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Róisín Murphy

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Adding the text from her post in case you can’t see it: 


 "Please don't call me a terf, please don't keep using that word against women 🙏🙏🙏 I beg you! but puberty blockers ARE ****ED, absolutely desolate, big Pharma laughing all the way to the bank. Little mixed up kids are vulnerable and need to be protected, that's just true."



:pls: It seems to be a hot topic of debate, but does this really make her a terf? I don’t quite get transgender politics in 2023 because it seems like every POV has been extremely polarized. There’s no Nuance anymore. That being said—- who the hell is looking to Roisin Murphy for answers on trans rights/lives…..

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I don’t think being concerned about how much we fill kids with drugs that could potentially cause lifelong issues makes someone a terf.


The medical industry, especially in some countries (like the U.S), definitely have issues with pumping it’s people full of meds rather than finding more tailored versions of medical treatment. It’s a genuine problem.


There are multiple ways to treat gender identity issues, and most definitely ways that require better regulation when dealing with children. Obviously it’s a case by case basis thing and this should all be done responsibly with the right kind of therapy and support. 

I don’t really see how this makes Roisin a terf, how ridiculous. I get it’s a loaded topic, but she’s clearly all for trans kids getting whatever help they need, as long as it’s done responsibly. I don’t think that’s so outrageous and awful. 

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I think the thread makes so.e very good arguments beyobd the initial post shared here, especially on that "big pharma" nonsense snd the weird "mixed up kids" wording.


I do not think Roisin is a TERF, but that was a pretty stupid statemrng that deserves to be called out. I'm a huge fan of her art but I see no point in defendibg her for the sake of it

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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puberty blockers have been used for decades (since the 80s) for cisgender kids and transgender kids but suddenly its some massive issue only when trans kids take them. it's a very long and comprehensive process for trans kids (and even adults...) to access trans healthcare and in the case of trans kids it requires extensive psychological evalutions before kids can start puberty blockers, and by kids it means around 13/14 at the youngest - this all requires parental consent aswell and is routinely monitored by doctors. there's already extensive guidelines for trans healthcare that exist, are routinely followed and are regularly updated. it's an incredibly popular terf talking point that "big pharma is poisoning gender confused kids". 


below is a great video on puberty blockers. please educate yourselves. 


if that facebook account really is her she better address it since the majority of her fanbase is LGBT and she is frequently in LGBT spaces. 


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I don’t know much about this person, but I feel like if you are an artist or musician the last thing you should do is jump into a controversial debate..especially when it seems to be fueled by hysteria and not any actual education on the topic at hand


5 minutes ago, viktoria said:

to access trans healthcare and in the case of trans kids it requires extensive psychological evalutions before kids can start puberty blockers, and by kids it means around 13/14 at the youngest - this all requires parental consent aswell and is routinely monitored by doctors. 


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On 8/24/2023 at 3:06 AM, viktoria said:

puberty blockers have been used for decades (since the 80s) for cisgender kids and transgender kids but suddenly its some massive issue only when trans kids take them. it's a very long and comprehensive process for trans kids (and even adults...) to access trans healthcare and in the case of trans kids it requires extensive psychological evalutions before kids can start puberty blockers, and by kids it means around 13/14 at the youngest - this all requires parental consent aswell and is routinely monitored by doctors. there's already extensive guidelines for trans healthcare that exist, are routinely followed and are regularly updated. it's an incredibly popular terf talking point that "big pharma is poisoning gender confused kids". 


below is a great video on puberty blockers. please educate yourselves. 


if that facebook account really is her she better address it since the majority of her fanbase is LGBT and she is frequently in LGBT spaces. 

The idea that blocking puberty is in any way safe is complete propaganda .. it's literally insane to suggest that a mentally ill child should be able to take so much of a specific drug that it arrests a biological transformation as dramatic puberty


mod note: user was warned for this post

Edited by fishtails

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3 hours ago, honey dew said:

The idea that blocking puberty is in any way safe is complete propaganda .. it's literally insane to suggest that a mentally ill child should be able to take so much of a specific drug that it arrests a biological transformation as dramatic puberty

Did you just say trans people are mentally ill?:biblio:

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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3 minutes ago, Thunder Revenant said:

Did you just say trans people are mentally ill?:biblio:


It’s probably the least important part of what i said but yea… how else can the feeling that your natural physical being isn’t your "true self" be explained?

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This is old and she’s not necessarily anti. It’s just not her place tbh. Who cares. We talked about it a few days ago in her thread. It would be world news if she was like… a politician or a country… but she’s just a niche singer with an outlandish lifestyle .  This is where the internet is though, I guess :biblio:

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and I had just started to get into her cause someone here posted about Ruby Blue and then the Freak Me Now remix this is just so disappointing :judgingu: wiped that shit off my AM with the quickness- :smokeney: Ruby Blue wasn't even all that im just so over these celebs with big platforms feeling like they just HAVE to make some public comment about trans people rn especially when a good portion of their fanbase is queer 

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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I don't know enough about puberty blockers to form an opinion but I do think it's insane how she's taking this stance and doubling down publicly considering her fanbase. I guess she finds giving her 2 cents on this more important than losing a big part of her fanbase and probs pride event bookings. It just seems very dumb and not worth it to me.


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On 8/28/2023 at 11:30 AM, ultrabanisters said:

her unknown ass is too irrelevant to be speaking on matters that don’t concern her 


Actually we all have freedom of opinion, we can all think and say what we want. Don't act like an asshole.


life is beautiful, it really is, without it you'd be dead.

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