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"Dark Paradise" - Next Single in Germany

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I think she's going to use Dark Paradise mostly because of the meaning it has to her. Ya know, that "honour love even when it's lost" thing.


I'm excited for anything, collage or professional video for DP.

When it comes to Cola, I agree about her pepsi cola pussy demanding professional treatment  :agree2:   

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Guest Dot

Okay, I need major sources for this news of a video for Radio and a video for Dark Paradise directed by Woodkid. That would be fucking flawless. I feel like I do remember hearing that- maybe during her interview with Ferne? Maybe I'm just pulling shit out of the sky... idk. Honestly, she should make videos for all of these before she ends Born to Die:


- Dark Paradise

- Off to the Races



- This Is What Makes Us Girls WITHOUT YOU

- Body Electric Gods and Monsters

- Yayo  Bel Air


Fixed! :D

By the way she already said that she really wants to film videos for "Bel Air" and "Gods and Monsters" during the same interview where she confirmed that "Cola" was the next single.

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I would take a shitty slideshow made with Windows Movie Maker, I just need some more Lana.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I really like Dark Paradise. Is so dramatic would make a great video. Hope she gets some $$ to do it BTD style but if not I am happy with her Imovie Lizzy Grant video style. Anything is better than nothing really


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It was a radio interview some months ago , really can't remember which one but she confirmed both videos.


Why is everyone hating the perfection Dark Paradise is ? Its so beautiful , melancholic , heartbreaking.

When your in a situation where the person you fall for doesn't loves you back its the best song .

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Why is everyone hating the perfection Dark Paradise is ? Its so beautiful , melancholic , heartbreaking.

When your in a situation where the person you fall for doesn't loves you back its the best song .


perfect comment


perfect song


that's all

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I won't believe it until an official press site posts a release about it. Though it would be nice to have a video, it would be stupid and ineffiecent to waste promo on a song from Born to Die at this point. Her label wouldn't probably let her do such a thing, because it wouldn't market Paradise like Cola would.


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it's official, they played it on the radio today.... and the radio mix contains some hip-hop beats, almost the same as they used in SS, but i couldn't hear it clearly because i just catched the song walking trough a store.


sadly on the website the radio doesn't have any information about DP http://www.bigfm.de/content/html/shared/playlist/index.html?m=prv&i=1377338


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I really don't mean to kill everybody's excitement but there has not been an official confirmation, nor has there been actual evidence it will be single release, and certainly not that it will be given a video treatment. 


Listen, this website has been posting a lot of false single rumors already. Only because one or two radio stations in Germany played the song, it doesn't mean it will be a single. "Dark Paradise" may only be selected for radio play. Even commercial radio stations, I worked for one, have non-singles in their music library from which they choose, and they play those once in a while. The information this website got probably is nothing but that "Dark Paradise" has been sent to the radio station by their music editorial office. I've seen tons of album tracks in those lists when I worked there. 


Really, don't get your hopes up. No matter if they play it or not, it means nothing. 

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Really, don't get your hopes up. No matter if they play it or not, it means nothing. 


a listener wanted that they put a lana song on the playlist. she wanted SS, but they said they want to play the new single instead...  :judgingu:


got this information from my cousin, so don't blame me if it's incorrect  :eek: 



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a listener wanted that they put a lana song on the playlist. she wanted SS, but they said they want to play the new single instead...  :judgingu:


got this information from my cousin, so don't blame me if it's incorrect  :eek: 



Did they play this version (which happens to be an early demo)? I know how radio stations (especially when they are fairly """uncommercial""" as the one you posted about) do their research. Just like us: Google. So, they probably stumbled over this. It's basically one unreliable source taking advantage of another one. They even use a ton of YouTube rips for sound effects and sometimes even music from there. The labels aren't even involved, they don't tell them which song is the new single. If the radio station is being given a song by their music editorial office, they will play it. 


I wouldn't mind "Dark Paradise" being a single, by the way...  :hoe:

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no, it sounded just like DP with some other beats/drums.


i'm just recording some german radios that often play new songs first, maybe it will appear somewhere and i just upload the version on soundcloud 


i don't know what an "unemplyed" radio is and i didn't got this thing with the YT Clips, if you mean they always embed a YT Video in their Song-List, or what do you mean  :eek:


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It somehow makes sense to me that she wants to release Dark Paradise after calling her new album The Paradise Edition. I would be glad to have the video. But only if she also keeps promoting her newer songs. 

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Dark Paradise is the reason I started to love Lana  I literally heard BTD, then Video Games, then looked up her album and fell in love with DP and then so on I now stan for her



it's so melancholic and I have so many ideas for the video she'd be in the boating docks and in a long black flowy dress and when the chorus climaxes the black water will come up and be in slow motion I need to stop ranting

god knows I tried

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