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There's a tunnel under Ocean BlvdĀ 


Taco TruckĀ 


Let the Light In

The GrantsĀ 


American Whore


Candy NecklaceĀ 


Paris, TexasĀ 




(Deleted: the Interludes)


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01. Fishtail

02. Candy Necklace (ft. Jon Batiste)

03. Paris, Texas (ft. SYML)

04. A&W

05. Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd?

06. Let The Light In (ft. Father John Misty)

07. Taco Truck x VB

08. Peppers (ft. Tommy Genesis)

09. Grandfather Please Stand On The Shoulders Of My Father While He's Deep-Sea Fishing

10. The Grants

11. Kintsugi

12. Margaret (ft. Bleachers)

13. Fingertips

14. Sweet

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On 3/16/2023 at 10:24 AM, Business Conference said:
  1. american whore
  2. kintsugi
  3. grandfather
  4. fishtail
  5. taco truck
  6. peppers
  7. candy necklace
  8. the grants
  9. did you know there's a tunnel under ocean blvd
  10. fingertips
  11. sweet
  12. let the light in
  13. paris texas
  14. judah interlude
  15. jon interlude
  16. margaret

I love to see margaret being at where she belongs

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I'm not sure how to rank these šŸ˜­ so I'm using my "most played" hehe

1. A&WĀ 

2. Ocean blvd

3. The GrantsĀ 

4. Sweet

5. PeppersĀ 

6. Taco Truck x VB

7. KintsugiĀ 

8. Fingertips

9. Candy Necklace

10. Fishtail

11. Let the light in

12. Paris, TexasĀ 

13. GrandfatherĀ 

14. Jon Batiste interludeĀ 

15. Judah Smith interludeĀ 

16. MargaretĀ 


Sorry Margaret šŸ’€



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No offense but why do we need a separate thread for this isnā€™t this exactly what the post-release is for:bebe:Ā 


Ė–Ā°Ā ā‹†.ą³ƒąæ”Ā this is my idea of funĀ Ā°ā‹†.ą³ƒąæ”*:ļ½„

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1. A&W

2. Kintsugi

3. Candy Necklace

4. Taco Truck x VB

5. Paris, TexasĀ 

6. Tunnel

7. Peppers

8. Grandfather

9. Peppers

10. Let The Light In

11. Sweet

12. Margaret

13. The Grants

14. Fishtail

15. Jon Baptiste Interlude

16. Judah Smith Interlude


(i rly love all of them, especiallyĀ 1 to 13)Ā 

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1.Ā A&W

2. Tunnel under Ocean Blvd

3. Peppers

4. The Grants

5. Fingertips

6. Candy Necklace

7. Grandfather

8. Taco Truck x VB

9. Let The Light In

10. Kintsugi

11. Fishtail

12. Paris, Texas

13. Sweet

14. Judas Interlude

15. Jon Interlude


16. Margabomb


The way every track including interludes grew since release except for Margaret. She just keeps falling into an abyss. Reminds me of LFL folk songs, hate them.:awkney2:

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my 10/10s: Ocean Blvd, Sweet, Let The Light In, Candy Necklace, Fingertips <3


so close to being a 10/10: Paris TX,Ā  Kintsugi, The Grants


good- won't skip but don't often "seek out": Taco Truck(pt I>>>>), Grandfather, A&W


in between: Peppers ............ i have to be in a specific mood for this one but when i am, i do enjoy itĀ 


not for me:Ā Interludes, Fishtail, Margarita

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1. Ocean Boulevard

2. Kintsugi

3. A&W

4. Grandfather

5. Taco Truck

6. Candy Necklace

7. The Grants

8. Let The Light In

9. Peppers

10. Paris, Texas

11. Fingertips

12. Fishtail

13. Sweet

14. Judah Smith Interlude

15. Jon Batiste Interlude

16. Margaret

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I listen to this album in 2 ways. The first, if I am on short journeys in the car, i play random songs from the 2nd half of the album from Paris (Texas) on for a sing-a-long; if it's long journeys or have time then I will play the full album, but nothing before Paris.


1. Grandfather

2. Paris, Texas

3. Margaret

4.Ā Let The Light In

5. Taco Truck

6. Peppers

7. The GrantsĀ 

8.Ā Candy Necklace

9.Ā A&W

10. Ocean Boulevard

11.Ā KintsugiĀ 

12.Ā Fingertips

13.Ā Fishtail

14.Ā Sweet

15. Jon Batiste Interlude

16.Ā Judah Smith InterludeĀ 

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1. Kintsugi

2. A&W

3. Let The Light In

4. Fingertips

5. The Grants

6. Ocean Blvd

7. Candy Necklace

8. Grandfather

9.Ā Paris, Texas

10. Sweet

11. Fishtail

12. Taco Truck

13. MargaretĀ 

14. Peppers

15. The interludes


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  1. Peppers
  2. A&W
  3. Taco Truck x VB
  4. Candy Necklace
  5. Fishtail
  6. Let the Light In
  7. Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd
  8. The Grants
  9. Sweet
  10. Paris, Texas
  11. Grandfather Please Stand on the Shoulders of My Father While He's Deep-Sea Fishing
  12. Kintsugi
  13. Margaret
  14. Fingertips
  15. Jon Batiste Interlude
  16. Judah Smith interlude

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1. A&W

2. Sweet

3. Did You Know

4. The Grants

5. Grandfather

6. Taco Truck x VB

7. Let the Light In

8. FingertipsĀ 

9. Paris, Texas

10. Peppers

11. Ā Candy Necklace

12. KintsugiĀ 

13.Ā Ā Margaret

14. Judah Smith interlude

15. Jon Batiste interlude

16. FishtailĀ 



i will say I enjoy most of these tracks. The only track I truly donā€™t really listen much to is Fishtail. Ā Top 3 for me for sureĀ :flutter:



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Paris, Texas

Taco Truck x VB




Candy Necklace


The Grants

Jon Batiste Interlude

Let The Light In



Did You Know That Thereā€™s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd

Judah Smith Interlude


I love all of them and this is definitely a Top 3 record for me, only behind Honeymoon and NFR.


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im sorry in advance, but also not sorry.Ā :defeated:


1) Peppers

2) Let The Light In

3) Paris, Texas

4) A&W

5) Jon Batiste Interlude

6) Taco Truck x VB

7) Candy Necklace

8) Grandfather

9) Ocean Blvd

10) Fishtail

11) Fingertips

12) Margaret

13) The Grants

14) Sweet

15) Kintsugi

16) Judah Smith Interlude


Lana.pngAngel-Headed Hipster

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After sitting with the record for a few weeks, my ranking is

1) GrandfatherĀ 

2) A&W

3) Candy Necklace

4) Paris, Texas

5) The GrantsĀ 

6) KintsugiĀ 

7) PeppersĀ 

8) Taco Truck x VB

9) Let the Light InĀ 

10) FishtailĀ 

11) SweetĀ 

12) Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd

13) FingertipsĀ 

14) MargaretĀ 


I can truly say after time I do like all the songs on the album. I used to be a complete Margaret hater and itā€™s grown on me, still at the bottom of my list but I appreciate it more now. Peppers has super grown on me!! The one Iā€™m still the most surprised about is Fishtail, I love it in theory but the production just sounds unfinished to me. Muffled like a demo. Anyway I love the whole album. #2 in her discography for me I think.Ā 



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love :

1. candy necklace

2. fingertips

3. ocean boulevardĀ 

4. let the light in

5. a&w


like really muchĀ :

6. fishtail

7. kintsugi

8. sweet

9. paris, texas


like, but they only hit in certain moments :

10. the grants

11. peppers

12. taco truck


dislike :

13. grandfather

14. jon batiste

15. judah smith

16. margaret

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On 4/4/2023 at 10:04 AM, Rocket0212 said:

1.Ā A&W

2. Tunnel under Ocean Blvd

3. Peppers

4. The Grants

5. Fingertips

6. Candy Necklace

7. Grandfather

8. Taco Truck x VB

9. Let The Light In

10. Kintsugi

11. Fishtail

12. Paris, Texas

13. Sweet

14. Judas Interlude

15. Jon Interlude


16. Margabomb


The way every track including interludes grew since release except for Margaret. She just keeps falling into an abyss. Reminds me of LFL folk songs, hate them.:awkney2:

nahh, donā€™t compare that ass margaret is to songs that are actually great, like tomorrow never came or god bless america, at least they have some nice flow and instrumentation, and margaret is justĀ :rip:

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1. A&W

2. Let the light in

3. Paris, texas

4. Taco Truck x VB

5. Candy necklace

6. Tunnel

7. Peppers

8. Grandfather

9. Fishtail

10. Kintsugi

11. Fingertips

12. Sweet

13.The Grants

14. Margaret

15. Jon batiste interlude

16. Judas flop interlude


I love the entire album (except Judas interlude) so it was hard to rank them.

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Let The Light In






Paris Texas

Taco Truck


Ocean Blvd


The Grants



Just as of rn it could change quicky


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