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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

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  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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There is so much hate for the percussion on How to Disappear.  I haven't seen anyone mention this yet - so let me share some facts about the "jingle bells" on HTD.  And maybe this will help you all have less of a problem with them. 


I personally love them. 


First of all, they are called "sleigh bells" by musicians in the studio, and they were a big trademark of Brian Wilson's mid-60s Beach Boys productions.  He used them the way other producers would use tambourines, and they always added a distinctive sparkle to the Beach Boys.  You can hear them most famously on God Only Knows from Pet Sounds.  So over the last 50 years when another artist uses sleigh bells it's 9 times out of 10 in an effort to reference/pay tribute to Brian Wilson/Pet Sounds.  Being that Lana is always finding new ways to reference California, Laurel Canyon, the 60s, Beach Boys this makes perfect sense. 


HTD is such a masterpiece.  :defeated:

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Hi guys, I don’t know if my post went right bc I was in mod queue, so I’ll say it again just in case it didn’t

I think California is for Francesco Carozzini, bc he’s Italian (if you come back to America), and he is a magazine photographer (I’ll pick up all of you vogues and all your Rolling Stones). What do you think?

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pretty sure its vogues, because right after she says "all of your rolling stones" and those are both magazine titles

Idk if anyone said this yet since I haven’t caught up, but it definitely is vogues because it’s a reference to Joni Mitchell’s song California, in which she mentions pretty people reading rolling stone and vogue.


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do we know anything about the vocal sample at the end of Cinnamon girl - sounds like "take a break"?


also love the last 2 mins of Cinnamon how ethereal


So ominous also. It's like so mystical...like opening the darkest magic in the world keke...or taking over a kingdom. Royal...

Also makes me imagine a sad scene where a bf leaves his bf on the highway and he slowly fades away from vision.. and the person is heartbroken and he is barely able to drag himself ...but get hits by a car on the highway but Dies with a smile remembering his love.

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I think Bartender is slowly but surely becoming the standout track for me, as much as I love MAC, Cinnamon Girl, NFR, VB, and The Greatest. It just really surprised me, the piano parts seep into my brain and I woke up with the pre-chorus piano bit in my head, so lovely and earnest. And those vocals. The whole thing is just really timeless and classic to me. I think it will become one of my absolute favorite LDR songs. 

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Idk if anyone said this yet since I haven’t caught up, but it definitely is vogues because it’s a reference to Joni Mitchell’s song California, in which she mentions pretty people reading rolling stone and vogue.

Ugh. I can’t believe I didn’t catch that. This is the correct answer.

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Hi guys, I don’t know if my post went right bc I was in mod queue, so I’ll say it again just in case it didn’t

I think California is for Francesco Carozzini, bc he’s Italian (if you come back to America), and he is a magazine photographer (I’ll pick up all of you vogues and all your Rolling Stones). What do you think?


true but Barrie is Scottish...and I feel like he had a much bigger impact on her than Francesco

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Not many people talk about it, but NFR is such a uneven album in terms of lyrics quality. There are so many great lines, but unfortunately as many horrendous. I wish Lana decided to have a co-writer. Anyway, here is my subjective list of the lows and the highs.




“You're fun and you’re wild” – Norman Fucking Rockwell (so cliché)[/size]

“My, my, my, you found this, you need this” – Mariner’s Apartment Complex (the repetition of “my” sounds so forced)[/size]

“Fear fun, fear love[/size]

Fresh out of fucks, forever” – Venice Bitch[/size]

“Ice cream, ice queen” – Venice Bitch[/size]

“Wha- wha- wha- wha- whatever[/size]

Everything, whatever” – Venice Bitch [/size]

“In the car, in the car, in the backseat, I'm your baby” – Love song (cringy!)[/size]

“Make you real proud of your baby” – Love song (also cringy!)[/size]

“Lying on your chest in my party dress[/size]

I'm a fucking mess, but I” – Love song (terrible, cliché rhymes, sudden end with “I”, very poor writing)[/size]

“Baby, it's the best, that's a test and yes” – Love song (poor rhyming)[/size]

“Touch me anywhere 'cause I'm your baby[/size]

Grab my waist, don't waste any part” – Love song (waste – waist is atrocious + cringy) [/size]

“Cinnamon in my teeth[/size]

From your kiss, you're touching me” – Cinnamon Girl (has absolutely no flow)[/size]

“Baby, you don't ever have to[/size]

Go faster than your fastest pace or faster than my fastest cars” – California[/size]

“You make me feel like[/size]

There's something that I never knew I wanted” – The Next Best American Record (does not go well with the melody, sounds forced)[/size]

“We play the Eagles down in Malibu and I want it” – The Next Best American Record (same here)[/size]

“Those nights were on fire[/size]

We couldn't get higher” – The greatest (one of the worst rhymes on the album)[/size]

“The culture is lit, and if this is it‚ I had a ball” – The greatest (the stressed rhyme lit – it is so bad)[/size]

“Hawaii just missed that fireball[/size]

L.A. is in flames‚ it's getting hot” – The greatest[/size]

“With my bartender, hold me all night[/size]

Bartender, our love's alive” – Bartender (again, horrible rhyme)[/size]

“Happiness is a butterfly[/size]

Try to catch it, like, every night[/size]

It escapes from my hands into moonlight[/size]

Every day is a lullaby[/size]

Hum it on the phone, like, every night[/size]

Sing it for my babies on the tour life, ah” – Happiness is a butterfly (no flow, repetition of “like every night”, which itself does not sounds natural, rhyme butterfly – lullaby, generally poor writing)[/size]

“I had fifteen-year dances[/size]

Church basement romances yeah I've cried” – Hope is a dangerous thing (the last part – yeah I’ve cried – does not sound good, like the phrase ended to quickly and she put anything there; there are more lines like this unfortunately in this song)[/size]

“Hello it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad[/size]

Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say, "Hi dad"” – Hope is a dangerous thing (the worst part of the song that kinda destroys it for me, bad rhyme and cringy)[/size]

“There's a new revolution[/size]

A loud evolution[/size]

That I saw” – Hope is a dangerous thing[/size]


Overall worst: 1. Love song 2. Cinnamon Girl 3. Venice Bitch[/size]



“Goddamn, man-child[/size]

You act like a kid even though you stand six foot two[/size]

Self-loathing poet, resident Laurel Canyon, know-it-all[/size]

You talk to the walls when the party gets bored of you” – Norman Fucking Rockwell[/size]

“You took my sadness out of context” – Mariner’s Apartment Complex (great line, a bit spoiled by a horrible rhyme context-complex)[/size]

“And if I wasn't so fucked up, I think I'd fuck you all the time” – Fuck it I love you[/size]

“All of the guys tell me lies, but you don't[/size]

You just crack another beer[/size]

And pretend that you're still here[/size]

This is how to disappear” – How to disappear[/size]

“He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again” – How to disappear[/size]

“My baby used to dance underneath my architecture[/size]

He was '70s in spirit‚ '90s in his frame of mind” – The Next Best American Record (amazing first line)[/size]

“The culture is lit and I had a ball[/size]

I guess I'm signing off after all” – The greatest (If the first line is ironic)[/size]

“"Life on Mars" ain't just a song” – The greatest[/size]

“Wine is flowing with Bacardi” – Bartender[/size]

“Playing games of levitation[/size]

Meditating in the garden” – Bartender[/size]

“If he's a serial killer, then what's the worst[/size]

That can happen to a girl who's already hurt?[/size]

I'm already hurt[/size]

If he's as bad as they say, then I guess I'm cursed[/size]

Looking into his eyes, I think he's already hurt[/size]

He's already hurt” – Happiness is a butterfly[/size]

“Maybe I'd get less stressed[/size]

If I was tested less like all of these debutantes[/size]

Smiling for miles in pink dresses[/size]

And high heels on white yachts” – Hope is a dangerous thing[/size]

“I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown[/size]

24/7, Sylvia Plath[/size]

Writing in blood on the walls[/size]

'Cause the ink in my pen don't work in my notepad[/size]

Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not[/size]

But at best I can say I'm not sad[/size]

'Cause hope is a dangerous thing[/size]

For a woman like me to have” – Hope is a dangerous thing[/size]

“Spilling my guts with the Bowery Bums[/size]

Is the only love I've ever known” – Hope is a dangerous thing[/size]


Overall best: 1. How to disappear (the only song with no weak moments in lyrics, overall solid) 2. Norman Fucking Rockwell 3. Bartender[/size]

ur hella annoying


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Hi guys, I don’t know if my post went right bc I was in mod queue, so I’ll say it again just in case it didn’t

I think California is for Francesco Carozzini, bc he’s Italian (if you come back to America), and he is a magazine photographer (I’ll pick up all of you vogues and all your Rolling Stones). What do you think?

Didn't they spend most of their time in NY, though? I only remember them either being Europe or NYC. Seems like she and Barrie were central to California, though. Still, I totally see where you're coming from.


I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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