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the ocean

The LanaBoards Games

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1 hour ago, the ocean said:


@The Siren loses sight of where they are.

all the time :true:


1 hour ago, the ocean said:

Clampigirl defeats @The Siren in a fight, but spares their life. (phew)



52 minutes ago, the ocean said:

@The Siren hums a Lana Del Rey song (what song are you singing?)

its probably either Roses (which is my ringtone), Trash Magic, or either version of Butterflues :true:

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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:


@The Siren, @plastiscguy, stupidapartmentcomplex & Elle raid TrashMagiq's camp while he's hunting


Rorman, @The Siren & @Furor Poeticus discuss the games


@Cherry Blossom and @The Siren hunt for other tributes


@The Siren belts out the high notes in "Praying" by Kesha but it is mistaken for screams of help


@Cherry Blossom attacks @The Siren but they manage to escape





@Cherry Blossom how could you betray me like this :trisha:

brb i gotta use the bathroom <3

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(from here on out i'm just gonna type names cause tagging is hard work plus i think people are tired of me spamming their inboxes :rip:)


Rorman attempts to start a fire.

Surf Noir, Thunder, prettywhenimhigh & HW tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Furor P receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

SAC tends to their wounds.

clementines fends The siren, Cherry Blossom & Elle away from her fire

Pinky poisons Alison's drink but mistakes it for his own & dies. :rip: (you didn't make the beer right)

Balloons questions their sanity.

Super Movie sees a fire but stays hidden.




Surf Noir steals from The Siren while they aren't looking

Rorman goes hunting

Furor P constructs a shack (again?)

clementines collect clementines from a tree

prettywhenimhigh receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor

Hydroponic Weeds questions his sanity

House of Balloons overhears Super Movie & Thunder talking in the distance

Elle defeats SAC in a fight, but spares their life

Alison by Slowdive explores the arena

Cherry Blossom travels to higher ground




Rorman, prettywhenimhigh & Balloons discuss the games

SAC & Cherry Blossom huddle for warmth

Super Movie cries herself to sleep. (:cryney2: mood)

Alison sees a fire but stays hidden

Surf Noir receives clean water from an unknown sponsor

Hydroponic Weeds cries himself to sleep

The Siren tends to their wounds

clementines receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Thunder & Elle talk about the tributes still alive

Furor P quietly hums



Alison fishes

Surf Noir picks flowers

The Siren questions their sanity

Balloons defeats Super Movie in a fight, but spares her life

Elle, Cherry Blossom & prettywhenimhigh hunt for other lipsters

Rorman collects fruit from a tree

Furor P searches for a water source

Hydroponic Weeds tries to sleep through the entire day. (MEGA MOOD)

clementines constructs a shack

SAC makes a slingshot

Thunder also makes a slingshot




Hydroponic Weeds receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

The Siren convinces Super Movie to camp with them

Furor P attempts to start a fire but is unsuccessful

Surf Noir & clementines sleep in shifts

Cherry Blossom & Elle hold hands :aw:

Rorman defeats prettywhenimhigh in a fight but spares their life

Balloons thinks about home

SAC tends to Thunder's wounds

Alison tends to her wounds




Super Movie collects fruit from a tree

SAC, Thunder & Cherry Blossom hunt for other tributes

Hydroponic Weeds thinks about home

Rorman & prettywhenimhigh injure themselves

Alison receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor

clementines runs away from Surf Noir

Furor P & The Siren see smoke in the distance but don't investigate

Elle attacks Balloons but they manage to escape



trust me it will start to get interesting very soon just trying to get through this dry spell :typewriter:

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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House of Balloons - District 1 - 1 kill

Thunder - District 2

Super Movie - District 3 - 3 kills

clementines - District 4

Furor Poeticus - District 4 - 1 kill

stupidapartmentcomplex - District 5 - 2 kills

Rorman Nockwell - District 6

Hydroponic Weeds - District 7

Cherry Blossom - District 7

Alison by Slowdive - District 8 - 1 kill

prettywhenimhigh - District 10

Elle - District 11 - 1 kill

The Siren - District 12 - 1 kill

Surf Noir - District 12

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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5 minutes ago, the ocean said:

Surf Noir, Thunder, prettywhenimhigh & HW tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

OH ABSOLUTELY @Surf Noir @prettywhenimhigh


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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