cherriesinthespring 5,486 Posted May 12, 2017 when you take every line mentioning "fire" and put them together in order from first released to last then take unreleased mentions of fire as sidenotes you realize fire is a total metaphor for something else when you do this for every thing in her music you decode the web like the secrets of the universe for example cherry coke serial killer cherry knots carmen strawberries, cherries, angel kiss summer wine pepsi cola pussy cola roses in between my thighs honeymoon guns that blaze around you fire that surrounds you guns and roses guns and roses UV into the rose garden burnt norton fire causes burn guns and fire = gunfire roses red like cherries lips red cherries - black beauty burnt turns to black pussy symbolized by roses and cola taste cherry cola linked to cherry knots cherry knots tied with tongue in mouth pussy tasted with tongue/mouth mother heard me singing in the garden - i can fly flowers symbolize fertility and red fruits symbolize her voice and words in general the link to mouth, pussy and gunfure is the ultraviolent relationship the symbol is fire burning her body in an act of love making kinda like honey synbolizing sunlight therefore firey hotness and moon .. feminine cold honey+moon comes after ultraviolet light join ina rleationship got your bible and gun --- cruel world bible is words like cherries and cherry coke links words to pussy the end result after combining all these and way more = shes presenting a message through the metaphor of giving birth to a philosophy the code for philosophy is porno |makes perfect sense to have lyrics about relationships that can be applied to the universe/molecules and everything in between new kind of porno one that has yet been born-o - resistance born to die album all the steps between birth and death are the making of the porno ultimately since birth and death are opposite like crest anbd trough of a wave when the death arrives and her music catalogue is complete.... it will represent a new hidden modern form of buddhism invented by her or someone it is camouflaged due to evil world conspiracy that will not allow a a list popstar to have a posititve influence feet dont fail me now take me to the finish line off to the races - lyrics about her man and symbolizing the giant metaphor to begin with life as the race every step in the race breaks her heart thats why so many songs about heartbreak also thats just glue holding the metaphor together blue jeans and new song blue skies connecting pants to clouds all my dresses with ther tags still on them fine china - clue that she doesnt actually wear the clothes she sings, proof of metaphor all dressed up with nowhere to go ---- carmen and love tying cherry knots from carmen is like hiding messages in her songs and getting dressed up with nowhere to go in particular favourite sweater little red party dress on, take off all of clothes, cant keep your hands off me or yuour pants on, the clothing covers up the body just like the cherry knots tying in her lyrics covers the true meaning of song fine china and fresh linen --- the fresh linen represents all clothing the fina china links to without you to watch her fall just like fine china "im going down now" tonnes of lyrics about going down but only pllace she can really be going is to the finish line like born to die says lets go get high cruel world heroin references if shes using flavour to describe her pussy like cola and uses cherry cola in serial killer this means the die in born to die uses symbol of taste therefore candy in cruel world symbolized receiving her message "i love my candy" lets go get high and so happy now that your gone...... she loves her candy just like the song love.... she feels young and in love and genuinely seems happy shes tasting the candy of her message the road was long had fun in meantime on heroin and guns but those roads were only to one destination.... the road to the birth of the new kind of porno just like video games says everything for you, architecture says all roads lead to you everything i say and do the the road is long but leads to one thing all roads lead to death but death leads to birth if you apply buddhist principles which she clearly references alot so now all her music architecture dancing cigarettes driving through highway all her lyrics mentioning cars + album covers takes it to a whole nother level nevada lyrics and may jailer lyrics prefice this born to die journey perfectly giving it more credibility without overlapping the message which why different names crucial houses of the holy lyrics give perfect support to my theory party favours and cherry knots carmen like to party and have fun - cruel world swan song put your white tennies shoes on and follow me put your shoes on and follow her down the road white symbolizes clean slate fresh start feet dont fail me now if we follow her to the finish line we would say same thing so following her leads to freedom after retirement when all her songs are done it will be our swan song "defition final thing done before retirement" so first song and video born to die confirms theres a race off to the races track 2 puts emphasis on that point racing down the roads, love video finally goes offroad and truck floats into sun cruel world live edit changes lyric to "im so happy now in the sun" sun = flames and violence like jim she sings of hundred dollar bill about a hooker and first song mentioniung jim also mentions ultra violent swing now national anthem money is the anthem of success if her lyrics symbolize a large combined simple message using this song to link jim and bill is perfect hundred dollar BILL ... chasing paper last i heart in blue jeans thousands of girls love the way bill plaqys guitat music to watch boys to - playing guitar only one of my toys its all a game to me anyway - Alan Watts philosopher always stresses life as a game lana vs alan and rey vs watts same letters first name opposite meaning lastname light vs electricity now watching boys like a video game guitar as a toy bill and jim are simply a metaphor for her lyrical puzzel shes the only one playing guitar the national anthem money isnt really the anthem to success its just used to link the names bill and jim just so happens ben franklin discoverer of electricity is on the american hundred dollar bill watching boys like watching a video ---- video games without you ---- stolen images national anthem "image"ination loves me cuz im playing on the radio links the male figures bill and jim to without you song i have nothing without you stolen images and playing on the radio linked to terrence loves you similar chorus to without you talks about transmitting through the televiosion and all the lights on in without you all the lights mean nothing without you now this confirms that whoever she is singing to cannot hear her now mabye this could all be about the true self vs the false ego and she is singing to herself all along???? please note the above post was just off the top of my head with no thinking or looking up facts or editting.... just seeing if anyone here is on a similar path as me with lanas music I'll have what ur having 11 Quote LIZARD PEOPLE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanasPhilosophy 21 Posted May 12, 2017 well i was obsessed with courtney love my whole life then met a girl online who liked courtney after 10 yrs of searching for a courtney love gf,.... this girl sang me video games then fell in love with lana.... 2 years later suddenly quit lana and courtney realizing its gay and stupid then same day won 3 grand online casino moved out of parents after 4 months went broke moved in new roommate played lana everyday got me back into it for life theres sometyhing very strange goin on 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted May 12, 2017 I don't if it's unpopular but May Jailer makes clear how pure is lana/lizzy as a person and I totally love it 6 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yayoop 4,616 Posted May 15, 2017 I am loving everything about this era from Lana, we've got 3 album songs, 1 leaked possible track, the cover and title, that cute album reveal trailer, cute Weeknd snippet video and L4L music video, all the collaboration announcements (stevie nicks wtf) and cute Lana interactions on Instagram, as well as a bunch of beautiful magazine shoots and long af interviews I lust for life so hard right now (and so do my children's children) 5 Quote " /> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cherriesinthespring 5,486 Posted May 16, 2017 I don't ever want her to go blonde again. Hate it. Don't kill me 3 Quote LIZARD PEOPLE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
violets 11,896 Posted May 16, 2017 CWIMM is my favorite song on lfl atm correction* my dumbass it isnt even on lfl anyways i mean favorite song shes put out for us this era 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theeternalstars 4,578 Posted May 16, 2017 Pretty When You Cry is her magnum opus. Best song of her career. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summersault 825 Posted May 16, 2017 Visuals have been far superior to the audio during this first part of the Lust for Life era. LOVE video = STUNNING Trailer = Iconic Her photoshoots = Glamourous But the tracks LOVE, Lust for Life and Coachella (Woodstock on my mind) are sadly not doing a lot for me 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Escapism 6,178 Posted May 16, 2017 I don't like what she's be doing with her lips (getting the middle part filled, I believe) it makes her look kinda off sometimes and whatever else she's been doing to her face lately. Before you attack me, of course it's all her choice, but this is just my opinion- she's still beautiful nonetheless. I just prefer the lips she had during BTD-UV, I think they suit her much better. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerbomb 65,600 Posted May 16, 2017 I don't like what she's be doing with her lips (getting the middle part filled, I believe) it makes her look kinda off sometimes and whatever else she's been doing to her face lately. Before you attack me, of course it's all her choice, but this is just my opinion- she's still beautiful nonetheless. I just prefer the lips she had during BTD-UV, I think they suit her much better. I was just gonna write this. Her lips look like a mess. Every picture her lips look different and swollen :/ 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kitschesque 9,886 Posted May 16, 2017 Sad Girl is one of her best (imo). Its intro is honestly magical. It makes me feel like I'm in a 1960's gentlemen's club. The bridge is amazing too Lyrically it captures the Lana universe/persona so well! If I was about to show ONE song to someone who's not familiar with her aesthetic I'd choose this one it's honestly one of my favorites 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veinsineon 78,782 Posted May 16, 2017 Ultraviolence could be seen as a concept album 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kitschesque 9,886 Posted May 16, 2017 I don't ever want her to go blonde again. Hate it. Don't kill me I thought I'd love seeing her blonde again and then I attended the Polish 2016 show and honestly... It was nice for a change but I'm living for the dark brown It wasn't the Lizzy blonde but anyway 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crimson and Clover 22,715 Posted May 17, 2017 Yayo Paradisae >>>> Yayo AKA 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veinsineon 78,782 Posted May 17, 2017 Art Deco was robbed of a video, if she just used old UV footage for Freak why couldn't she have used other un-used footage to make an art deco video? the footage from the UV trailer or the original west coast video by neil krug would've served? I also hate that freak is only 10 minutes long bc of the Claire De Lune and not art deco 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pawn shop blues 2,347 Posted May 17, 2017 I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I kind of feel really sad to know that the Lana and even Lizzy we have come to know in the last few years is probably gone. Like, I'm not calling it a character or persona because that feels too easy and also not true, but there is a definite musical and visual universe that Lana has created and created from that I think came to an end with Honeymoon. Based on the songs we have gotten so far and the interviews, Lust for Life will more of an Elizabeth record than a Lana or Lizzy or May Jailer record, if you get what I mean, and I'm not sure going forward if she's going to ever go back to writing records from that place. There's been a definite change that you can hear in her interviews, and it sincerely makes me happy to know that she has found the community of musicians she has always been looking for and seems a lot more confident and assured about who she is as a person and wants to become more openly involved with things like politics and social issues, but it does make me sad to think that we reached the end of something special. I know for a fact I wouldn't be the only person on this board to say that Lana's previous releases impacted me so much not just because they are great songs, but because they spoke to something in myself in a way that most music does not. My relationship to that music has honestly been more enduring and rewarding than the majority of musicians I've listened to, and to end that is going to be strange to say the least. I like the concept she seems to be going for in this era and it's admirable that she wants to be a voice of hope and comfort, especially for younger fans, but the material is not connecting on the same level to me because it's not rooted in the same place. And again, obviously we will always have the albums and videos, so it's not like it's necessarily leaving, but we probably won't be getting new material that will come from that universe anymore. And all artists have to change, and it's great if it means Lana's happiness, but god it bums me out at the same time. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted May 17, 2017 I am obsessed with coachella-Woodstock in my mind 4 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NamiraWilhelm 5,052 Posted May 18, 2017 everyone's going balls crazy over the cherry snippet but her randomly singing 'my cherries and wine' to me sounds like a too try hard attempt to mimic her idols lyrically, much like 'my sparrow blue' was too much like Cohen's 'fallen robin'. Hoping it will make sense and be some sort of clever metaphor/relevant imagery but I just know it'll be as random as 'even your... honeydew'. Much rather she stuck to her own unique brand of kitschy lyricism... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted May 18, 2017 I hate serial killer..and I hope it's not in the setlist this time 1 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DLT 7,595 Posted May 18, 2017 No shade to anybody in particular but I'm seeing a lot of these "Cherry" and Freak comparisons. Just from the snippets we have Cherry shits all over Freak! There is no comparison lol. That's just my opinion though! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites