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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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I found this on http://www.songmeani...22107858877556/

And I believe this, it may not be true, but it sounds great, and gave me a clearer explanation on Lana's past (If it is true)

BUT I don't agree that Lana has a child. The child could be refering to a relative. And Lana is the carer of the child

---- "CHAPTER ONE" ----

Swinging in the backyard

Pull up in your fast car whistling my name

Open up a beer

And you say get over here and play a video game



Childhood memories. A young girl is playing in the backyard, on a swing set. Someone - in my mind a stepfather - drives up, lures the child inside the house with the promise of entertainment (play a video game) but in fact his intentions are more sinister.


Cleverly, this segues into the next segment, where the girl in the fist chapter has grown up, and now has a child of her own:



--- "CHAPTER TWO"---

I'm in his favorite sun dress

Watching me get undressed

take that body downtown

I say you the bestest

Lean in for a big kiss put his favorite perfume on

Go play your video game



A mother has had enjoyed a sunny afternoon with her child (presumably a boy) who is watching as the mother gets ready for work, which is to "take that body downtown": She is a prostitute, preparing to meet a particular client. She gives a "big kiss" for goodbye, then asks the child to stay here, play your videogames - I'll be home late.


--- CHORUS ---

It's you, it's you, it's all for you

Everything I do

I tell you all the time

Heaven is a place on earth with you



She is singing to the child, everything she does is for her child, everything she has to put up with is worth it for the time the two of them has together.



Tell me all the things you want to do

I heard that you like the bad girls honey, is that true?

It's better than I ever even knew



She's talking to a client now.

As she is getting busy, her mind drifts to other, happier things; her child and the live they share. The line "It's better than I ever even knew", could both be a (dishonest) line delivered to her client, but it could also be an earnest thought sent to her child, who is playing video games back home. In the next two lines her thoughts are more clearly aimed at the child:



They say that the world was built for two

Only worth living if somebody is loving you

Baby now you do



Singing in the old bars

Swinging with the old stars

Living for the fame


Kissing in the blue dark

Playing pool and wild darts

Video games



She's out working - or maybe she's just hanging out in a bar, getting drunk. "Swinging" is a particularily apt choice of words - it was also used in the first line of the song - but most likely in a different meaning here. She passes the time playing pool. Waiting for the next client is like wild darts, the outcome is unknown and random.


She is distant and disconnected. To her, this part of her life it's like playing a video game: she is controlling a character (herself) doing strange things.


She meets a client, she is drunk and possibly a drugged.

They have "relations":



He holds me in his big arms

Drunk and I am seeing stars



Again, her mind wanders to her "happy place":



This is all I think of

Watching all our friends fall

In and out of Old Paul's

This is my idea of fun

Playing video games




She's thinking of happier times, calling up happy memories,

The song then goes into repetitions of the chorus:

It's you, it's you, it's all for you (etc.)


At his point, the song opens up to several possible interpretations of what is going on in the present or future:

Maybe she's escaping to her happy place as the client is becoming more demanding/active - he's strong, she's "seeng stars" - often a result of being beaten/hit in the head. Is he violent?

Maybe her lifestyle is bringing her into a vicious cycle; she looses custody and start doing more drugs, more booze, becoming less and less critical of what clients she picks up in order to sustain her substance abuse, which is her gateway to her "happy place" where she deams of her times with child (interspersed by references to "bad girls", presumably herself).

Maybe she, instead, does strike up a more lasting relationship with one of her clients, bringing one into her family, as her child needs a father. One day in the future, this new stepfather might pull up in his fast car as the child is swinging in the back yard. 'COme here', the stepfather says to the playing child as he opens a can of beer, 'let's go into the hous and play some video games'.

Lana.pngAngel-Headed Hipster

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I found this on http://www.songmeani...22107858877556/

And I believe this, it may not be true, but it sounds great, and gave me a clearer explanation on Lana's past (If it is true)

BUT I don't agree that Lana has a child. The child could be refering to a relative. And Lana is the carer of the child



Gosh that's fucked up. It's would actually be pretty convincing, had she not basically explained the meaning of the video games. What a cool explanation, though.


when did she met M. Mizrahi ?

Put Me in a Movie is from 2007, I thought she met him in 2008/2009 ?


The only definite dates we have, relationship-wise: K was already out of the picture by the time she released Sirens in 2006, and already broken up with Mizrahi by 2009. This opens up to even before 2006 for her to have a relationship with Jimmy, Mike, and even Reeve Carney. There's a chance her relationship with Jimmy could have been over by the time she wrote Put Me in a Movie.

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In my opinion Blue Jeans and Born To Die are about Gnecco.....why did she used Bradley in the booth videos? Because of the tattos....Gnecco has a lot of tattos,right ? And because he wasnt "good" for her because of the drugs, etc.... She would die.....


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What strikes me is that:

1. she had a lot of boyfriends (actually not that surprising since she's a beautiful girl) and

2. So many of them were important enough for her to write several songs about them.


There are people who put their career, friends or family first, Lana def is the kind of person that puts her relationship first (This Is What Makes Us Girls). When she's into a relationship she's in at 100% and forget about all the rest. it must be hard for her actual bf to inconsciously compete w/ the others who had such an impact on her life. Damn, if her songwritting was cheesier/less mature and inspired/and country she'll be like Taylor Swift.


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My timeline:


K: 1999-2004, 2004 spent in Alabama

Van Wilson: A&R 5 points, 2006 met him at the WLSC 2006, probably a short fling.

Jimmy G: 2007/2008. I think it was also platonic, and more driven from Lana's side. Probably covered the period she was at the trailer park in NJ

Mike M: Met him first for the interview at Arlene's Grocery in February 2009. With him for 2009, and early 2010 (dated by tweets), but I guess he did not want her to pursue her music anymore, and they broke up (lyrics of Afraid really encapsulate their break-up). The guy rebounded quickly to the woman he got married to in October 2010. I think many of her songs deal with this relationship and the break-up.


Reeve Carney, can't place him in the timeline, maybe 2008 after JG.


I don't think Lana has had many relationships. She has said in multiple interviews that in real life she is very quiet, lonely, does not talk much, and therefore continues to feel very strongly about her main relationships (K and MM), because few people really understand her. I think the rings she wears is significant, particularly the one that covers both fingers, because I guess that indicates her eternal feelings for two men. I just hope she can move on at some point, and find someone (I hate thinking of her lonely and alone), although any boyfriend would have to learn to live with the ghosts of two people in the room, K and MM.

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@Sam Gho, I think she tries desperately to find someone who'll understand her and fill the emptiness she feels, know who she is and what's going on in her head and heart. As you said she's a shy and lonely person, she need someone else to make her feel enthousiast, excited and "electric". She keeps holding on these memories because of that even though these relationships were far from being perfect or healthy.


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@Sam Gho, I think she tries desperately to find someone who'll understand her and fill the emptiness she feels, know who she is and what's going on in her head and heart. As you said she's a shy and lonely person, she need someone else to make her feel enthousiast, excited and "electric". She keeps holding on these memories because of that even though these relationships were far from being perfect or healthy.


I agree.

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I found this on http://www.songmeani...22107858877556/

And I believe this, it may not be true, but it sounds great, and gave me a clearer explanation on Lana's past (If it is true)

BUT I don't agree that Lana has a child. The child could be refering to a relative. And Lana is the carer of the child

TROLOL I have to agree with Sitar, this is fucked-up... but being honest w/ you, I have already had imagined that. I remember seing a picture of her and one of her friend on tumblr, then I saw the pic of her w/ that little girl from NA. I thought, "how cute are they, they have the same smile... Oh imagine she had a child,.. " And then my imagination went wild again. :smiles:


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Discussing public figures like Jimmy Gnecco and Reeve Carney in this manner is one thing, but I have to say that naming regular people she had relationships with and speculating wildly about them makes me uncomfortable, especially when you get some details wrong (i.e. there's no evidence she was more than friends with Chris C.). As a celebrity, it comes with the territory that some of her personal life will be made public. But don't regular people who had relationships with her before she was famous deserve some privacy? I feel this is a far more important matter in respecting privacy than leaks.


This can be a murky issue. I know a lot more information about two of the people talked about here. And there are things that are of legitimate interest to fans. But I'd been sitting on the information for some time because I didn't know how to present it without naming names. However, now that these names have been circulating quite a bit, maybe I might as well share it. :\


I'm curious what people think about the issue in general. Should we start a separate thread to discuss what personal information about Lana and people connected to her we think is appropriate to share?



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Discussing public figures like Jimmy Gnecco and Reeve Carney in this manner is one thing, but I have to say that naming regular people she had relationships with and speculating wildly about them makes me uncomfortable,


Maybe discussing it via PM would be hm, idk.. a bit safer?

There was once this very disturbing piece of info (regardless the fact/fiction) that I shared to only one member, and decided never to post publicly :shrugs:


I understand and respect your decision Sitar, to post this--as I myself felt similar urges to let out what I had in mind and see what other people might think/add to it. I hope this thread fares well.


Should we start a separate thread to discuss what personal information about Lana and people connected to her we think is appropriate to share?


How to implement that, tho? When...


snapback.pngLana Del Rey Online, on 21 September 2012 - 12:13 PM, said:


You know what. Do whatever you want. Delete this topic and go wild. I won't be here to watch this forum be shut down. Forget the rules. You have free will and speech and you are entitled speak of your opinions. So forget all this. Just do what you do. You try and help a fanbase survive and all you get is argumentative people and disobedience. I'm not here for it. Officially leaving the forum, and you can do whatever you want. I've tried to help. You're not the ones getting into the trouble. You may have a few things taken away from you like a petty topic on a forum and a radio show which you already have a new link for, but you're not the one getting bunches of emails with tons of questions on how you've got this infomational, and all I can say is this forum because some of you do not give the specific link to the source you got your information from. It takes up my time trying to save your backs and providing the sources for him so you lot do no come across as potential hackers. After me doing this, I am not seen as a potential hacker. So goodbye.


...it has potential of being labeled as such.


..how you've got this infomational..

*quietly pat myself on the back a lil bit--felt like a Samsung Galaxy*

..but believe me when I say that the surveillance we live under is the highest privilege compared to how we treat the rest of the world.

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Discussing public figures like Jimmy Gnecco and Reeve Carney in this manner is one thing, but I have to say that naming regular people she had relationships with and speculating wildly about them makes me uncomfortable, especially when you get some details wrong (i.e. there's no evidence she was more than friends with Chris C.). As a celebrity, it comes with the territory that some of her personal life will be made public. But don't regular people who had relationships with her before she was famous deserve some privacy? I feel this is a far more important matter in respecting privacy than leaks.


I tend to agree with this. I don't mind if the majority here wants to discuss the topic but I personally feel no need to know these details.

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Guest Maru the Cat

This is insane! I don't really have anything to add at the moment, but your sleuthing is remarkable and it wouldn't surprise me if your a lot of your assumptions/intuitive leaps are correct


O _ O


As for whether or not this is an acceptable topic to post, I suppose we'll have to let majority rule. This is surprisingly intimate and you have an incredible amount of detail that I wouldn't have thought anyone would know. Daaaayum. Smart cookie :3


Also, you're hilarious and the commentary is great :3


EDIT: I'm also working on my own version of LANALYSIS, which will be MUCH BETTER. :P Stay tuned for that!

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I agree with evil, I'm interested in the way Lana grew from all her relationships but I really don't want every bits and details of her life/their life being thrown in public place. She kept her mouth shut for a reason and said repeatedly that she wants to protect her family and friends from all that fuss. I think we can discuss it but not in a place where everybody can just capy/paste all the info.

And evil you're a mod now, you can use your "power" :P

Hell, that's a lot of work! Hands up, I give you a standing ovation.


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And evil you're a mod now, you can use your "power"

While I'm sometimes uncomfortable about personal information people post here (especially namedropping regular people), I'd also feel somewhat uncomfortable using my mod powers this way, although some circumstances may warrant it. I once PMed someone on LDR.FM suggesting they take some information they'd posted down, but I'm not sure if I was right to do so. And I'm not trying to shit on Sitar's post, just trying to foster a discussion over an issue I think we should grapple with. I'd like to see us come to a consensus as a community about what should or shouldn't be posted.


However, I'd be lying if I denied that a part of me likes seeing people name names because then I feel more free to share the information of legitmate interest surrounding these people without having to feel guilty for being the one to spill their names. :teehee:


EDIT: I'm also working on my own version of LANALYSIS, which will be MUCH BETTER. Stay tuned for that!

Please be the return of your Kill Kill/Dark Paradise connection. :flutter:



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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