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Make me your Dream Life

If Lana Gave You Some Advice, What Would It Be?

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Stick with the winners

Go where it's warm

Don't go to the hardware store for the bread

Don't date mean people

Run at the sign of anyone who ever yells at you or gets mad at you

Try and just have nice friends


Don't give people advice, it's like a sin in the bible



(I miss her live chats)

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11 minutes ago, Candy Necklace said:

When you know, you know
So if you don't know, don't give up
'Cause you never know what the new day might bring

Maybe tomorrow you'll know

When I read this, I do so in Lana's voice... 

with the absolute heart of the poem of life butchered out of their own bodies good to eat a thousand years





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she would probably tell me to: get high, drop acid, never die, not tonight... LAKE PLACIDDDD!!!!!!!! :hype:

/uj probably something like stay close to the people you love, do what makes you happy, live a fulfilling life  :wub:



Like TV in black and white...


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She would tell me (ideally) to go Hydrangea Lane, go into the China Palace, find my way to the library and look for "Paradise Lost", inside the book is a spell for a beautiful singing voice. 




I'm delusional. I know.


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I’d see her approach me and I’d be trying really hard to not have a complete breakdown.

Honey, I’m really not that big of a deal. It’s okay to have other idols.

And I would respectfully disagree


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She'd say "stop spending so much money on me, music is free to stream, you don't need all the little trinkets either, you don't need all those magazines they just sit in a pile anyway, you should make financially smart decisions and save your money"


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