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Lana and Sean Larkin at Central Park in New York City - September 23, 2019

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I'm always skeptical of people who want to be on reality television.


Anyway, some "fun" facts about this guy:


1. His nickname Sticks is a bastardization of "Fuckstick".

2. He was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal corruption probe of Tulsa police.

3. This incident with a black man from his very first episode drew criticism for harassment and profiling. Tulsa PD later cited negative media coverage as their reason for pulling out of the series.



And that's just from a couple minutes Googling.


Lana, if you've got first responder fantasies, perhaps fuck a firefighter.



i didnt even hear a word he said, i was too busy looking at his jawline

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Actually they were probably called by Sean just like how Francesco used to do lol.

But whyyy??


The more I read about Sean the more I want Lana to reject him. But if she is happy with him then it is okay bc it is her (love) life but I hope he will not have a bad influence on Lana and WHF :raven:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Actually they were probably called by Sean just like how Francesco used to do lol.


True, more likely than Lana doing it as a police officer is a pretty good job so to be one and be interested in going on TV and doing magazine interviews and all that kind of stuff does show he is very interested in fame and publicity.

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I don’t mind that he’s a cop. Not all cops are bad.


But if he is some southern Oklahoma trump supporter or gun supporter... I want Lana to stay away from him!


Am I the only one thinking maybe Lana is going more towards the conservative side? I dunno, first the Hillsong mess and now this.


Honestly I don't even know with her anymore. She seems 'drawn' to that side in a lot of aspects but that's all I'll say. :umadney:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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I'm just still trying to get over how much he looks like her real dad and Chuck... 

but just like a... 

manlier version.....




If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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He's a cop from a corrupt district that went onto Fox News to claim that "bad media coverage" (meaning reports of police brutality) are causing cops to fear using deadly force, as though that's a bad thing. There's also a loooooot of pro-Trump tweets he's tagged that are linked to his deleted tweets, so he's probably a Trump supporter. 


Being a friend of a cop was a loss for the fanbase but her support of him is a loss for the culture.

I can only assume she relates to his personality on some level. Delusions of Police Kindness, issues with profiling - none of which would be a talking point if we weren't speaking about the man she's dating. If you think it's alright to support someone who assumed a black man was apart of a gang because of the color of his shirt - then you need an intervention as much as he does - something so many bootlickers will never get because there just isn't enough help for the issue.

Message sent with concern that will never be addressed. 

A loss to her fan base? Don't speak for all of us. It's a win for me.

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She plans on seducing him to get K out. :creep:

For K, Pt. 3 confirmed for WHF!

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Replying to trayertrashes comment  


If I want to be served white republican cop-loving mom vibes this isn't the site I come to. It's very convenient that you ignored the top half of trayertrash's post to let us all know you lick the boots of corrupt, racial-profiling cops so we can all know you tweet god bless the president every morning post-2016, but if you want to rile people up for no good reason, facebook has a laugh react option so it's probably better there.

locals only

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What about ‘Playing Dangerous,’ where the young pyromaniac seduces the police officer? Maybe it’s been one of her fantasies for a while.


‘Centerist’ she may be, and she may have been raised to be a Democrat like most of NY State, but I have seen conservative elements in her songs and vision since Elizabeth became LDR.

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If I want to be served white republican cop-loving mom vibes this isn't the site I come to. It's very convenient that you ignored the top half of trayertrash's post to let us all know you lick the boots of corrupt, racial-profiling cops so we can all know you tweet god bless the president every morning post-2016, but if you want to rile people up for no good reason, facebook has a laugh react option so it's probably better there.

I'm not sure why you are assuming I'm trying to rile anyone up. 

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he looks like an old client of mine.  :hdu: gagging. i mean lana does look very tranny-ish.

Same. Idk what the fuck's wrong with her 

this is why you shouldn't worship anyone other than the dark lord. 


she looks "T***S" ... i myself am "T***S" .....  :crai:


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Please do not use offensive slurs

if you like my face just thank my surgeon | your friendly local trans - catch me modeling for: https://dragunbeauty.com/

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I didn’t say to keep guns the same! We do need better gun restrictions! Yet, I think not all guns should be banned. We shouldn’t be allowing so many to die. Yet we also can’t deny that frankly firearms have played a huge part in American culture & it’d be messy to get rid of them completely. While many oppose gun reform many also advocate for it & that’s what makes it so tricky


but should we really be trying to save the "American culture" ? when racism is part of the culture and firearms are part of the culture, people are going to use it as an excuse for being racist gun fuckers, kind of like it seems you are doing now. I know you have good intentions and I respect that. However, the culture is killing people. And it has been killing people in America for hundreds of years. Disproportionately, minorities. Cops killing people with guns because they are racist  is part of the culture. The culture kinda sucks.


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but should we really be trying to save the "American culture" ? when racism is part of the culture and firearms are part of the culture, people are going to use it as an excuse for being racist gun fuckers, kind of like it seems you are doing now. I know you have good intentions and I respect that. However, the culture is killing people. And it has been killing people in America for hundreds of years. Disproportionately, minorities. Cops killing people with guns because they are racist  is part of the culture. The culture kinda sucks.

Why not focus on the racist culture then? I'm all for stricter gun control, but maybe I'm missing the purpose of taking my guns away? 

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