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MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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https://krakenfiles.com/view/2Mnp5mWgqY/file.html scab and plaster final OG file
interesting that the date as of february 16 2012, could be just producer messing with this but maybe it was intended for a duluxe? tho i highly doubt since it not really fit productionwise to electra heart


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2 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

https://krakenfiles.com/view/2Mnp5mWgqY/file.html scab and plaster final OG file
interesting that the date as of february 16 2012, could be just producer messing with this but maybe it was intended for a duluxe? tho i highly doubt since it not really fit productionwise to electra heart

in her own words, from march 2012:


‘I really don't know. [About releasing Scab and Plaster] I actually don't feel like it was part of the concept at all. It seemed like a throw-back from The Family Jewels... We'll see what we can do with it.’


maybe she was going to post it to her soundcloud? or maybe as a free download? the album wasn’t out yet so perhaps she was still hoping she could do a die Life EP with the songs? 

alternatively, as the date is just when it was bounced, perhaps she just wanted it for her archive or wanted to sell it like jealousy. 

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2 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

https://krakenfiles.com/view/2Mnp5mWgqY/file.html scab and plaster final OG file
interesting that the date as of february 16 2012, could be just producer messing with this but maybe it was intended for a duluxe? tho i highly doubt since it not really fit productionwise to electra heart

After years of passionate listening to this track I realised it is severely underdeveloped and the fact this version's supposed to be final sheds a bad light on it. The lyrics are too repetitive, the vocals sound unpolished and the instrumental background doesn't have many things going on. Compare it to marvelous final versions of Power & Control or Living Dead. Miss Y (https://dbree.org/v/062a25) sounded more prepared but I can't seem to find the actual HQ final version with the guitar bridge and piano ending (https://dbree.org/v/fb7f7b).


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30 minutes ago, AllForYou said:

in her own words, from march 2012:


‘I really don't know. [About releasing Scab and Plaster] I actually don't feel like it was part of the concept at all. It seemed like a throw-back from The Family Jewels... We'll see what we can do with it.’


maybe she was going to post it to her soundcloud? or maybe as a free download? the album wasn’t out yet so perhaps she was still hoping she could do a die Life EP with the songs? 

alternatively, as the date is just when it was bounced, perhaps she just wanted it for her archive or wanted to sell it like jealousy. 

i mean im sure die life had already been scrapped by the beginning of 2011 but seems she really tried to do smth with that and this is not inclusion in electra, i wouldnt mind It to Be Just a cute sc release


18 minutes ago, vrtvie said:

After years of passionate listening to this track I realised it is severely underdeveloped and the fact this version's supposed to be final sheds a bad light on it. The lyrics are too repetitive, the vocals sound unpolished and the instrumental background doesn't have many things going on. Compare it to marvelous final versions of Power & Control or Living Dead. Miss Y sounded more prepared but I can't seem to find the actual final version with the guitar bridge and piano ending.

i agree, but I think we dont have yet finals for miss y and double life, but here is that versions u prob looking for



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24 minutes ago, vrtvie said:

After years of passionate listening to this track I realised it is severely underdeveloped and the fact this version's supposed to be final sheds a bad light on it. The lyrics are too repetitive, the vocals sound unpolished and the instrumental background doesn't have many things going on. Compare it to marvelous final versions of Power & Control or Living Dead. Miss Y (https://dbree.org/v/062a25) sounded more prepared but I can't seem to find the actual HQ final version with the guitar bridge and piano ending (https://dbree.org/v/fb7f7b).

miss y was never finished (unlike scab and plaster it was never registered as finished on GEMA) so it’s possible a HQ bounce was never rendered, which is a shame :( 


I feel like miss y fits the theme of teen idle and electra heart better than scab and plaster so it’s sad she didn’t continue with it, same with double life


7 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:

i mean im sure die life had already been scrapped by the beginning of 2011 but seems she really tried to do smth with that and this is not inclusion in electra, i wouldnt mind It to Be Just a cute sc release

she was told she couldn’t do the project under another name, and merged, but it really wouldn’t surprise me if marina tried to push it through all the same, after all the songs were mostly done and paid for so why not try and put them on an EP? it would have also meant there wouldn’t be that weird issue with living dead not being commercial enough in north america and missing from the tracklist & streaming for years

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5 hours ago, AllForYou said:

it would have also meant there wouldn’t be that weird issue with living dead not being commercial enough in north america and missing from the tracklist & streaming for years

Living Dead wasn't commercial enough to be released on a CD in North America but Teen Idle was enough to be performed in schools

12 hours ago, Tana Mongeau said:

eating pure vagina

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8 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

https://krakenfiles.com/view/2Mnp5mWgqY/file.html scab and plaster final OG file
interesting that the date as of february 16 2012, could be just producer messing with this but maybe it was intended for a duluxe? tho i highly doubt since it not really fit productionwise to electra heart

File exported with Audacity's encoder LAME3.99 :usrs:

I do it just to amuse me 

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2 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

I mean it is a pop rock album, perhaps not rock though 

there are approximately 2 songs (out of 13) that could maaaaaaybe be classified as pop-rock


but even then…. :smokes:

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2 minutes ago, brandon said:

there are approximately 2 songs (out of 13) that could maaaaaaybe be classified as pop-rock


but even then…. :smokes:

I’d argue purge the poison, ancient dreams, I love you and Venus fly trap all have atleast some pop rock influence.

There’s a lot of piano ballads tbh though 

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On 2/18/2023 at 5:27 AM, lanaismamom said:

i agree, but I think we dont have yet finals for miss y and double life, but here is that versions u prob looking for


Could I get another link please? That one no worky for me. :((

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