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Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Blue Banisters  

899 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Blue Banisters?

    • Text Book
    • Blue Banisters
    • Arcadia
    • Interlude - The Trio
    • Black Bathing Suit
    • If You Lie Down With Me
    • Beautiful
    • Violets for Roses
    • Dealer
    • Thunder
    • Wildflower Wildfire
    • Nectar of the Gods
    • Living Legend
    • Cherry Blossom
    • Sweet Carolina

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The double negatives in Dealer hurt my ears

“I don’t wanna live,

I don't wanna give you nothing,
'Cause you never give me nothing back”

unless she’s literally trying to say “I wanna give you everything because you always give me everything” it makes no senseeeee.
I’m sorry to be a grammar geek but double negatives in songs really irritate me lmao she could easily have said “I don’t wanna live, I just wanna give you nothing, ‘cause you always give me nothing back”


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3 minutes ago, OverYourHead said:

The double negatives in Dealer hurt my ears “I dont wanna live, I don't wanna give you nothing
'Cause you never give me nothing back” unless she’s literally trying to say “I wanna give you everything because you always give me everything” it makes no senseeeee.
I’m sorry to be a grammar geek but double negatives in songs really irritate me lmao she could easily have said “I don’t wanna live, I just wanna give you nothing, ‘cause you always give me nothing back”

Sounds like it’s going OverYourHead :ma:

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7 minutes ago, OverYourHead said:

The double negatives in Dealer hurt my ears

“I don’t wanna live,

I don't wanna give you nothing,
'Cause you never give me nothing back”

unless she’s literally trying to say “I wanna give you everything because you always give me everything” it makes no senseeeee.
I’m sorry to be a grammar geek but double negatives in songs really irritate me lmao she could easily have said “I don’t wanna live, I just wanna give you nothing, ‘cause you always give me nothing back”


i know gramatically it may not be correct but she definitely means "i don't want to give you anything because you never give me anything" instead of "i wanna give you everything because you always give me everything"


i honestly never would've thought of that if you didn't point it out, but it's clear what she means

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4 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


i know gramatically it may not be correct but she definitely means "i don't want to give you anything because you never give me anything" instead of "i wanna give you everything because you always give me everything"


i honestly never would've thought of that if you didn't point it out, but it's clear what she means

Yeah it’s definitely clear what she means, it just irks me that she says it so wrong because I have to sing it every time I’m belting out that song hahaha


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30 minutes ago, OverYourHead said:

Yeah it’s definitely clear what she means, it just irks me that she says it so wrong because I have to sing it every time I’m belting out that song hahaha

It's pretty well established slang usage, and when it's used by an artist who is clearly educated (like the Rolling Stones or Pink Floyd), it's used to characterise the narrator in a specific way, or ironically (Another Brick in the Wall, which is railing against education, is a text book example). When it's used more organically, like in hip hop  or punk, it's trying to present an image of the writer/singer as a rule breaker and also perhaps as a class signifier. Lana's probably using it as a combination of these.

She's also playing with cliches, with the line about 'not one shirt off your back'. Normally, that phrase is used as a compliment about someone's generosity, in the form of 'he'd give you the shirt off his back', but she's using it as an insult of his stinginess ("he wouldn't even give me one of the shirts off his back, even though he has so many"), as well as of his lack of dedication to their relationship ("he wouldn't reveal himself emotionally and physically to me, but still expected me to give him everything of mine.") It's not an accident.


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If I had to claim one song today, it would be Thunder. Yesterday we had a huge storm that knocked out power to half the city (luckily ours was only out for about eight hours), and singing that song was the only thing that got me through the anxiety.


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imo Cherry Blossom is the Get Free of BB. Like the whole “this is my commitment, my modern manifesto” promising to uplift and support herself thru personal growth (I push you high, I’ll be right here etc) and to remind herself of how beautiful the experience of life is, that the struggles are worth it (much to learn/see)… especially with what she’s been talking about lately like understanding her history, her karmic lineage, and moving through the world beautifully or whatever she said, it made me think of those songs… idk … I love this theme for her tho 


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today was the first time in about two weeks that i didn't listen to the album at all and it feels weird. Idk, I guess I'm trying to keep it from getting old now. I've been using it for shower music which has been nice, especially the middle tracks leading into Dealer. i still love IYLDWM and BBS. fuck


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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Whenever I read or hear a negative review, I have the impression that the person hasn't listened to the album properly or is just judging on false prejudices. Especially when nonsense sentences come up like "everything sounds the same", "the album is too long" or "she is so hyperactive, one album a year is enough". If they have no time and desire to spend time with the music in depth, they should rather not give a review at all.

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1 hour ago, OverYourHead said:

The double negatives in Dealer hurt my ears

“I don’t wanna live,

I don't wanna give you nothing,
'Cause you never give me nothing back”

unless she’s literally trying to say “I wanna give you everything because you always give me everything” it makes no senseeeee.
I’m sorry to be a grammar geek but double negatives in songs really irritate me lmao she could easily have said “I don’t wanna live, I just wanna give you nothing, ‘cause you always give me nothing back”

Reminds me of





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6 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

Whenever I read or hear a negative review, I have the impression that the person hasn't listened to the album properly or is just judging on false prejudices. Especially when nonsense sentences come up like "everything sounds the same", "the album is too long" or "she is so hyperactive, one album a year is enough". If they have no time and desire to spend time with the music in depth, they should rather not give a review at all.

off topic but i love your username


anyways im glad we're getting new stuff from her here and there. i hope next year brings the same, doubtful, but a gay can hope. like she's literally working her ass off, deciding she finally wants to give us unreleased stuff on vinyl and it's crazy that people don't even see it as that. they probably don't even know and that's okay too, but it doesn't make it less special for those of us who know and care about the music and the artist. idk it's so weird 


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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17 minutes ago, COCC said:

Reminds me of





Weirdly this one she’s technically used the right grammar the long way, she’s saying “I will not, not fuck you the fuck up” implying that she WILL fuck you the fuck up


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1 hour ago, OverYourHead said:

The double negatives in Dealer hurt my ears

“I don’t wanna live,

I don't wanna give you nothing,
'Cause you never give me nothing back”

unless she’s literally trying to say “I wanna give you everything because you always give me everything” it makes no senseeeee.
I’m sorry to be a grammar geek but double negatives in songs really irritate me lmao she could easily have said “I don’t wanna live, I just wanna give you nothing, ‘cause you always give me nothing back”

? shes just using slang? its common to say "nothing" instead of "anything"


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23 minutes ago, Dominikx4 said:

? shes just using slang? its common to say "nothing" instead of "anything"

I"m assuming based on the user name, they're trying to 'whoosh' us, or do some performance art, a la



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59 minutes ago, Dominikx4 said:

? shes just using slang? its common to say "nothing" instead of "anything"

Oh no I know, for me personally I don’t like that kinda songwriting and can’t not pay attention to it, I’m not saying everyone should agree with me or that she should change it, I’m just sharing my opinion


35 minutes ago, longtimeman said:

I"m assuming based on the user name, they're trying to 'whoosh' us, or do some performance art

my username is part of a lyric from a song lmao


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