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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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5 hours ago, pinupgirls said:

I think what I miss the most, and I’ve thought about this a lot, is that in her other albums, especially Electra Heart, she was making societal criticisms but she did it in a way that really made you think. Like the average person would hear primadonna and think “oh catchy fun bitchy pop song” and it worked that way on a surface level, but for those that really looked into it, it obviously was satire. I miss the more hidden pretty on the surface but dark deep down kinda thing. I love her obviously! I just want less in your face and more “make me think in that special Marina way.” Idk I just thought Electra Heart was so much better than people let on. She really studied women from the fifties and sixties and nailed it with these over the top descriptions of them. Not to be that fan that can’t move on from EH, but I just miss it. Marina stuck out to me because of how you could easily bop to it but you could also really analyze it. I low key think it was more of an effective way of getting a point across. Electra Heart really made me think about materialism and roles and identity concepts without saying “This this and that” Idk. Rant over! But I miss that magic charm. I loved it. I loved the smoke and mirrors of it all. I loved analyzing it. I still study that character and rewatch the videos to see if I missed anything. I just loved everything about it. It was the perfect concept album. Everyone gives Lana credit for changing alternative sad pop but I swear Electra Heart was a huge part of that too. (And TFJ, and FROOT, too.) I heard in an interview when she said “they wanted me to be more commercial so I said okay, I’ll do it, but I’ll do it as a different person.” Amazing. 



TLDR: I miss the Marina that made you think “there’s more to this than shes letting on” or “this isn’t what it seems.” The songs that could be played on the radio and no one but some people would listen and think “oh this is actually mocking people who really act like this I.e primadonna.”

Yeah, but unfortunately no one normally understood the meaning, especially critics who slashed her for this album a lot. A random person listening to Electra Heart wouldn't even bother to visit the Tumblr etc. I don't even think her label realised what the concept was -- remember how her manager wanted her to get rid of Teen Idle?

I agree with you and regardless of the popular opinions, this album indeed was her magnum opus. Not because of the sound, vibe or anything, but the amazing conceptualism. She's done so much research and was able to blend so many ideas using the commercial pop surface it's just amazing.


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11 hours ago, Ariel said:

I absolutely hate it and it's put me off her a lot. The lyrics are dire - what is she saying? Why is she trying to frame this fake deep garbage around the pandemic in which so many people have died? I got ill last March and never got better. I am now too ill to leave the house. Hearing her sing about people being trapped in their homes and using this as a hook for this dire "commentary" has really disturbed me, honestly. Disconnected from real people's suffering. Also, the rape verse? Me Too did not "end" rape? WTF :( Truly one of the worst things I have heard. And what is the poison to be purged? Disturbing. This is not it

Are you on crack tho? ‘Cause yikes :eek:


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5 minutes ago, Yosemite said:

Are you on crack tho? ‘Cause yikes :eek:

No, I'm just disabled due to a virus I caught last year (covid) and don't appreciate this song. I am unable to leave home now and struggle to breathe and take care of myself. There are a lot of us. Is mother nature trying to "purge" me LOL? Are healthy people "trapped" in their homes? I can't leave mine as I am now disabled. I'd rather be on crack tbh! I understand people not getting that but this song is difficult to hear due to the pandemic references, the way this is framed, and general tone. 


I really liked a lot of her other work. I don't think she is a great social commentator in these recent tracks. 

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41 minutes ago, Ariel said:

No, I'm just disabled due to a virus I caught last year (covid) and don't appreciate this song. I am unable to leave home now and struggle to breathe and take care of myself. There are a lot of us. Is mother nature trying to "purge" me LOL? Are healthy people "trapped" in their homes? I can't leave mine as I am now disabled. I'd rather be on crack tbh! I understand people not getting that but this song is difficult to hear due to the pandemic references, the way this is framed, and general tone. 


I really liked a lot of her other work. I don't think she is a great social commentator in these recent tracks. 


have u ever considered u just misunderstood the song and it has nothing to do with your trauma... 


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1 hour ago, Ariel said:

No, I'm just disabled due to a virus I caught last year (covid) and don't appreciate this song. I am unable to leave home now and struggle to breathe and take care of myself. There are a lot of us. Is mother nature trying to "purge" me LOL? Are healthy people "trapped" in their homes? I can't leave mine as I am now disabled. I'd rather be on crack tbh! I understand people not getting that but this song is difficult to hear due to the pandemic references, the way this is framed, and general tone. 


I really liked a lot of her other work. I don't think she is a great social commentator in these recent tracks. 

As @TrashMagiq said, you might have misunderstood the message of the song lmao

I get that it’s the hardest for you, and people in similar conditions, but ma’am it’s not that serious.

Also, I get why she stated that Mother Nature is purging us lmao we, as human beings, have been fucking this shit up. It’s truly just causes and consequences. Imagine if humans didn’t eat ANY meat, do you know how many viruses “appeared” solely bc we eat meat? Have you ever thought abt that? 
And that part she talked about being quarantined that you deemed “bad”? Maybe you’re just overly sensitive bc of your condition, and I get that, but it’s really not that deep tho


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40 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:


have u ever considered u just misunderstood the song and it has nothing to do with your trauma... 

I have read the lyrics. Although I think it is fairly unclear how the points she is making are related, we all process lyrics and music in different ways. I am not sure I "misunderstood" the lyrics. I would ask other people to read them from the point of view of someone whose life was devastated by the pandemic if they think my response is silly.

I am not claiming that others have "misunderstood" the lyrics. We all have our own reactions. I am interested to see how other people interpret what she is trying to say; I don't think they are misunderstanding just cause we don't have the same reaction.


Re: it's not that deep - I feel like she is trying to do social commentary in this song, it's not just a "bop". It talks about the pandemic, war, Hervey Weinstein, and feminism. I think it's fair enough to try to understand the messages conveyed. 

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10 minutes ago, Ariel said:

I have read the lyrics. Although I think it is fairly unclear how the points she is making are related, we all process lyrics and music in different ways. I am not sure I "misunderstood" the lyrics.I would ask other people to read them from the point of view of someone whose life was devastated by the pandemic if they think my response is silly.

I am not claiming that others have "misunderstood" the lyrics. We all have our own reactions. I am interested to see how other people interpret what she is trying to say; I don't think they are misunderstanding just cause we don't have the same reaction.


Re: it's not that deep - I feel like she is trying to do social commentary in this song, it's not just a "bop". It talks about the pandemic, war, Hervey Weinstein, and feminism. I think it's fair enough to try to understand the messages conveyed. 

Pandemic doesn’t play a huge part in the song for you to react that way- it’s literally just like 3 lines- and even that, she didn’t even say much, just stated the obvious. You need to look at the song as a human being that knows what’s wrong in the world and not as someone who was deeply affected by the pandemic, like you said. That’s where I think you’re being overly sensitive abt it
Re: it’s not that deep- I was referring to the part you deemed bad when she talked abt quarantine, not about the whole song lmao

Bolded part, I definitely agree w you, if she wants to write a song that wants to have a message like the one she intended, then the song should be “judged” by those standards.


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2 hours ago, Ariel said:

No, I'm just disabled due to a virus I caught last year (covid) and don't appreciate this song. I am unable to leave home now and struggle to breathe and take care of myself. There are a lot of us. Is mother nature trying to "purge" me LOL? Are healthy people "trapped" in their homes? I can't leave mine as I am now disabled. I'd rather be on crack tbh! I understand people not getting that but this song is difficult to hear due to the pandemic references, the way this is framed, and general tone. 


I really liked a lot of her other work. I don't think she is a great social commentator in these recent tracks. 

But the thing is, she isn't lying in those lyrics. Nature IS purging us slowly. I understand your situation but I'll give you an example: I'm from Puerto Rico, in 2017 we experienced one of the worst hurricanes ever named Maria. It destroyed my house, I became homeless for months without a bed to sleep. When I saw my house with my belongings inside literally in pieces, I started crying and it was very hard. The people in my country are still scared but the beaches are clearer than ever and the air feels fresh.


You may think the lyrics are cruel or too harsh but it's reality. Climate change is very real and we are destroying our planet every day. 


#gossipgirledit from you, me and the sea


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been listening to something i named the

Love + Fear (Demons + Angels Edition)


01. Demons & Angels

02. Superstar

03. Emotional Machine

04. There's Nothing Wrong With You

05. Handmade Heaven

06. Believe In Love

07. You

08. No More Suckers

09. Enjoy Your Life

10. Holiday

11. Orange Trees

12. Karma

13. Too Afraid

14. Water Under The Bridge

15. To Be Human

16. End Of The Earth





Please Don't Call Me


The Art Of Letting Go


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PTP's chorus is so addictive to sing along ugh. Manrina truly snapped :poordat: AOTY incoming 


Anyway I do think she made some points with these lyrics but the problem is the way she EXPRESSED them. She's basically supporting Britney with that line but the way she wrote it can be kind of harsh tbh. 

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Why harsh? Knowledge about mental illnesses and media harassment was way weaker in 2007, people were generally more unsympathetic towards women. She's saying the truth; everyone would call Britney crazed back then. It's good that the society is progressing now. 


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True talk though, although I genuinely like only 4 songs from Love+Fear, it wasn't the biggest decline in quality I've seen. Rosalía went from El Mal Querer to whatever she's dropping these days


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4 hours ago, DinahLee said:

Eclipse confirmed "Venus Fly Trap" is the next single on ATRL? Not anytime soon tho.



I hope its before the album release so let me be a bit delusional thinking about a late may release? I hope this post ages well

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8 hours ago, vrtvie said:

Why harsh? Knowledge about mental illnesses and media harassment was way weaker in 2007, people were generally more unsympathetic towards women. She's saying the truth; everyone would call Britney crazed back then. It's good that the society is progressing now. 

It’s amazing that society is slowly becoming more sensitive to mental health issues and I know that PTP is in Britney’s defence but that line was harsh. Britney’s breakdown was a personal tragedy where she almost lost her life, almost leaving her kids motherless. She’s still facing the consequences for her breakdown to this day and still gets abuse from it. It’s not appropriate to write about it in such an on-the-nose way especially when it’s common knowledge (and common sense) that Britney doesn’t like people bringing it up.

What if Marina was writing a song about how horrible depression is and she wrote “?Kurt blew his brains, leaving his kid fatherless, la la la la la ?”. Or what if she was writing a song about the effects of the media and wrote “? Amy, drunk and anorexic, la la la ?”. You just don’t write about things like that. Maybe if it was more metaphorical or abstract then it’d be alright but not so in your face.

Obviously, I don’t think that Marina should get any hate. I know her intentions were pure but it was just another tone-deaf moment imo

Everytime I try to fly, I fall

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2 hours ago, Angelic Tropico said:

It’s amazing that society is slowly becoming more sensitive to mental health issues and I know that PTP is in Britney’s defence but that line was harsh. Britney’s breakdown was a personal tragedy where she almost lost her life, almost leaving her kids motherless. She’s still facing the consequences for her breakdown to this day and still gets abuse from it. It’s not appropriate to write about it in such an on-the-nose way especially when it’s common knowledge (and common sense) that Britney doesn’t like people bringing it up.

What if Marina was writing a song about how horrible depression is and she wrote “?Kurt blew his brains, leaving his kid fatherless, la la la la la ?”. Or what if she was writing a song about the effects of the media and wrote “? Amy, drunk and anorexic, la la la ?”. You just don’t write about things like that. Maybe if it was more metaphorical or abstract then it’d be alright but not so in your face.

Obviously, I don’t think that Marina should get any hate. I know her intentions were pure but it was just another tone-deaf moment imo

thank you... I’m so glad somebody understands 


I’m honestly so grossed out by those lyrics & the fact she kept them in the song, that I haven’t even listened to it.... don’t even think I will. Maybe once when the album is released to get the full listening experience, but I’m just not interested in listening to a song with such tone-deaf lyrics. 


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2 hours ago, Angelic Tropico said:

What if Marina wrote “?Kurt blew his brains, leaving his kid fatherless, la la la la la ?”. Or what if she was writing a song about the effects of the media and wrote “? Amy, drunk and anorexic, la la la ?You just don’t write about things like that


5 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

I’m honestly so grossed out by those lyrics & the fact she kept them in the song, that I haven’t even listened to it....

 People trying to be woke are so funny. Please. As if this was the first time pop culture mentions Britney’s breakdown:smh: Also, you can’t compare the death of Amy and Kurt to Britney shaving her head, c’mon. Y’all sound stupid asf. 


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