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As difficult it is to me to say it, I have to agree with both of you. I mean, I feel really sad because I have played The Sims for nearly 10 years now, which is over half of my life, and since 2009 it has been a huge downfall for me. I have came to the point that I got expansion and stuff packs just because I have a complete collection and I didn't want to lack anything, but after they arrived I just installed them and didn't even play it for months.


I can really relate to what Dia said about the driving situation. One day I was playing and then I accepted my Sim to go to a party at a bar or somewhere like that downtown. The bad part was that my Sim took so long to arrive that when he did, the party was over already (he took nearly four hours to get there, which is four minutes for us).


Not only the expansion packs are a huge rip-off, it's clear to all of us (or at least I expect) that now EA Games just does it for the money. Back at the time of Sims 1 and 2, it seemed that the products were made with love (as cheesy as it seems, I believe it's true). The Sims 3 should be over already, the only people that still really love it are the ones that discovered the series after 2009.


One of my biggest wishes is that The Sims 4 represents a huge advancement in all the ways, regarding gameplay and expansion packs, similar to what happened when Sims 2 was released. Everyone was truly amazed at how awesome the game was and how advanced it looked when compared to Sims 1.


yep, i'm totally with you there. i got the sims 3 when it first came out in 2009, and i've got ambitions and the world adventures expansion pack but i got so tired of all of the constant fussing in the game. for me, i think sims 2 will always be the best, but i love the sheer weirdness of the sims 1 too! 


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yep, i'm totally with you there. i got the sims 3 when it first came out in 2009, and i've got ambitions and the world adventures expansion pack but i got so tired of all of the constant fussing in the game. for me, i think sims 2 will always be the best, but i love the sheer weirdness of the sims 1 too! 


I know! I remember back in Sims 1 era that it was a very simple game, yet so revolutionary. We didn't have much to do in the game but it was still so fun to play and we could spend hours having fun with it. I won't even comment on Sims 2... it's the best game ever, and as much as I want to be wrong, I don't think another generation of the series will ever top it.


I used to play Sims 2 hours and hours daily. I've came to the point that I played 12 hours a day when I was on vacation or weekends. Good times, good times. :(

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Guys, what are your thoughts on this?


People are claiming these are pre-production screen captures of The Sims 4. I must say that if these are real, I am extremely disappointed.


What this commenter ("Stiles McGraw") said makes a lot of sense to me:


…the software part of the game (The game files ONLY) are what is being worked on. The graphics that you see in these screenshots are a cheap makeshift UI (user interface or graphics) so the programmer can see what the results will do. This cheap user interface do not have to be good graphics just to test the files to see if the sims will execute the animations properly. It is easier and more problem free to create the files first, then link them to their graphic counter parts. Therefore, what you see in these screenshots in NO way reflect what the end game graphics will actually look like.


So I'm not too worried about the quality of the graphics. I really hope they release The Sims 4 without a seamless neighborhood; otherwise I'll probably just look into The Sims 2 eventually.


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I love Sims 3. Especially those expansion packs after Pets+Late night. I NEVER had Sims 3. But from what i see, game plays and everything Sims 2 is amazing. I wish i had it. 


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I love Sims 3. Especially those expansion packs after Pets+Late night. I NEVER had Sims 3. But from what i see, game plays and everything Sims 2 is amazing. I wish i had it. 


If you love Sims 3, I recommend you to never play Sims 2 then. You'll be frustrated when you find out how better the previous game is.

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Unless you have no CC in your Sims 3 game, you have no right to hate on it's perfection.  :smokes3: 





 I do love the sims 2, tho  :cuteface:


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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I really hope The Sims 4 will be better than 3.  :biblio:


Hope so too. S3 was a mess compaired to S2.

But tbh I think I'm not ready for Sims 4 and somehow I'm not sure if I should even buy it.

I'm kinda afraid that it will have as many bugs as S3 and that it won't work on any normal PC. I read somewhere that they want to go "back to the roots" and make the new game more like S2 or even S1 than S3 but idk what this means.


Are there any pics yet except this disappointing one with the eyes on it?


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Me and my sisters grew up on Sims 1 and 2. I love how weird and wacky sims 1 is (like the voodoo doll and the genies lamp :) ) but i prefer 2 because its just more advanced overall. When i was having a shit time in school i would just escape into the sims and forget about life for an hour  (lets be realistic) 3 hours


I have a burning passionate hate for Sims 3. My sister installed it on my mams new laptop and it would crash every time you used anything electrical in the game. Then it broke my mums laptops hard disk and basicly ass fucked it with a chainsaw  :horror: .

and it was just such a downgrade in general.



I havent played the sims in like a whole year but ill probably buy the 4th one.... if it gets good review

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After all the massive disappointment that surrounded Sims 3, I still feel confident enough to say that Sims 4 might be the best game to date. According to what the executive producer said during the conference call, it seems that Maxis and EA are thinking much more about the fans than they did in the past game.


Also, it's Maxis that's behind the production of the new game, so I'm sure its development is in rather in a passionate atmosphere than the let's-do-it-because-the-stupid-fans-will-collect-anything-we-put-out one that EA Games build up. I am just so excited for this, words can't even tell. EA/Maxis won't let the next game fail because they ARE aware of how disappointing Sims 3 was. And about the online features, a guy that was on the call even mentioned how terrible it was on SimCity that we had to be connected all the time.

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I can't believe they're making a Sims 4. How much more can they improve it... what more can be done?  I kinda hope they stop making sims because it'll be a little ridiculous if there is a  Sims 8.  :flutter:


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