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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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Came here to pretty much post what the previous poster said!


I think Lana really needs a long break. There's a few reasons for this, but one of them is that I think it could really help Lana regain her sense of mystery and enigma. I'm not one of those people who longs for the days when Lana was a total mystery, but to be frank I do think she's showed her ass with her recent comments and some time away could help the dust settle and make the public - and us - finally wonder about her once again. I think both diehard fans and casual observers feel like they've got her all figured out. Particularly the general public - they now just think she's a republican Trump-loving Karen (we know that's not true, but yeah). Her public image is in tatters and her image to fans is confusing too, but not in a good ~I can't figure her out!!~ kinda way - more in a "I knew this was coming but whyyyyyy lana why" kinda way every time she opens her mouth and says something embarrassing. It's getting tiring for everybody, I think, to only ever see Lana in the headlines for bad stuff.


I think it'd be good for us as an audience, too, to not know exactly what she's writing about in her music all the time, kinda like how we speculate (check out the LANALYSIS thread!) about a lot of older songs and try to connect them to people we dont really know and life events we're not even fully sure happened. Her relationships recently have been fairly public (especially the cop) and we seem to know a whole lot about what's happening in her life so its quite obvious what she's writing about usually. Time away from the spotlight and having a longer period of time to write music will add some mystique to her work again and we can have fun analysing it like the we do with her pre-UV work!


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NFR! doesn't deserve all the hate it gets. I love this album and Jack's production. There are so many great songs and FIILY has become one of my absolute favourites.


After listening to Lust for Life on repeat the year it was released, I have barely played it again.

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As a progression from somewhere to somewhere else, the cover art work for COCC is underrated and possibly interesting. She's on the cover solo through LFL, like most pop-diva covers of her generation. Suddenly on Norman there's a prominent male (who disappears by the back cover). Now on COCC she's surrounded by females, and the females stay prominent on the back cover. This seems consistent with the LMLYLAW video, where males are there but not emphasized (minimized?). The bulk of that video is herself alone or in a montage of primarily-female social situations, which I wouldn't have predicted given the song's title. 

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8 minutes ago, sexyslutboy said:

pourquoi tous vos messages ressemblent-ils à ça : tommy:

I don't know, in real life I have been following this forum for a very long time, 9 years now. I'm 28 years old and definitely an old handwriting, I'm not gay either. Just a girl fan of Lana who comes to share her last moments here. But I will run away because I think there is a big difference between you and me and I noticed it. I would read you without making the mistake of posting this time.

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2 minutes ago, Enchanted Mansion said:

I don't know, in real life I have been following this forum for a very long time, 9 years now. I'm 28 years old and definitely an old handwriting, I'm not gay either. Just a girl fan of Lana who comes to share her last moments here. But I will run away because I think there is a big difference between you and me and I noticed it. I would read you without making the mistake of posting this time.


is this a threat?


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14 minutes ago, Idol Of Roses said:

Some of her unreleased songs are literally unlistenable :awkney:

i was about to post something like this here. I had a weird phase during the first half of 2020 where i was obsessed with her old bubblegum pop music but now when i listen to them i just think "wow.. no wonder her career wasn't taking off..". The lyrics of so many of them just feel thrown together. Like she has a bunch of lines thought up of, and when it comes time to make a song she just cuts and pastes a bunch of them.  don't  follow a comprehensive story at all


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I still think Groupie Love is underrated. 

We all asked for a BTD throwback, we got it, and we slept on it. It's one of the few collabs I can't criticise, and I don't even like rappers very much. 

I love the instrumental a lot. Its so clean and unique. 

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Just now, new gods said:

queen of disaster is boring, i can't believe so many people on tiktok want her to release it literally any pop girl could make it :prettyhurts:

Ffff yes, it's so basic! I can only listen when I'm in a basic af mood, maybe once a year. Funny thing is it's the song that got one of my friends to become a fan.  She snubbed the whole BTD album, but QOD somehow got to her.... 

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