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quick question;

is it EP or EP1?

struggled with this question forever, I think really it's supposed to be EP, but my OCD tells me if that's the case it should have been LP not LP1. I just changed mine to EP1 to match everything else finally. I feel like she made it EP not knowing her future direction and that it would be the first of a few EPs.


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She mentioned the title a few months ago lol


I saw speculation of both Melissa and EP3 and I was just holding out hope for EP3 lol


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I thought she was going to follow another path. I mean, I really liked Figure 8 and Glass & Patron but I have to be in a super-mood to listen to them. I thought she was going to do something more alternative r&b/trip hop/electronica (Hours meets Pendulum meets Two Weeks) but she she's doing this hardcore experimental noise pop kinda thing (Preface meets Numbers meets One Time), which I like, but I really wanted ~chill out~ stuff.

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chill out?


gurl bye


Yes. A mixture between the sensuality of Hours, the sadness of Kicks and the atmosphere of Two Weeks. And I'm not a "gurl".

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