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Chuck Grant's Photography.

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I still laugh at fans who are like "omg you are like the best photographer ever!!!!!" and that's only based on a couple of shots of lana. That's all they want anyway. Nobody would care about her or her photography if lana wasnt involved. 

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She has a handful of shots that I think are visually stunning and executed well like







but she's pretty young and still trying to define her style. I also think being Lana's sister is both a blessing and a curse. While it's propelled her career and allowed many lana fans to find her work, it also kind of boxes her because people rarely just refer to her as "Chuck Grant" it usually "Chuck Grant, Lana Del Rey's sister". I think once Lana's buzz dies down a little bit we'll be able to see if she can make it on her own as a photographer.


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Oh and I only have one problem with Chuck. She actually kinda stole an idea of close ups of older people dressed in smart stuff. I went to an exhibition ages ago and saw it and then checked chucks photos and they was literally the same :/


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Anyone can be a good photographer it just requires a lot of money. (Lighting and that)


That's not true at all, man. What is your basis for making such a claim?


You're reducing good photography to the size of a person's pocketbook? Give a shitty photographer all the money in the world and they're still a shitty photographer, albeit with moderately nice-looking shit. A photographer's ability and the quality of their work is not solely or even mostly dependent on their equipment and funds. A good photographer is a good photographer with any equipment, no matter how poor, and any amount of money or lack thereof. It's a developed skill, talent, and a creative sense, not simply being able to operate a gadget. Good photography is entirely in the photographer's eye. 


And you also think good photography comes down to expensive, artificial lighting? A photographer who can't shoot good pictures in natural light is not a good photographer. 


This is no different than any other creative/artistic field. Do you think the same thing for cinematographers? You think anyone can shoot a film? I have my suspicions that you wouldn't say "anyone can be a good cinematographer." Perhaps you can see the absurdity in your claim when you think of it in those terms. Cinematography is moving pictures is all. 


Sorry for the rant, but i can't sit quietly while someone makes that sort of statement, especially considering that photography and cinematography are one of the ways i make money, and i see all the time examples of people who do amazing stuff with nothing and others who do the worst shit in the world with all the money in the world. 


By the way, i have three old professional cameras. One was $100, one was $65, and one was free  :)


Anyway, back to Chuck, right? 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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Sorry for the rant, but i can't sit quietly while someone makes that sort of statement, especially considering that photography and cinematography are one of the ways i make money, and i see all the time examples of people who do amazing stuff with nothing and others who do the worst shit in the world with all the money in the world. 

I am sorry for making the claim. You made me feel guilty okay. I understand if that is one of the ways how you make money, I take back my statement.

I'm sorry.

Lana.pngAngel-Headed Hipster

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I still laugh at fans who are like "omg you are like the best photographer ever!!!!!" and that's only based on a couple of shots of lana. That's all they want anyway. Nobody would care about her or her photography if lana wasnt involved.

I wouldn't know who she was without lana but her shots of lana are nothing special. But we do have pictures of Lizzy which is good. But Chuck does have some good shots and ideas for photography.


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I love photography. I love taken pictures as well. The idea that a living moment, a second is frozen in time through years, centuries kind of fascinates me. I also love to see trhough images. My first real photography love came through cinema. The colours of the scenes and all. My first photographer love was Sebastão Salgado. He is a famous brazilian photo journalist/ reporter. I got to one of his expo's and I was fascinated how the images could tell stories. How people lived, how hard their lifes were. Peoples foots and hands can say a lot of their living. I was a kid and that for some reason got my attention in a way that a few things got. I also love Patrick Demarchelier. I think he is very interesting and one of the best in fashion until today.

Sebastião Salgado (ps: I don't think you need a big budget to be a amazing photographer. This pictures were taken in the middle of nowhere and the lightning was only the one up in the sky. A really good eye is in the end the first eye of a camera)








Patrick Demarchelier







ABout Chuck I don't see how can I put it...I don't see/feel a  soul in her work or a personal mark. Is good but is nothing different, nothing that I will remember 10 minutes later. lakes emotion I think. I like her pics of Lana and is all.


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I love photography. I love taken pictures as well. The idea that a living moment, a second is frozen in time through years, centuries kind of fascinates me. I also love to see trhough images. My first real photography love come through cinema. The colours of the scenes and all. My first photographer love was Sebastão Salgado. He is a famous brazilian photo journalist/ reporter. I got to one of his expo's and I was fascinated how the images could tell stories. How people lived, how hard their lifes were. Peoples foots and hands can say a lot of their living. I was a kid and that for some reason got my attention in a way that a few things got.

Some of his pictures



when was he an active photographer? :)


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when was he an active photographer? :)

His last book Africa (I think was the last) was released in 2006 or 2007 (I will google it for more specific info). I think he is still active and doing another photo book soon.


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"Traveling photographer captures the great American landscape using only his iPhone": http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2260230/Traveling-photographer-captures-great-American-west-using-iPhone.html

this is so stunning. I can't believe that they were shot with an iPhone, i mean the color ... they all look like old vintage photos.... it's awesome.


I think Chuck's Work isn't very special, but a few shots are good.


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this is so stunning. I can't believe that they were shot with an iPhone, i mean the color ... they all look like old vintage photos.... it's awesome.


I think Chuck's Work isn't very special, but a few shots are good.

this is what I'm trying to say haha


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I can't actually believe some of the stuff i've just read, there's no such thing as a good or bad, right or wrong photographer. Each photographer caters to different audiences just because you dislike their work or it doesn't speak to you doesn't mean the photographer is "bad", "average" etc. IMO.




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I can't actually believe some of the stuff i've just read, there's no such thing as a good or bad, right or wrong photographer. Each photographer caters to different audiences just because you dislike their work or it doesn't speak to you doesn't mean the photographer is "bad", "average" etc. IMO.

if a photographer with no flash, pitch black, no tri pod or anything, what are they?


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i luv my lil zenit helios


I just looked this up because i don't know anything about them, but the information is a little confusing. Helios are the lenses, right? Zenit is the body? Russian cameras? What do you have, an SLR or rangefinder? 35mm or medium format? I'm curious about these, they look awesome. Enlighten me, lemon pie. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I just looked this up because i don't know anything about them, but the information is a little confusing. Helios are the lenses, right? Zenit is the body? Russian cameras? What do you have, an SLR or rangefinder? 35mm or medium format? I'm curious about these, they look awesome. Enlighten me, lemon pie. 


Helios are the lenses, soviet************** cameras, rangefinder, 44mm

there ya go, enlightened. i'll post some photos when i get them developed




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I can't actually believe some of the stuff i've just read, there's no such thing as a good or bad, right or wrong photographer. Each photographer caters to different audiences just because you dislike their work or it doesn't speak to you doesn't mean the photographer is "bad", "average" etc. IMO.


It's true that judging talent is very subjective. But that doesn't rule out the reality of greater and lesser creativity, skill, fit with one's chosen medium of expression, etc.


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