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Glad the music seems to still be coming soon. And lonely but exciting road hopefully getting a release! But yeah, that’s a bit on u sis for acting like it would take 3 more years to make up the work lost from the mass leak. 

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4 hours ago, BartenderDeco said:


omg so much happening!

what was the event exactly? was it like a q&a?

yeah it was like a mini Q&A event, mostly about Magdalene. 


4 hours ago, Estheim said:

I mean……if she hadn’t posted those “no new music” stories, no one would have batted an eye :toofunny: This one is kinda on her.

literally like..she was the one who said ‘no new music’ and probably worried them all…:facepalm:

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21 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Would anyone mind sharing the questions / answers from the q&a?

The Q/A’s were pretty much all about Mag and the creative process behind it. She’s performing Mag songs along with new songs next year, since the Mag tour was cut short due to Covid

I didn’t screen record the entire live, but I got the bits about the mass leak/new album. Here’s a link to it: FKA Live 11-8-23

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11 hours ago, Chateaux said:

She also said that many festivals that she was in talks to perform at dropped offers with her after the mass leak :/ they were skeptical that she would be releasing new music due to the leaks, so she said that lead several of them to cancel offer negotiations

she played herself with those posts

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11 hours ago, Chateaux said:

She also said that many festivals that she was in talks to perform at dropped offers with her after the mass leak :/ they were skeptical that she would be releasing new music due to the leaks, so she said that lead several of them to cancel offer negotiations


I'm sorry but this is such bullshit. The woman that put a whole festival tour of music that NEVER got released wants me to believe that festivals dropped her because music from years ago leaked? And a leak that nobody cared until she herself decided it was a good idea to direct people on ig months after? Please :flop:


Also, maybe festivals decided to offer her less money because she decided to cancel her spring/summer festival tour this year for no apparent reason


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11 hours ago, Chateaux said:

She also said that many festivals that she was in talks to perform at dropped offers with her after the mass leak :/ they were skeptical that she would be releasing new music due to the leaks, so she said that lead several of them to cancel offer negotiations

This makes 0 sense lol wut 

I do it just to amuse me 

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2 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

It sounds like the festivals offered her LESS money than she was hoping, because they didn’t think she would be playing new music. So she declined. Tell me if I’m wrong but that’s how she makes it sound in the video.

Yeah she mentioned lesser offers in that snippet above, and at a different point she made it sound like some dropped offers?  Maybe she just didn’t want to fully admit that she declined them herself :toofunny:

Either way, she claims that was the ‘consequence’ of the leak but maybe if she hadn’t broadcasted it on social media to everyone…lol

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does anybody have a masterpost?







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Great news:


She just registered this song; it's actually an old (old!) song she's referencing in the "la la la" and opening lyrics. Kinda shocked she repurposed it, but then again she actually did that for a few old songs 👀👀


Let's rejoice - this one was def my favorite of the three FKA3 snips she posted (including the heinous Strip Tease)

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On 11/17/2023 at 1:22 PM, HigherThanHope said:

Great news:


She just registered this song; it's actually an old (old!) song she's referencing in the "la la la" and opening lyrics. Kinda shocked she repurposed it, but then again she actually did that for a few old songs 👀👀


Let's rejoice - this one was def my favorite of the three FKA3 snips she posted (including the heinous Strip Tease)

This one’s Childlike Things, right?

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