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Your Girl Lana


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how and/or when can you change the little thingy that says "member" above your icon?? 


once you get 200 posts :)


Edit: so now you are at 201, go to your page and settings and you will have the option to change it :D 


how do you properly tag someone in a post?

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once you get 200 posts :)


Edit: so now you are at 201, go to your page and settings and you will have the option to change it :D


how do you properly tag someone in a post?

thank you so much !!! :)

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Quick question since I'm still quite new here: what does the stars on your profile page mean? You can have 5 yellow stars as a maximum it seems. Also, how does one inbed Tweets or Instagram posts?

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How do i attach a "spoiler"?

Write [*spoiler] your text in here that you wanna hide [*/spoiler] but without the *

or click on the green thing to the left of "Font" and scroll down to spoiler and type your text in the box. ;)

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How do i attach a "spoiler"?




delete the * and thats how it works. thats also how you embed images on the status page, [*img]your copied image address here[/img]



here's it in practice


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Quick question since I'm still quite new here: what does the stars on your profile page mean? You can have 5 yellow stars as a maximum it seems. Also, how does one inbed Tweets or Instagram posts?

the five yellow stars is your personal rating, whenever someone visits your profile you get the notif- they have the option to leave a star rating, it's fun when you drop 1-2 stars and you get to find out which little fucker gave u a bad rating :creep: 


im still gooped on the tweets n instagram posts, all i ever get is mf links, i think it's a mod/elle thing ? not 2 sure

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how do I set notifications for statues?

How do I attach images to my post without including it as an attachment? I see members having photos appearing to be pasted into their posts, but whenever I do that, it says that the site doesn't allow that extension. 

you need to do the following


[*img*](direct image link e.g i.imgur.com/sexwithme)[*img*/


just exclude the *s. 


for some reason the site doesn't allow certain image urls. this is also another question I have.

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how do you post youtube links to where the video shows up and you can play it on here? whenever i try to put a youtube link it just shows the link and not the video,, i rly need help with this pls pls pls if anyone can help thatd be great (edit; got it 2 work im stupid)

death grips is online !

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How do I get external gifs to work in posts? I know how to use the little square ones on this site but how do I import a gift from Google images into a post, for example? It never works with the normal image tool

I simply type

and then you insert the url in here[/*img]

minus the *


Hope it works for you too!

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