US and UK stans are any discounts?


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  On 12/20/2019 at 7:22 AM, Nobody said:



I am so glad she got #1 and so proud of her. 


but this review...... what is with them trashing her most legendary album in the first paragraph, saying that the motifs like glamour and men are shallow ,and then in the second paragraph say that she was rejected all this time because of "sexist assumptions about her aesthetic and background"


"on California, she tenderly tells a lover, “you don’t have to be stronger than you really are”; but a disgusted, grotesque edge enters her voice in the chorus where she rifles through all the west coast cliches that she knows he expects of her"   what the hell is this line ... grotesque edge in her voice? and that interpretation, that she is returning to her motifs with resignation because its what expected of her, is baseless I think...


"On prior albums, her subjugation to bad boys has been repetitive to the point of distraction. Here, she and producer Jack Antonoff make it visceral... Her voice is dewy as she revisits a favorite cliche: “Lying on your chest / In my party dress / I’m a fucking mess.” 

again, author want to stress how bad her motifs were until now... when Jack enters the scene and makes them decent  :um:

critics couldn't handle Lana in all her thematic glory in 2012 and they equally cant now



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  On 12/19/2019 at 8:19 AM, Electric Body said:

You are entitled to your opinion. You have every right to post it. But by now, pretty much everything has been said, you are just sticking around posting how awful you think this album is on EVERY fucking page of this thread and I don't really get why you just can't let it go. The album has already been out for 4 months by now. You posted your criticism, most of it very well worded, but by now it's a safe bet that when ANYTHING about this album happens, like an interview or a nomination or whatever, you'll be here to tell us how awful the album truely is.


I did not like Marinas last album at all. I was pretty vocal about it on the MATD thread and people got triggered cause they can't handle someone criticising something they like. However, after I made my points I LEFT the MATD thread and did not come back every day, for every music video or interview, to reinforce my opinion. Why invest my energy into something I don't like that much and annoy people who might like it?


And pls, making a freedom of speach issue out of this ... just don't. Really.

Oh wow, we love an intelligent individual. You get it.. Unfortunately you will soon have people quoting you with post like “imagine telling people not to express/share their negative opinions about the album in the album thread!!11” or “YoU cAnT fOrCE peOplE tO lIkE a bAd aLbuM” “NFR is shit because of the production!! Because of the lyrics!! Because of the vocals!!” “You can’t force me to connect with it!! “How dare you like an album I don’t like!! “How dare you keep saying this album is good when I think it sucks!!” “Lana is not the same!!” “Lana has had to much surgery!!” “How can you like jack-off antanoffs production!!!” “How can you think the shitty production was done on purpose!!” And etc, well if you want a better representation of what I mean, just read the last what? 200 something pages littered with the same people expressing the same negative opinions. Lol, but god forbid someone actually enjoys this album and you’ll get the same reactions by the same members. But you pretty much said it the best way possible. I applaud you.

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I could seriously have The Greatest on repeat until the day that I die, and I’d be happy tbh.


Another thing, idk how people can say that the LQ clips of Cinnamon Girl that she played in her car (which more than likely was in a luxury vehicle that probably has some amazing sound system that could make a fart sound beautiful lol) months before the album was officially released therefore most of us spending our time replaying the clips over and over for months while we wet our panties in awe over how amazing y’all claimed the song was, I don’t understand how people can say things like “the released song has no bass, the original version she played in her car had more bass and sounded better or hit harder” etc etc, because honestly to me the song sounds either the same and or the bass is just fine? Idk. Maybe it was never intended to have some hard hitting bass like “freak” for example lol. Idk, I for one don’t hear a real difference lol. Then again I’m listening to the songs to enjoy them and not to see what I can nit pick and criticize about them or what little sounds I can pick up on.. idk how to fully explain myself at this very moment lol. but I’ve been listening to the album in my car or in my surround system in my room and it still sounds good, well to me. I guess I just don’t have a “professional ear...

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1. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

2. Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly

3. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell


Wow at this Top 3! It's insane how high NFR is on these decade end lists. Usually such recent releases get ranked way lower due to fear of recency bias (and NFR was released like 4 months before the decade end). Such a legendary album.



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Au grand dam de certains utilisateurs de LanaBoards, je vais continuer d'écrire mes commentaires et donner mon opinion sur l'album que ça vous plaise ou non. J'aime à penser que j'apporte une certaine diversité d'opinion sur le forum, je comprends que mes commentaires puissent avoir été perçus comme étant négatifs et/ou répétitifs. Mais à ce que je sache LanaBoards n'est pas un état totalitaire, et je pense qu'on se doit de promouvoir une certaine diversité d'opinion. Comparer mes opinions à de la litière à chat... wow. Ça ne s'invente pas! C'est pas parce qu'on n'est pas d'accord avec l'opinion des autres qu'on doit automatiquement donner dans l'insulte et la bassesse. Comme on dit: quand on a pas de culture, on bascule rapidement dans la vulgarité.


Dans la vie j'ai l'intime conviction qu'on doit apprendre que ce la diversité d'opinion ça existe et que l'on aura pas toujours le dernier mot dans un débat et/ou une discussion. Dans un sens je comprends que mes commentaires sonnent probablement très négatifs pour certaines personnes ici, voir même beaucoup. Mais je me considère encore comment étant un grand fan de Lana. Je pense aussi avoir droit d'exprimer une certaine pensée critique envers celle-ci, elle n'est pas aussi parfaite que certaine personne le laisse entendre ici. Je pense aussi que mes commentaires ont autant leur place sur le forum, ou cette discussion en particulier, que les commentaires de d'autres utilisateurs qui sont, à mon humble avis, tout aussi répétitifs que les miens.


Bref, j'aimerais conclure en disant que j'en ai franchement rien à chier que vous n'aimez pas ce que j'ai à dire ici. J'ai le droit à mon opinion et aussi le droit de la répéter autant de fois que ça va me tenter. Il n'y a personne, et je répètes bien: personne. Qui va me mettre au silence et avoir le dernier mot sur moi. Sur ce, comme je pense qu'il n'y aura pas beaucoup de personne qui vont être capable de lire mon commentaire jusqu'ici,  et aussi que la traduction risque de laisser à désirer, j'aimerais terminer en disant ceci: à toutes les personnes qui ne m'aiment pas ici, vous pouvez tous manger de la crisse de marde. Je vous emmerdes profondément, tous autant que vous êtes. Soyez en conscient. Merci.  :hooker:




un intellectuel averti. 

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Glad she knows her next album will have big shoes to fill  :defeated:

I don't wanna say that it's impossible for her to top NFR because I never thought NFR would get this amount of acclaim, but I sure do hope she can at least come close to it.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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