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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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1 hour ago, Thunder Corpse said:

1. I never wrote that I wished her album would leak nor did I "manifest" anythhing ever in this thread. If you are going to complain about me, at least READ my posts. :ohsnap2: or ignore them if you get so upset about them

2. I obviously adore most of her music. But I don't see a point in not criticising things I dislike for the sake of being a fan. If that equals hating to you, then ... well.

1)ย no oneโ€™sย upset girl itโ€™s just very tired we get it you're the eternal negative presence here get better materialย :nails:


2) thereโ€™s a big difference between criticizing things and ONLY criticizing things. 24/7. asย iโ€™ve already said, iโ€™ve never ever seen you say anything positive on here. ever. likeย just take a warm shower or a chill pill from time to time and unclench whatever needs unclenching.ย ย :sass:

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Just now, Teomo said:

should weย ask him to make a voice recording provingย it works? :D


does anybody know how to speak serbian?ย :oprah3:


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5 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

does it ship to the USย 


let me bid a stupid amount of moneyย 

I have no idea if he does or not..this morning there was 3 bidders and now thereโ€™s 32 so people are trying to snatch it:thumb2:

"Donโ€™t forget me"

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2 minutes ago, LemonadeHeavens said:


does anybody know how to speak serbian?ย :oprah3:

we can use google translateย :pls:

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Just now, Dragon said:

u might get outbid add a quarter just in caseย OblongBaggyChrysomelid-size_restricted.g


just in case elon musk tries to snatch the albumย OblongBaggyChrysomelid-size_restricted.gย 


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3 minutes ago, LemonadeHeavens said:

this thread is too chaotic, let's just relax and eat a cheeseburger...ย giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e475d75c9e4f3f47c8b5c


PLEASE this thread needs a mcchillย DeadIcyHoneybadger-max-1mb.gif


I thought today was more chaotic than when the thread got shut down

1.jpgย  3.jpgย ย 2.jpgย 

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yessssss honey badger gifs, me sneaking into clay's house to get his coccย giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e475d75c9e4f3f47c8b5c


i hope she posts something this week it could be not chemtrails related i could give two shits i just want her to chat



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19 minutes ago, CyberCherry said:

I'm really counting on all my other New Zealand/Australian ladies to not leak it when we are a day ahead, tbh I kinda wantย to listen to it the same time as the rest of y'allย :crying5:

I'm also a Kiwi but I couldn't leak an album if I tried, I wouldn't even know where to startย :ma:

nice cocc bro

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the serbian guy listening to yosemite while a bunch of desperate lipsters try to auction for the albumย on a random websiteย DeadIcyHoneybadger-max-1mb.gif


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