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Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East

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1 hour ago, Phenomena said:

Speaking of the Starbucks boycott, I thought I should tell you guys that if people are saying to boycott Starbucks because they "support Israel", they're spreading misinformation. A quick minute of fact-checking can do wonders. I'm sure there are reasons to stop buying from Starbucks, but they don't fund Israel. They don't have any stores there, either.




that was an interesting rabbit hole to go down thanks!

it’s worth noting googling “starbucks israeli settlements” will show u some telling information and they are suing their union for releasing a pro palestine statement! it’s easy to not realise the censorship we encounter day to day. 

sorry if this is off topic

Lana Slays On Instagram :hooker:


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10 minutes ago, honeymoon is alive said:

lana stans are her own haters atp, i have seen more lanisters talking about this than proper haters :delish2: let this woman live 

Right? Her recent post has almost 3m likes, but everyone acts like she's over or doing something wrong. :brigitte:

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Im against Israel but I don't care about any boycott's, I feel they are completely pointless. The people are already multi Billionaires and the game is already over.

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I hate McDonalds but have boycotts like this ever worked? Like have their stocks fallen or something around this period of the war? While I understand why people are upset over this but some of them act as if Lana donated million dollars to McDonalds.


Also, Lana looks so pookie in the lastest post, not gonna lie, I love her most random posts where she's just being random and casual :wub: also the skateboard video gives me MTWBT vibes!!


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americans thinking not buying starbucks and mcdonalds is god’s work when their tax dollars are going straight to the IDF and the U.S. already donates billions of dollars to israel :eartha:

we’re gonna party like it’s 1949

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i think it's really sad how a real life world problem that is currently affecting thousands of people in a horrific way turns into just another way for teenagers on the internet to hold a moral compass on celebrities using buzzwords that slowly lose their original meaning

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To me, the issue isn’t Lana buying McDonald’s this one time, it’s her continued ignorance. She has the time, money, and any other resources to make a genuine positive impact yet she chooses to remain ignorant. She can’t keep saying that she has good intentions while making no effort to demonstrate this.

Carmen GIF by Lana Del Rey

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14 minutes ago, Jukebox Sweetheart said:

To me, the issue isn’t Lana buying McDonald’s this one time, it’s her continued ignorance. She has the time, money, and any other resources to make a genuine positive impact yet she chooses to remain ignorant. She can’t keep saying that she has good intentions while making no effort to demonstrate this.


i just don't think we can really fault her for not knowing about the boycott, i'm still learning about the israel/palestine conflict, and i've found myself interested in learning more about it, but i didn't know people were boycotting mcdonald's, i'm sure there's 100s of places that could potentially be boycotted, but at that point, you pretty much wouldn't be able to purchase anything, and i don't think it's realistic to expect people to boycott companies we interact with frequently, and although i think we should make decisions that best align with our believes and morals, boycotting mcdonald's probably isn't going to do anything, especially since it's probably only being boycotted by a small number of people on social media, we support companies daily which are likely immoral or are unethical, and although we should care, and we should strive to make good choices, it isn't really realistic to completely boycott everything or to expect the general population to do so as well... most people can't realistically avoid supporting immoral companies, or they just simply don't care


and, although i don't consider myself really educated enough on the conflict to really speak on it... but i will say, from what i've seen, if you're going to be mad at any celebrity, be mad at amy schumer or noah schnapp


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7 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


i just don't think we can really fault her for not knowing about the boycott, i'm still learning about the israel/palestine conflict, and i've found myself interested in learning more about it, but i didn't know people were boycotting mcdonald's, i'm sure there's 100s of places that could potentially be boycotted, but at that point, you pretty much wouldn't be able to purchase anything, and i don't think it's realistic to expect people to boycott companies we interact with frequently, and although i think we should make decisions that best align with our believes and morals, boycotting mcdonald's probably isn't going to do anything, especially since it's probably only being boycotted by a small number of people on social media, we support companies daily which are likely immoral or are unethical, and although we should care, and we should strive to make good choices, it isn't really realistic to completely boycott everything or to expect the general population to do so as well... most people can't realistically avoid supporting immoral companies, or they just simply don't care


and, although i don't consider myself really educated enough on the conflict to really speak on it... i will say, if you're going to be mad at any celebrity, be mad at amy schumer or noah schnapp

My point isn’t that she should be expected to know about the boycotts. I’m trying to say that she should use her many resources to educate herself about Israel-Palestine and make some positive change rather than remaining ignorant. I think the issue is a lot bigger than this one selfie, which I don’t actually care about. Schumer and Schnapp are separate issues, they’re not going to change or educate themselves. But I think if Lana, Taylor, Beyonce, etc. did they could cause some genuinely

positive change. Obviously Lana isn’t necessarily as famous as Taylor or Beyonce, but she still has a huge platform. Personally, I think it’s the responsibility of celebrities to try to do good. That doesn’t necessarily mean researching every place that is being boycotted, but it does mean educating themselves and using their platform to speak out about what Palestine is experiencing. I’m not really mad at Lana, I still love her and her music. I just think that celebrities in general should use their platforms for good. This criticism I made of her doesn’t equate to hate, it’s just something I hope she can improve upon. But obviously, it’s a much wider issue than just Lana.

Carmen GIF by Lana Del Rey

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15 minutes ago, Jukebox Sweetheart said:

To me, the issue isn’t Lana buying McDonald’s this one time, it’s her continued ignorance. She has the time, money, and any other resources to make a genuine positive impact yet she chooses to remain ignorant. She can’t keep saying that she has good intentions while making no effort to demonstrate this.

damn, I think she just wanted to have a coke at the beach and there was no other option. I mean, you can boycott what you want, but you can't expect everyone else to know about that boycott or want to join it. Conversely, not boycotting does not necessarily mean support, and it's everyone's own decision.

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7 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

the list of Israel supporters is long




if you want to boycott them all, you have to live in a cave.


even Meta is on this list, so why are they commenting on Instagram? :toofloppy:

the boycott divest and sanctions movement (which has been around for ages) has been saying for years long lists like this are counterproductive. they say an organized focus should be specific companies that blatantly hurt palestinians or have factories in israel. they have a very selective list on their site- including HP, chevron gas stations, and a makeup brand called ahava. Those boycotts have worked- i think sodastream closed an israeli factory because of it and ben and jerrys changed their position. i think they played a part in lana (and the other artists) cancelling israeli concerts.

BDS did mention mcdonalds as an “organic boycott”- meaning they didn’t officially call for it but the common people started. They support it in specific areas that have called for it which i don’t know if LA/Cali has but I’m assuming so since it seems like an American movement to boycott McDonald’s. But McDonald’s is not high on BDS’

 list of boycotts. 

also, BDS movement hasn’t breathed a word about starbucks so i think anyone advocating for boycotting them for Palestine needs to reflect on why they’re doing something bds has specifically said not to. If you’re boycotting starbucks for labor and union reasons or exploitation of farmers (local coffeeshops all the way!) that’s great but it’s not about Palestine! 

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