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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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So, I’m on a manifesting strike today, this witch is just too powerful and is counteracting and deflecting our efforts with her chaotic powers... we’ve manifested a Mariah’s album, instead, I feel drained :air:

We need to take her by surprise, just like she’s trying to do with us


Also, preorder + single tomorrow, get ready ladies we’re about to win yuh yuh wbk wbk :mj2:



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Y'all are literal crackheads and I love this community so much, the way I cry-laughed for the last 10 pages :thumb:

I can't believe the album is really coming in 2 days holy shit.....:flop:


~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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4 hours ago, JehovahThikness said:

ok at first i wasn't completely sold on the TJF snippet but after listening to it for a few times I could definitely get wasted and cry to this wow tenor.gif

Why's Dua Lipa crying? 


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1 minute ago, Lustformoney said:

this page has todays date in the source code idk if it mean something https://lana.lnk.to/StoreWE


it doesn't, it's just tracking where you visited the page from (country, city, etc), when, etc.

paradise is a hell-colored flame sky

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4 minutes ago, Lustformoney said:

ok sorry im just dumb


gurl that doesn't make you dumb lol

paradise is a hell-colored flame sky

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You guys, I'm gonna be crying ACTUAL TEARS if she decides to turn on us and not release this


At least have the decency and let us know now and not on the "release day"


I'm so hyped up for new Lana songs to bop to. I can't with her and her silence, she's driving us all fcking crazy

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2 minutes ago, cinnamongirI said:

If there really was a preorder coming in two days, shouldn't her store be closed already? Someone enlighten me I'm losing hope 


?? i’m not sure what you mean, her store never closes before an announcement. at least from what i remember but i might be wrong :/


from what i remember from lfl and nfr era, but don’t quote me on this, the preorder always goes live at about 1/2pm british standard time! never later and never earlier. i think that must be the time that just works for the different time zones.


and from the NFR era it didn’t shut the site, it just completely updated it in one fell swoop? unless i’m forgetting about sitting about waiting for it.


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2 minutes ago, electra said:


?? i’m not sure what you mean, her store never closes before an announcement. at least from what i remember but i might be wrong :/


from what i remember from lfl and nfr era, but don’t quote me on this, the preorder always goes live at about 1/2pm british standard time! never later and never earlier. i think that must be the time that just works for the different time zones.


and from the NFR era it didn’t shut the site, it just completely updated it in one fell swoop? unless i’m forgetting about sitting about waiting for it.

Sorry I wasn't more specific. Lana's shop was locked a little more than a week before the announcement was posted for NFR and preorder came a day after the initial announcement. In that time period I believe we got the logo and the background. We're nearing September 5th and nothing interesting has happened. If that silence continues then I find it very unlikely her that store can be updated in a small amount of time before September 5th which could mean a delay.

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I'm just going to expect a single on Friday. Anything more than that and I'll be over the fucking moon.


(And let's be honest, I'd be satisfied if it was simply an announcement with a release date)

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1 minute ago, cinnamongirI said:

Sorry I wasn't more specific. Lana's shop was locked a little more than a week before the announcement was posted for NFR and preorder came a day after the initial announcement. In that time period I believe we got the logo and the background. We're nearing September 5th and nothing interesting has happened. If that silence continues then I find it very unlikely her that store can be updated in a small amount of time before September 5th which could mean a delay.


it’s weird how i completely don’t remember this, was this the US store or was this her universal store for the U.K.?


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2 minutes ago, electra said:


it’s weird how i completely don’t remember this, was this the US store or was this her universal store for the U.K.?

I think it was both? I don't remember either 

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