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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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These 3 new snippets are beautiful <3. I think Im gonna like all 3 of the songs. So far im the least excited for emotional machine, but every other song from Fear im still very excited for! 

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In several interviews, I'm sure if you have the time you can find them, she says that she looked back on the songs she was making and saw that they fit Archetypes and the idea came from that. Again, that's not really that different to me than looking at L+F's songs and coming up with pairing them into two groups. She ultimately didn't do much with the archetypes themselves. Had she been able to go through with her ideas, then maybe I would agree. I'm personally not bashing any era or album, as I said I love them all. I'm just trying to be objective about her creative vision. I haven't seen much hate towards the campaign here, but I have seen a lot of it on Popjustice which is why I felt the need to comment on it.

Ive said this before but there's definitely similar melodies between several of the songs that make them all connect really nicely. I feel like I've never heard a record do that, be it intentional or not.

Maybe the idea of splitting up the story in 4 archetypes came later but EH was something she had been thinking about for over a year, she didn’t make it up on the spot upon finishing the album. It’s very different from this imo

She also went through depression during those times (you can see it from songs such as Living Dead), like, it’s much more “heartfelt” (albeit far from being genuine) than this. EH era was a lot, both work-wise and health-wise, and to say it’s the same as this is just stating the false.

There’s nothing wrong in not making a bigger picture (which is not the main issue imo), a lot of very good albums don’t have one, but EH and L+F are very different in that regard

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It comes out the day I fly home from Canada, perfect travel music!!

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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yes omg 'you' stans unite


sorry ive been waiting well over a year for this song and if shes messed it up im gonna be so unhappy but also happy at the same time because its new marina music 

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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