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Lana Del Rey for Obsession magazine

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Lana has such powerful and expressive eyes. Her look is very intense and so expressive, they have so much emotion. I found people like that fascinating , people who almost invite you to see their soul trough her eyes.

Ps: Thanks for the interview


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all of her photoshoots are so boring. Its never something new. Even when they tried it with GQ it looked like shit, the photosopping was awful. like smiling a bit isnt that hard...


Are you sure we are looking at the same photo and talking about the same person? Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.

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Are you sure we are looking at the same photo and talking about the same person? Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.


she looks gorgeous but its still boring....she doesnt even have to put any effort into looking pretty, just standing there with a hand around her neck clearly works. snooze (not trying 2 sound bitter lol)

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she looks gorgeous but its still boring....she doesnt even have to put any effort into looking pretty, just standing there with a hand around her neck clearly works. snooze (not trying 2 sound bitter lol)


I get what you are saying about most of her shoots being boring. What strikes me about her, and some people are like that, is the fact that she can make really strong messages just with the look in her eyes. But she is boring sometimes and kind of weird all the time. Maybe the editor's never asks the photographer 2 make a "happy, sexy, light, lively and cheerful" shoot. Instead they just tell the phtographer: No smiles. make Lana look like she needs some prozac. Apparently Lana is selling not only sex but depression and sadness....sadcore sexy sadness?? Well the Brits were able 2 make Heroin Chic work so maybe this Lana Sadness is the new must have....


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I don't like most of Lana's shoots because she always looks the same. She has a beautiful smile, she should show it sometimes.

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all of her photoshoots are so boring. Its never something new. Even when they tried it with GQ it looked like shit, the photosopping was awful. like smiling a bit isnt that hard...


I found that GQ shoot almost offensive have no idea why she did it. Nothing against nudity but in a mens magazine when all of the guy's of the year are wearing a suit is a little of 2 me. If was for Vogue or Muse etc would be another story but in the GQ Men of the year edition wasn't really a good choice in my opinion. Specially for someone like Lana who is a newbie and was ripped apart in all media forms with special boost from the internet in US underestimating and questioning her talent. Standing there naked like a sex doll with an old editor grabbing her boob just makes her look like that is all she is and that she doesn't have much to say besides standing there looking like a pretty sexy object. Lana has some really good songs and is very interesting as a person if only she let the lens and interviews captivate the real her...


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Thank you for translating this, Myriam.




I love this shot, so good. Finally a shoot that isn't so garish and plastic looking.


Apparently Lana is selling not only sex but depression and sadness....sadcore sexy sadness?? Well the Brits were able 2 make Heroin Chic work so maybe this Lana Sadness is the new must have....



"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I don't like most of Lana's shoots because she always looks the same. She has a beautiful smile, she should show it sometimes.



We get it, the music is so sadcore, but it still show off these hints of hope and happiness. So why not flash a smile now and then to support this? I feel like she's all smiles when she's Lizzy and walking in the streets, and instantly pouts or goes all vulnerable as soon as she goes behind the camera as Lana. I don't know if this is an idea she's "forced" to live up to 100% to market her sound and image, or if it just happens automatically from her part.


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