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Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

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2 minutes ago, longtimeman said:

I expect that you would also have been cheering on Slobodan Milošević because of the Ustaše. (I know where that comes from - I have relatives who smile every time they hear about a German dying).


I support the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic in getting their independence. I also oppose the expansion of NATO and the growing Nazi threat in Ukraine. I think that Putin is only worsening that threat by making them look like heroes in the face of the invasion.


I am not cheering PUTIN on. Are you cheering on the Azov Battalion or the other neo-Nazi bands? Turnabout being fair play, and all.


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1 hour ago, baddisease said:


I support the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic in getting their independence. I also oppose the expansion of NATO and the growing Nazi threat in Ukraine. I think that Putin is only worsening that threat by making them look like heroes in the face of the invasion.


I am not cheering PUTIN on. Are you cheering on the Azov Battalion or the other neo-Nazi bands? Turnabout being fair play, and all.

What is happening now goes far beyond the (arguably) good intention of protecting the people of DPR and LPR. What is the reason for waiting 8 YEARS to "help" these people and attacking areas that are very far away?



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3 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

What is happening now goes far beyond the (arguably) good intention of protecting the people of DPR and LPR. What is the reason for waiting 8 YEARS to "help" these people and attacking areas that are very far away?




Good question. I don't have an answer but I could guess based on what Putin has said.


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it makes me extremely angry that everyone talking about the war in Ukraine aren't saying a single word about the USA bombing Somalia. The USA is responsible for many of the problems there.


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2 minutes ago, baddisease said:

it makes me extremely angry that everyone talking about the war in Ukraine aren't saying a single word about the USA bombing Somalia. The USA is responsible for many of the problems there.

the US is the root of a lot of problems, it always gets swept under the rug cos... idk how to finish that sentence.

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One of my friends has had to flee Russia because the government is trawling socials looking for "traitors" and she's been fighting people on there and attended protests and had reason to believe she'd get arrested if she stayed

She was too afraid to even tell me where she's gone in case they were reading but she assured me she's safe

It's soooo fucked up and terrifying

I'm so fucking anxious about today with these massive convoys. I think this is about to get far worse 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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40 minutes ago, baddisease said:

it makes me extremely angry that everyone talking about the war in Ukraine aren't saying a single word about the USA bombing Somalia. The USA is responsible for many of the problems there.

I mean the situation in Somalia is awful, too. I think most people here definitely care about that, too, but know far less about it (at least that's the case for me ... I'm also talking about this more because people I know are in danger)

One isn't less important than the other but Putin has suddenly gone from a seemingly stable (albeit awful) person to completely unhinged in like a week, and it's shocking and scary

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1 hour ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

One of my friends has had to flee Russia because the government is trawling socials looking for "traitors" and she's been fighting people on there and attended protests and had reason to believe she'd get arrested if she stayed

She was too afraid to even tell me where she's gone in case they were reading but she assured me she's safe

It's soooo fucked up and terrifying

I'm so fucking anxious about today with these massive convoys. I think this is about to get far worse 

I expected that to happen - Russian refugees I mean.
There's just no way all Russians are going to 1. want to live in a country with a leader like that and 2. want to suffer under all of the sanctions. The Russian economy is gonna be fucked if they stay for longer. The civilians are the ones having to pay (literally) for Putin's insanity. Who wants that? It's probably very frightening for them, too.

Just the word "traitors" says it all, really. Russia is finally and openly a dictatorship.


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2 hours ago, baddisease said:

it makes me extremely angry that everyone talking about the war in Ukraine aren't saying a single word about the USA bombing Somalia. The USA is responsible for many of the problems there.

I remember yesterday seeing this reporter from the US explain how 'the Ukrainian refugees are more deserving of our sympathy and attention because they're white, educated and christians, just like us.' :awkney: like yeah, sure. the syrian refugees were just some uneducated savages putin was fighting off, right? it's so fucking sick. the one thing she's right about is that the western general public cares more about the russian-ukrainian conflict because the people look like them and have a similar background to them, and so it could easily be them, while the middle-eastern/african conflicts are swept under the rug because they're too far away and too 'different' to pose a threat. 

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At least 5 killed in strikes near Kyiv TV tower, Ukraine interior ministry says



Five people were killed and five more injured in strikes near the Kyiv TV Tower, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

The ministry released an operational update reading:

“As of 06:00 p.m. 5 people were killed and 5 were injured in the shelling of the Kyiv TV Tower in the Shevchenkivskyi district. The work continues.”

The update comes as graphic new video from a park close to the Kyiv TV tower showed several bodies and a continuing fire. The video was also released by the ministry.


Ukraine's request to formally join the EU is "legitimate," European Commission vice president says


The statement comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on European leaders to “prove” their solidarity with Ukraine a day after signing an official request to join the European Union. 

“Nobody forgets that democracy was born in Ukraine after young Ukrainians were shot at for waving EU flags in Maidan (Square). We do not have short memories in Europe. We know that Ukraine is a part of the family and they are absolutely right and legitimate in their request to formally join the European Union,” Schinas said. 

He also said that the EU is set to announce blanket protection status for all those fleeing war in Ukraine that would give them automatic access to the EU’s health, education and housing facilities. That decision, Schinas said, along with the EU using its funds to buy weapons for Ukraine are “unprecedented steps.”

He told CNN he is confident when European leaders next meet, they will decide to set up the process at a pace that will allow for Ukraine to accede to the European Union “soon.”

When pressed by Anderson about how soon, he said “there is no set timetable in pre-accession negotiations.” 



Indian and African students fleeing Ukraine say they are facing racism at border


As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, foreign students attempting to leave the country say they are experiencing racist treatment by Ukrainian security forces and border officials.

Rachel Onyegbule, a Nigerian first-year medical student in Lviv, told CNN that she and other foreigners were ordered off the public transit bus at a checkpoint between Ukraine and Poland border. They were told to stand aside as the bus drove off with only Ukrainian nationals on board, she said.

She was left stranded at the border town of Shehyni, some 400 miles from Ukraine's capital, Kyiv.

"More than 10 buses came and we were watching everyone leave. We thought after they took all the Ukrainians they would take us, but they told us we had to walk, that there were no more buses and told us to walk," she said. "My body was numb from the cold and we haven't slept in about four days now. Ukrainians have been prioritized over Africans — men and women — at every point. There's no need for us to ask why. We know why. I just want to get home."



US oil prices reach seven-year high after emergency release agreement


Oil prices surged to fresh seven-year highs on Tuesday as an agreement from countries around the world to release 60 million barrels of emergency oil failed to ease supply fears gripping energy markets.

“The bottom line is this is not enough to cool off the market. It’s a bit of a band-aid solution,” said Michael Tran, managing director of global energy strategy at RBC Capital Markets. 


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Putin has been goaded into invading Ukraine. He has been manoeuvred into this course of action since 2014 when America ousted the previous Russian supporting president of Ukraine and replaced him with their puppet. Hence the annexation of Crimea in response. 


Putin’s red line ever since has been Ukraine joining NATO and therefore, the very real potential of having NATO (American) weapons of mass destruction on Russia’s border! Putin would never accept that situation. That would be akin to Russia having WMD in Canada or Mexico; would America accept that, of course not!


The Russian Foreign Office had consistently tried to engage in constructive diplomatic efforts to avert this current military action. They sought an assurance that Ukraine would not join NATO, and that NATO would halt the eastern expansion. This fell on deaf ears; they then sought assurances that NATO (American) weapons would never be stationed in Ukraine. Considering the fragile state if affairs, a reasonable request for their national security in my opinion. 


NATO in contrast refused to entertain such a treaty and has merely repeated their assertion that Ukraine are welcome to join with no restrictions, and therefore pave the way for NATO (American) forces and weapons on Russia’s border. 


There is of course, a wider geopolitical aim, an aim which has been in the making since the Soviet Union collapsed. An intention to isolate Russia from all of the ex Soviet countries. 


Since the 2014 American orchestrated coup, they have provided Ukraine with over $2 billion in military aid. America and NATO now regularly patrol the Black Sea, and Western warplanes are constantly flying in the area. While Ukraine are obviously entitled to join NATO; poking the Russian bear was only ever going to end in (avoidable) bloodshed. 


While I do not condone Putin’s military action, I can understand why it has come to this. 


Sending peace and love to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia. Depressingly the normal citizens of these countries are merely pawns in a ghastly game of geopolitical chess being played by the ruling elite. 


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My housemate was supposed to travel to Odessa this past weekend and marry his Ukrainian girlfriend so that she could move to UK with him. The energy in the house is shit, I can't imagine how horrible he must feel... and poor girl, all by herself in Odessa, no family and all of her friends have left...:( she was too afraid to travel by herself and she wont risk doing it now.

My grandma cried for Ukrainian people. She was born during the second world war and understands very well what it feels like to be occupied. My heart goes out to all people in Ukraine.



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6 hours ago, House of Balloons said:

I remember yesterday seeing this reporter from the US explain how 'the Ukrainian refugees are more deserving of our sympathy and attention because they're white, educated and christians, just like us.' :awkney: like yeah, sure. the syrian refugees were just some uneducated savages putin was fighting off, right? it's so fucking sick. the one thing she's right about is that the western general public cares more about the russian-ukrainian conflict because the people look like them and have a similar background to them, and so it could easily be them, while the middle-eastern/african conflicts are swept under the rug because they're too far away and too 'different' to pose a threat. 

Not only that but there's this widespread notion that it's "normal" for there to be conflict in Africa and the Middle East. As if war and conflict should be the accepted state of things for people anywhere ... 

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4 hours ago, Smoqueed said:

Putin has been goaded into invading Ukraine. He has been manoeuvred into this course of action since 2014 when America ousted the previous Russian supporting president of Ukraine and replaced him with their puppet. Hence the annexation of Crimea in response. 


Putin’s red line ever since has been Ukraine joining NATO and therefore, the very real potential of having NATO (American) weapons of mass destruction on Russia’s border! Putin would never accept that situation. That would be akin to Russia having WMD in Canada or Mexico; would America accept that, of course not!


The Russian Foreign Office had consistently tried to engage in constructive diplomatic efforts to avert this current military action. They sought an assurance that Ukraine would not join NATO, and that NATO would halt the eastern expansion. This fell on deaf ears; they then sought assurances that NATO (American) weapons would never be stationed in Ukraine. Considering the fragile state if affairs, a reasonable request for their national security in my opinion. 


NATO in contrast refused to entertain such a treaty and has merely repeated their assertion that Ukraine are welcome to join with no restrictions, and therefore pave the way for NATO (American) forces and weapons on Russia’s border. 


There is of course, a wider geopolitical aim, an aim which has been in the making since the Soviet Union collapsed. An intention to isolate Russia from all of the ex Soviet countries. 


Since the 2014 American orchestrated coup, they have provided Ukraine with over $2 billion in military aid. America and NATO now regularly patrol the Black Sea, and Western warplanes are constantly flying in the area. While Ukraine are obviously entitled to join NATO; poking the Russian bear was only ever going to end in (avoidable) bloodshed. 


While I do not condone Putin’s military action, I can understand why it has come to this. 


Sending peace and love to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia. Depressingly the normal citizens of these countries are merely pawns in a ghastly game of geopolitical chess being played by the ruling elite. 

It comes down to the fact that Putin wants to resurrect the Soviet Union and Ukraine does not - in fact, no one else seems interested in doing that except Belarus. As it stands, Belarus is basically an extension of Russia.

As you say, Ukraine is entitled to join NATO, the EU, or to do whatever else it pleases - it's a sovereign nation. Putin, who still has the Soviet leader mindset, seeks to control them because without Ukraine, he can never rebuild the bloc. 

So imo it's less about having NATO forces and weapons in Ukraine, and more about his aspirations. As you say, foreign forces and weapons have been in Ukraine for a long time and there have never been any incursions into Russian territory, so the idea that this is about Russia's "security" is nonsense. He also already has other NATO countries on his border -  Lithuania and Latvia, for example - and I don't see him invading them for "security" (although if he takes Ukraine, he might). No other country is going to invade Russia because that would be unhinged - it has vast, difficult terrain and is nuclear-capable - so that's not on the cards and if Russia is isolated it's because Putin has actively steered his country in that direction. 

He wants to install a puppet in Ukraine so that, like Belarus, he can say "jump" and they'll ask "how high?"

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I just received a letter from a young Russian, on an App called Slowly.

We were exchanging letters before this invasion has occurred. 


She said that: the situation in Russia is tense right now, many citizens are faced with the fact that they cannot withdraw money from their bank accounts...

sanctions have had a bad effect on Russian citizens.



That being said, as far I as watched on the news, read on-line, etc.

I feel like the non-rich people will be the most affected by sanctions. 

I see some Russians against this Invasion, others don't speak about it. 

And probably there are the ones that would defend Putin's actions.


But it's terrible to watch people from both sides suffering, without being able to move a stone.

Not just this Invasion, but the Pandemic, Iran's situation. 

The world is spiralling down.



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Navalny is really one of the biggest heros of the 21st century. He's already in prison, was almost killed by Putin's government and still fights. Please read this thread, it's kind of inspiring in a way.




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1 hour ago, BlueINK said:

Navalny is really one of the biggest heros of the 21st century. He's already in prison, was almost killed by Putin's government and still fights. Please read this thread, it's kind of inspiring in a way.




The far-right nationalist Alexey Navalny? That Navalny?


Unrelated: crushing the Russian people into dust for the crimes of Vladimir Putin is sadistic and achieves nothing except to make powerless citizens even more powerless.


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I was up most of the night chatting to my friends, mostly in Russia but some in Belarus. They said everyone is panicking and many are trying to leave but it's very difficult because they can't withdraw money or book flights. There is no way for those of us outside to help because foreign money transfers are blocked and DHL, FedEx and UPS aren't operating so we can't send anything in. :ohno:

One friend said that this feels like the collapse of the USSR all over again. 

Sadly, this needs to happen for there to be a regime change. The people need to rise up. Putin might find himself with a civil war, too

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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