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but you can... i understand quarantine is under effect in some places but there are exceptions. anyway what im saying is its a lady gaga album therefore it should not elicit a response THIS angry lmao

you're allowed to go outside, just individually or maximum 1 person of your own household (if it's like here) just not to meet with other people and obviously other people should be avoided.


you're allowed to go outside, just individually or maximum 1 person of your own household (if it's like here) just not to meet with other people and obviously other people should be avoided.


i’m very glad the situations in your countries are like this but where i live, in italy, it’s pretty different. we’re allowed to go out only for work or to go buy food and other primary things. if you go out “to take a walk” they’ll give you a fine. so sorry if people that are in the same situation as me wanted to escape through music, with chromatica, in this case. i’m not a gaga stan, and idc that much about the delay, but it was a shitty move and just showed how much fake and hungry for money she is. periooodt.

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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Guys, the way you just switched to completely bashing her, honestly speechless

Anyways it will work out in the long run and don't act like there isn't anything else to listen to 

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apparently, streaming has gone wayyy down as people (aka the general population and not us people who are music fans) usually listen to music in their commutes, offices, gym, etc. so the money aspect comes into play... which kinda gets thrown out of the window bc 1. Gaga has money and 2. you don't make that much $$$ from streaming anyways 


im not sure what's so hard about releasing a promo single at most 

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apparently, streaming has gone wayyy down as people (aka the general population and not us people who are music fans) usually listen to music in their commutes, offices, gym, etc. so the money aspect comes into play... which kinda gets thrown out of the window bc 1. Gaga has money and 2. you don't make that much $$$ from streaming anyways 


im not sure what's so hard about releasing a promo single at most 

It decreased by 7% ;) There were still 24 BILLION streams generated last week. That is quite a lot. 

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The way she talked about this album and how it's made to "heal" people and how it's all about the music, but now during these times where this album could help lots of people get through this crisis she/her team decides to postpone it so it gets more sales. This album's the only thing that lots of fans were looking forward to during these tough times, and now they just got nothing to look forward to. Why? Because of money. She's a fad. She's a fraud. She can't score a hit anymore without a big budget movie backing it up and without appealing to middle aged women worldwide. She's trash. She's garbage. And Stupid Love was not All That. The song got fully carried by its production but even then it was nothing more but a cute bop. She gave us a Born this Way reject with Artpop influences, aka she recycled old material cause she can't come up with something new. That's why she's copying Vogue by Madonna now with Babylon. Natalia Kills deserved better, RIP Lina Morgana. 


reading this out loud to my bf over facetime was the best thing to happen in the last 2 weeks. literally thank u!! :lmao:

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justice for this :


back on topic tho, I'm kinda hoping she does some kind of athome acoustic peformance of some of the tracks. 
not so secretly hoping she just goes and says fuck it, but we dont really know anything atm 

I usually buy my mags physically, does anyone know when paper's gonna ship her covers out ? 


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