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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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im in a pissy mood rn and im gonna regret posting this cause i know y'all are gonna come for my neck now but i am SO sick of seeing stans act like Lanas a poor victim of the vicious relentless force of "cancel culture". the instagram rant is old news but i still see comments like this all the time.


  sis has been racially insensitive since her debut. Changed her name to spanish to feel exotic, put on a "ghetto" "gangsta" act and fake accent for BTD, continued to exploit the "Exoticness" of hispanic culture in Tropico as well as associating it with poverty, kept going at the hispanic act through out ultraviolence lyrics, wore a native headdress in ride. when azealia called out her white feminism she had no other response than "im gonna fuck you up", dated a cop, defended him saying he's "not like the other cops". And after the instagram post she accuses the people who had a problem with it (mostly POC) of just being hyper reactive liberals and trump supporters, she didn't have any issue with the offence it caused POC and only got mad that she was being accused of being racist, once again showing how unwilling she is to learn


"cancel culture" isn't just coming at her for drama. she's not a victim of it.  if anything shes a testament to how easy it is to be white and ignorant, never have to have any accountability, and still have a fan base that gives you the benefit of the doubt. hell, we shoulda known her blissful ignorance to POC issues the second she said "i believe in the country america used to be"


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im in a pissy mood rn and im gonna regret posting this cause i know y'all are gonna come for my neck now but i am SO sick of seeing stans act like Lanas a poor victim of the vicious relentless force of "cancel culture". the instagram rant is old news but i still see comments like this all the time.


  sis has been racially insensitive since her debut. Changed her name to spanish to feel exotic, put on a "ghetto" "gangsta" act and fake accent for BTD, continued to exploit the "Exoticness" of hispanic culture in Tropico as well as associating it with poverty, kept going at the hispanic act through out ultraviolence lyrics, wore a native headdress in ride. when azealia called out her white feminism she had no other response than "im gonna fuck you up", dated a cop, defended him saying he's "not like the other cops". And after the instagram post she accuses the people who had a problem with it (mostly POC) of just being hyper reactive liberals and trump supporters, she didn't have any issue with the offence it caused POC and only got mad that she was being accused of being racist, once again showing how unwilling she is to learn


"cancel culture" isn't just coming at her for drama. she's not a victim of it.  if anything shes a testament to how easy it is to be white and ignorant, never have to have any accountability, and still have a fan base that gives you the benefit of the doubt. hell, we shoulda known her blissful ignorance to POC issues the second she said "i believe in the country america used to be"

yeah, there's no point in denying that Lana is not at all PC or enlightened enough on societal issues to be a celebrity in 2020. If she hadn't had a career long decade at this point, she'd probably lose her career

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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im in a pissy mood rn and im gonna regret posting this cause i know y'all are gonna come for my neck now but i am SO sick of seeing stans act like Lanas a poor victim of the vicious relentless force of "cancel culture". the instagram rant is old news but i still see comments like this all the time.


  sis has been racially insensitive since her debut. Changed her name to spanish to feel exotic, put on a "ghetto" "gangsta" act and fake accent for BTD, continued to exploit the "Exoticness" of hispanic culture in Tropico as well as associating it with poverty, kept going at the hispanic act through out ultraviolence lyrics, wore a native headdress in ride. when azealia called out her white feminism she had no other response than "im gonna fuck you up", dated a cop, defended him saying he's "not like the other cops". And after the instagram post she accuses the people who had a problem with it (mostly POC) of just being hyper reactive liberals and trump supporters, she didn't have any issue with the offence it caused POC and only got mad that she was being accused of being racist, once again showing how unwilling she is to learn


"cancel culture" isn't just coming at her for drama. she's not a victim of it.  if anything shes a testament to how easy it is to be white and ignorant, never have to have any accountability, and still have a fan base that gives you the benefit of the doubt. hell, we shoulda known her blissful ignorance to POC issues the second she said "i believe in the country america used to be"

Spanish is a European language and Spanish people are white. Is it really possible for a white person to "appropriate" another white ethnicity? I understand the weirdness of something like a white (or any non-east asian) koreaboo/weaboo giving themselves a totally random Japanese or Korean name, but I'm sure there are native women of Spain who look similar to Lana as they are of the same race. 


I never liked how she wore the headdress in the Ride video though. When I first heard of her that was one of the main pictures I remembered  (the screen shot from Ride) and it put me off from her to the point where I almost didn't give her music a chance. 


Azealia's beef with Lana wasn't "white feminism. Banks was mainly triggered as a Trump supporter that Lana's rant was anti-Trump. 


As a latina, I think this claim that Tropico was exploiting "latino culture" in general is rather silly. The characters in the film were LA cholos and not every latino is a gangbanger. I'm assuming it was part of her Americana schtick and was quite cheesy but so was the film in general.


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Speaking of the stage name. Anyone else had thoughts of what it would've been like if she had kept "May Jailer"? I kind of like it more than "Lana Del Rey".

I think it would be interesting, because you can use it as a metaphor, since it sounds like “my jailer”

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Azealia's beef with Lana wasn't "white feminism. Banks was mainly triggered as a Trump supporter that Lana's rant was anti-Trump.

Azealia attacked Lana’s paragraph about Kanye because of how hypocritical it was for those words to be coming from Lana’s mouth, of all people. Yeah, she was all bestie bestie with Kanye at the time too, but she was bringing up how contradictory it was.


If you are offended by the use of the name 'Lana del Rey' then you may want to consider stopping using the word 'sis' as it was revolutionized and claimed by the queer Black community.

Had Lana stopped with the latina thing at the pseudonym I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. Adopting slang, while knowing where it came from, isn’t the same as constantly playing a charade of a latina whether it’s your stage name, using cholos and cholas as extras in your music videos or forcing a latina accent in your live shows.

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Adopting slang, while knowing where it came from, isn’t the same as constantly playing a charade of a latina whether it’s your stage name, using cholos and cholas as extras in your music videos or forcing a latina accent in your live shows.

Sure sure, those are definitely bad aspects that I didn't even bother addressing because they are obviously just . . . bad.


My previous post is focusing on her stage name (which I quoted) because we're rapidly transitioning into a world where vocabulary is increasingly being scrutinised and its appropriateness is being reconsidered. I'm drawing attention to the hypocrisy overlooked by many of our users on Lanaboards by throwing around words - in this instance, for someone equating Lana 'del Rey' as being inappropriate and then sprinkling 'sis' on top seems counterproductive considering we're now supposed to be calling out cultural appropriation, yes?  :w8ing:


And another thing - understanding the origin doesn't mean that excuses the use. The groan-inducing saying 'Let's have a pow-wow' comes to mind, which work places think is a GROOVY way of saying meeting but in reality is never okay and is deeply awkward for everyone. 


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If you guys hate her so called shallow, ignorant or alleged inherent racist ways that much, why are you still claiming that fan title? Granted she runs her mouth a bunch and says and does questionable and tone deaf stuff a lot (especially lately), but like berating a grown ass woman on a discussion board literally dedicated to her under the guise of "trying to educate her" on important issues all the while living in your own bubble of contradictions yourself, is quite frankly laughable.


On se regarde avant de juger, s'il vous plait. Merci.

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Azealia attacked Lana’s paragraph about Kanye because of how hypocritical it was for those words to be coming from Lana’s mouth, of all people. Yeah, she was all bestie bestie with Kanye at the time too, but she was bringing up how contradictory it was.


In this case aren't they both "problematic"? If this is about Azealia pointing out Lana's friendship/collab with Asap Rocky for being a known abuser, it's a pot meet kettle situation since she defended Dr. Luke and wrote Kesha off as a liar. If it's about race, she isn't innocent there considering what she said about Zayn Malik. 


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In this case aren't they both "problematic"? If this is about Azealia pointing out Lana's friendship/collab with Asap Rocky for being a known abuser, it's a pot meet kettle situation since she defended Dr. Luke and wrote Kesha off as a liar. If it's about race, she isn't innocent there considering what she said about Zayn Malik. 

I wasn't defending azealia, i know she's much worse than lana. Just pointing out what she was saying.

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Agree that she's run her mouth and made herself look like a damn fool, and socially unaware these past couple weeks (she's a poor verbal communicator after all). Also, she needs to lay off the type writer and her insta for a bit, no one wants a "Question for the Culture" part two.

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suddenly we must force our brains to dislike music if we disagree with the tone-deaf choices the creator makes nooooo

i think enjoying a persons music is different to being in a forum literally dedicated to them. you don’t see my ass running to azealia boards bc anna wintour was a bop.


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This is literally the unpopular opinions thread and ppl are trying to shut down discussing unpopular (in the fandom) opinions abt Lana... guess we should go back to "I think NFR is subpar omg" "omg I think Coachella is a bop actually". Everyone here was, at some point, in the trance that comes w idolising celebrities, and that celeb happened to be Lana. That interest doesn't magically go away when the trance stops and you see their flaws and the harm those flaws perpetuate. When the only argument against ppl calling out her white feminism / racism is "this is lanaboards go somewhere else" it's... telling.

locals only

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NFR remains subpar, Lana remains tone deaf, flawed and ignorant on certain issues, but some of the things y'all say about her (emphasis on some), these bold claim/accusations... a stretch.

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people always talk about her early lyrics being too clingy and submissive, and talk about songs like video games, off to the races, ultraviolence, etc.


why does no one talk about religion?? those lyrics are fucking disgusting (and i love it). literally worshipping a man like a god, and not-so-subtly comparing sucking dick to prayer/worship


dont get me wrong its brilliant and top 5 on honeymoon, but i'm surprised that song wasn't more controversial. 


my guess is, by that point, the shock value kind of wore off and it was no longer trendy to be all on her dick regarding "persona" and "glamorizing abuse" and whatever tf else they used to pester her about. 


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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