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I think that Lana feeling poor might be because her family spent more or the same as they earned? It's not a crazy logic considering the typical mindset that many suburban upper middle class NY families have. One wrong step and you can lose everything. Money can easily become the origin of many tensions

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Lana feels poor in the sense that I feel she is more human and closer to people, she has always liked to get out of her mundane circle and be around the poor (the trailer park, the homeless, alcoholics associations). It's a quality but I can't stand her bringing it back every time she has never experienced real poverty, she has chosen it as a way of life, as a way out of her rich cocoon but d 'come back to it. always for safety (she only stayed a few months in an old mobile home during the AKA adventure before returning to her luxury loft in New York with her sister).


It is true that with all the respect I have for her, without her father and his connections, she would never have succeeded, at least in the whole world, and that is why it remains exceptional. The start of her career was very expensive and very luxurious (I remember the first concerts in Paris which were in expensive places, clips like Born to die made in Versailles for an unknown singer ...), so I see where she wants to go with the poor thing of life and i feel like she has it under control but complaining and remembering that she lived a shit life, ah Lana i don't believe you at all and i dont would never have mercy.

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1 minute ago, Enchanted Mansion said:

Lana feels poor in the sense that I feel her more human and close to people, she has always liked to get out of her mundane circle and rub shoulders with poor people (the trailer park, the homeless, alcoholics associations). It's a quality but I can't stand that she brings it back every time when she has never known real poverty, she chose it as a lifestyle, a way to get out of her rich cocoon but return to it. always for safety (she stayed only a few months in an old mobile home during the AKA adventure).


It is true that with all the respect I have for her, without her father and her connections she would never have made it, at least in the whole world, and that is why it remains exceptional. The beginning of her career was very expensive and very luxurious (I remember the first concerts in Paris which were in expensive places, the clips like Born to die made in Versailles for an unknown singer ...), so I see where she wants to go with the thing of the poor life and I feel that she masters it perfectly, but to complain and remember that she lived a shitty life, ah Lana I don't believe you at all and I don't would never have mercy.

There’s no proof of any of what you’ve stated , sorry I don’t mean to be demeaning but this is just an assumption-they made Born to Die because Video Games blew up in Europe.

I don’t believe she was dirt poor-but definitely with the family she was rich at some point and had a fall from grace probably pretty soon into childhood. 
I know Lanas a pathological liar but I genuinely believe she wasn’t rich(or atleast for very long) as why would no one help her with multiple credit card debts? Why did she sleep in an apartment with no windows. No one with any semblance of money would willingly do this. 
with the money aspect she’s been pretty consistent and she isn’t good at lying.

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not a fan of dance till we die either besides the bridge but not all who wander are lost is right there :brandy:


It'S jUsT wAnDeRlUsT :bye:

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16 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

There’s no proof of any of what you’ve stated , sorry I don’t mean to be demeaning but this is just an assumption-they made Born to Die because Video Games blew up in Europe.

I don’t believe she was dirt poor-but definitely with the family she was rich at some point and had a fall from grace probably pretty soon into childhood. 
I know Lanas a pathological liar but I genuinely believe she wasn’t rich(or atleast for very long) as why would no one help her with multiple credit card debts? Why did she sleep in an apartment with no windows. No one with any semblance of money would willingly do this. 
with the money aspect she’s been pretty consistent and she isn’t good at lying.


You say it yourself, she lies constantly.


One thing put me in the ear is her cosmetic surgery done at the time (a real poor person does not waste time for that and even less in the United States, and photos were leaked at the time. but impossible to get hold of it, she is with all her family in front of a private jet, and in very rich parties and I think she must have been 20 years old at that time). For the rest, you know it's not everyone who can afford to make a clip in Versailles because it has to be privatized, and except for big celebrities and big fortunes it is not like that, in fact that to me, looked really weird at the time and then it all came out when her daddy's rumors came to light.


I think she was really rich but her background is just atypical and I don't blame her for that because I like the fact that she recognizes the real things and that is quite rare in the world of stardom. .


I love Lana for that too, her simplicity and the fact that she doesn't deny these things. I love his family and they seem really nice. But I don't like it when Lana keeps coming back to talking about it as if she had known misery when in all fairness, it shows that she never really knew it.

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I think Lana obviously comes from a family that’s generally well off. I also think her years of drugs and alcohol kind of estranged her from them (she said she hadn’t spoken to her father in years at the time video games came out). She was very clearly a troubled young woman who was basically shipped off to boarding school and then started “living like Jim Morrison.” 

She was being a rebel wild child out across America and wasn’t close with her parents lol. She thought she was a rockstar and was doing her own thing. It’s possible she was even “cut off” for a time. She still to this day doesn’t even acknowledge her own mother lol. 

So her parents are in fact wealthy, but that doesn’t mean they were funding her entire life.


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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I think that her entire 'I came from poor' is something that she has chosen. She could have freely asked for help but I believe in almost cases she didn't.:pft:

I am in the time of life where I am poor as sh*t  (because of maaaany reasons) and if I asked some people for financial help I know that I would get that... But I choose not to. 


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On 4/15/2021 at 1:09 PM, ShadesOfFool said:

I think Lana obviously comes from a family that’s generally well off. I also think her years of drugs and alcohol kind of estranged her from them (she said she hadn’t spoken to her father in years at the time video games came out). She was very clearly a troubled young woman who was basically shipped off to boarding school and then started “living like Jim Morrison.” 

She was being a rebel wild child out across America and wasn’t close with her parents lol. She thought she was a rockstar and was doing her own thing. It’s possible she was even “cut off” for a time. She still to this day doesn’t even acknowledge her own mother lol. 

So her parents are in fact wealthy, but that doesn’t mean they were funding her entire life.


I mentioned in another thread that Lana really went to AA and quoted their book and everything. I don't think she had an easy life.


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I never really got why Lana felt the need to claim all of this stuff about her background - potentially because people might wrongly assume or state that she never struggled, which is unfair. You can't help who your family is and we'll never know what was really going on. I never really get how seriously she takes what she says at any given time either because a lot changes! I think if she just acknowledged some privilege (even just about her life now) and moved on it would go a long way. But it's not really her style; I think she's just super-defensive, or that is how it can come across to me at any rate! 


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I've just realised there's nothing wrong with Jack Antonoff. He's an amazing producer, what he did with Lorde and St. Vincent is splendid, but he doesn't know how to work with Lana properly. His sparing production doesn't go well with her voice that suits cinematographic sounds and rich arrangements. I'm so damn tired of all this folk on Chemtrails and soft rock on Norman. Not my cup of tea at all. Even Chemtrails over the Country Club, which is a wonderful track and reminds me of Lana's orchestral majestic tunes known from Paradise EP, would sound better if produced by Nowels, Heath, Auerbach, Haynie or even Kahne. 

I do realise Nowel's work with Lana went/seems to have gone downwards in Lust for Life but it's obvious they were aiming for more commercial sound, more appealing to the younger fanbase. A demo of Lust for Life the song is absolutely phenomenal; the released version is unbearable.

Also don't wanna sound rude but Lana's country vibe seems inauthentic. She isn't a country girl. She's been raised in NY, she lives in LA... for God's sake. 

I don't mind her experimeting as an artist but if you ask me for opinion, this is just "meh ok" from me. I feel unbothered by the latest album, even if it seems cute, I just know it doesn't evoke much emotions in me and I don't feel like listening to it except for the title track and Tulsa Jesus Freak. Besides, I find it quite stupid to add Yosemite and Architecture on Jack-produced albums. Not only do they lose consistency, but also they lose their power there. With Yayo it was different because it was a reworked version with a completely different tone.

And do not tell me it is a popular opinion for wanting Jack to go; critics love him and as long as they do I doubt Lana will forgo working with him. :sadcore2:


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i feel like, personally, ultraviolence is more of an "angry" album than a "depressing" or "sad" album, although i can totally understand why it could be interpretted that way


i feel like cruel world, pretty when you cry, money power glory, & fucked my way up to the top are perfect whenever i'm feeling angsty or frustrated

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one of my favorite time periods of lana is her transition from lizzy grant to lana del rey

and i wished there was an official album with those songs (kinda outta luck, ycbtb, hundred dollar bills, etc.) as perhaps a b side to born to die or a prelude 


also i love aka 





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At first I didn't really hear the similarities between 'How to disappear' and 'Wild at Heart', but now I definitely hear them. However, I think it's a moot discussion, I couldn't care less about how the former sounds like the latter, because 'Wild at Heart' is the superior song and it obliterates the demo-like b-side track that ended up on NFR. It clearly is the superior song out of the two.

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On 4/17/2021 at 1:18 PM, vrtvie said:

: sadcore2:


You said it all.


I don't like Jack, he's not suited to his world. He made it generic and has trouble entering his world. Lana needs to come back to the producers who made her successful because they manage to capture this sound and this melancholy perfectly. She's not like all those basic indie singers that Jack could produce and give songs without a universe, Lana has one more thing, much bigger. She's really good when she has great orchestrations and catchy songs. I don't think she should walk away from her mentors and stay with a winning team, I know they will know how to develop her in their own way.


She has some interesting lo-fi / acoustic songs she made in her early days, but Jack wasn't on it and it had a different flavor, more amateurish and rawer. His pop songs were cute and stuck in the head.


But the sad part is that with NFR she finally got the recognition she wanted from the critics, and I think she wants to work with Jack on that too. The critics are so crap to consider NFR his best album.


Chemtrails would be perfect as a B-side album, not an official album.

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3 hours ago, Max said:

At first I didn't really hear the similarities between 'How to disappear' and 'Wild at Heart', but now I definitely hear them. However, I think it's a moot discussion, I couldn't care less about how the former sounds like the latter, because 'Wild at Heart' is the superior song and it obliterates the demo-like b-side track that ended up on NFR. It clearly is the superior song out of the two.

Exactly, Wild At Heart is simply better :blush3:


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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31 minutes ago, BluebirdXO said:

I would love a full album with songs like Bel Air, Is This Happiness, Heroin and Change. But I don't know who could produce it without being boring/repetitive/uninspired

Dan Heath and Rick 100% could do it and I want the same thing

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