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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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29 minutes ago, Cool Shades said:

I miss when she used to hum on her songs like on Ride or at the end of Terrence. Does she hum at all on this album? Still attempting to avoid leaks



She hums in a few songs. Kintsugi for one


By the way, thanks for that, on the way, I'll pray for ya
But you'll need a miracle

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1 minute ago, ivory almond said:

3 days, 1.5 hrs until this thread closes
im sad ngl


we had so many deaths during this prerelease thread :(


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 hour ago, littleredpartydress said:

tbh like its enough now...


if she wants to make more uptempo stuff you can definitely do that without injecting trap into it at every chance 

i want old school hip hop and jazz rap energy (think a tribe called quest or gang starr)


peppers is an exciting direction w the beach boys sounds swirling toward the end, aaahhhhhh i fucking LOVE peppers :kris: i think w songs like fishtails, i just end up missing the old sound, personally



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4 minutes ago, jackritchiexo said:

NOOOO i just realised this thread is gonna end what am i gonna do now i’m new to lana boards but this pre release has been so fun i love u guys even tho i barely speak this thread is so fun 

Then we go into the post-release thread and then the pre-pre-release thread for LDR10 will probably start 18 milliseconds later when Lana teases the glitch pop song that won’t be released for 8 more years


.・゜゜・ ⋆·˚ ༘ * GIVE PEACE A CHANCE  ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ・゜゜・.

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1 minute ago, That Venice Bitch said:

Then we go into the post-release thread and then the pre-pre-release thread for LDR10 will probably start 18 milliseconds later when Lana teases the glitch pop song that won’t be released for 8 more years


Even if she doesn't tease the next album (like she always does) can we still get a LDR10 pre-pre-release? :teehee:


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 minute ago, Yosemite said:

Judah Smith Interlude lyrics anyone? :oprah3:


Note mine, but....



it means quit lusting after your neighbor
that’s a heck of a life!
you get to love your children in front of you
you get to love, you have to talk to somebody about a new life
i don’t love my wife anymore, i don’t love my kids anymore
? like they’re usually my age
does that sound like love
it’s a life long ? with lust
but for too long they’ve been holding it on
and finally they just get weak
and they say it doesn’t matter anymore
and the spirit ?? with desires with
what you have and what’s in front of you

so as it works deep in your heart
as you call out to Him
how could you do it to me man?
help me want what I got
help me love what’s in front of me
help me want more of my wife and more of my friends
and help me serve the city I live in and not wish it away and hope I can move
help me God
I want to be a man in love
Not a man in lust
But you’ve got to do that
?? person up there

Psalms Chapter 8
And do you know what I got in this verse?
This is going to sound crazy to you but I’m gonna tell you
the absolute truth, it’s going to make me sound so ? so I’m looking forward to it
I woke up this morning and God said “check the bible”
?? I’m going to speak to you from the verse of the day
That means I don’t have to do anything, I don’t have to look anywhere
Just look at the verse of the day
So I get to the verse of the day
And here’s the verse of the day, today, in the bible
Look at this
Look at the splendor of the skies
You creative genius glowing in the heavens
When I gaze, when I gaze at your moon and your stars
Mounted like jewels in their settings
I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all
When I look up and I see such wonder and workmanship above
I have to ask this question
I’ve got to ask this question
Compared to all this cosmic glory,
Why would you ever bother with puny, mortal man
Or being ??? , don’t get me started ?? infatuated
Or be infatuted with Adam’s son?
Why are you so infatuted with me?
You’re the star creator, you’re the ocean maker
you’re the whale creator, you’re the rhino designer
Who do you think you are?
And then it goes on in verse 5
Yet what honor you have given to me,
Created only a little lower than Elohim
Which is the name of Creator God
All this to god
You want to call God about this
At some point tonight when you go to bed yell:
“Yo, Elohim!”, and he’ll hear: “You’re the best artist ever!”
Crowned like kings and queens with glory and magnificence
You have delighted, you have delegated to them mastery over all you have made
You’ve made me a partner with you
I wish to think my preaching was mostly about you
And you’re not going to like this but I’m going to tell you the truth
I’ve discovered my preaching is mostly about me


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