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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Good things about Froot:

  • The production is okay. I love the instrumentation in "Savages" and "Forget", and I really like what they've done with "Solitaire". 
  • Most of the lyrics are interesting ("Savages", "Froot", "Weeds"), while some of them are kinda terrible... ("Immortal", "Can't Pin Me Down", "Blue").
  • It is pretty cohesive. Yeah I know we have a slow ballad as the album opener and then a synthpop/disco bop. We also have pop rock-influenced tracks. They didn't create an atmosphere like Lana+Auerbach, but every song feels like it is from this album.

Bad things about Froot:

  • Most of the melodies are weak, and some of them are just incredibly basic and boring. "Happy", "Froot", "I'm a Ruin", "Better Than That" and "Savages" are the only really good melodies... they're beautiful and extremely catchy (yeah, including "Happy". It is so so catchy to me, I can't get it out of my mind :defeated: ) "Weeds" was a big disappointment... I wanted it to be a sad piano-driven ballad with a haunting melody. And even though I do enjoy "Gold", the melody is kinda boring.
  • The vocals. Marina is an AMAZING singer in my opinion but she doesn't show that with this album. I hate the overuse of reverb - I love it on Ultraviolence because it fits the dream pop/indie rock/psychedelic vibe, but this is a pop/indie pop record and it sounds annoying. I also REALLY hate the multiple voices... it makes the songs sound monotonous ("Immortal" is a good example).
  • Some choruses are HUGE disappointments. When I heard that weird sound/synth in "Solitaire" at 1:09, I was like "OMG SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN", but no, it was just another weak chorus.

So, Froot is not a bad record, but it's not incredible. And no, I didn't have my expectations way too high, it's just that Marina made me think it was going to be her best album. I thought it was going to be slow, reflective, atmospheric and kinda sad. But oh well, can't wait to see her.




Best songs: "Happy", "Froot", "I'm a Ruin", "Better Than That".



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Wow... I've never felt so personally upset about an album leak before... I was practically begging for Electra Heart to leak but with FROOT, I just feel terrible... She put so much of herself into this and was so excited about FROOT of the month....


On the bright side I guess there's only one or two more left anyway before the album release...


Well, with my guilt out of the way: can someone be a darling and send this my way? :-*

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So the lyrics are different to those that leaked for Gold. ...


The real version has a line about the midas touch that was added, and cut the would-be-iconic "girls just wanna have fund$" line. :hdu:


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@@Bekim I would but idk how to upload music and share it... Like I've actually never done that, and I just found the link in a random tumblr post. Try searching the Marina tag.


Anyway I must say, Better Than That is SOOOOO TFJ like I almost get some Hermit the Frog vibes. It's beautiful.


Solitaire is really good. The lyrics are interesting... I don't think I quite get what it's about on first listen.


I'm currently at Weeds on my first REAL listen of the album from beginning to end. Before I just randomly played a few tracks.


Weeds is interesting... The album seems to talk about two relationships, an ex she broke up with but wants back, and the boyfriend after him who Marina feels guilty being with because she's still hung up on an ex who keeps "growing back like weeds"

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Love the album-- bummed that it leaked so early, but I'm sure we're all still going to support her. Buying it when it comes out for sure! Early favorites are "Happy" "I'm A Ruin" "Blue" "Solitaire" and "Savages" 


But until then, I still dislike the album cover so I created something for myself to use, and I ended up making a .gif for it, so here it is for your viewing pleasure. Also included the album art/still version. Reblog it on Tumblr if you want!  / still image/album cover here




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